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BT bómull (GMO /erfðabreytt) frá Monsanto drepur jafnt jarðveg sem bændur.








Velferð lífvera vísar til þess að gengið sé úr skugga um að GMO´s valdi ekki skaða á umhverfinu eða heilsunni.

Jarðvegurinn, frjósemi hans, og lífverurnar sem viðhalda frjósemi jarðvegsins sem eru lífsnauðsynlegur þáttur í umhverfinu, sérstaklega í sambandi við grunnfæðu og framleiðslu landbúnaðarafurða.

Monsantos Bt Cotton Kills the Soil as Well as Farmers


Nýleg vísindaleg rannsókn framkvæmd af Navdanya, bar saman jarðveg á  ökrum þar sem Bt bómull hafði verið plantað í 3 ár,  á móti ökrum  þar sem  GMO frí bómull eða önnur GMO frí uppskera var ræktuð.

Svæðið tók yfir  Nagpur, Amravati og Wardha of Vidharbha, þar sem er stærsta GMO bómullar ræktunarsvæðið á Indlandi og það svæði sem hefur hæstu sjálfsmorðstíðnina hjá bændum. ( 4000 á ári)

Á 3 árum hefur Bt-bómull valdið fækkun á Actinomycetes um 17%. Actinomycetes er  lífsnauðsynlegt efni til þess að brjóta niður sellulósa og til að skapa mold. Bakteríum hafði fækkað um 14%.

Í heild hafði lífmassi örveranna fækkað um 8.9%  Lífsnauðsynleg og gagnleg ensím sem gera næringarefni aðgengileg fyriri plöntur hafði líka fækkað hrikalega.

Acid Phosphatase sem að  stuðlar að upptöku fosfata (phosphates) hafði minnkað um 26.6%.

Köfnunarefnis hvatar (enzymes) sem hjálpa til við að útvega köfnunarefni (nitrogen) hafði minnkað um  22.6%.

Með þessum hraða, þá gæti ræktun með  erfðaefni í áratug, GMO bómull eða hvaða GM uppskera sem inniheldur Bt, valdið algerri eyðingu á lífverum jarðvegsins, skilið eftir dauðan jarðveg sem er ófær um að framleiða fæðu

Áhrif GMO´s á lífverur í jarðveginum er almennt ekki rannsakað.

 Þetta er lífsnauðsynleg breyta, vegna þessa að Bt eitruð uppskera eins og Mon 810 korn,  Bt bómull eða Bt Brinjal, hefur alverleg áhrif á allar lífverur í jarðveginum. Í síðustu upplýsingum frá ISAAA, þá segir að það séu meira en 7.6 hektarar af Bt-bómull ræktað á Indlandi.  

Þetta þýðir 7.6 hektara af deyjandi jarðveg.

Indversk stjórnvöld eru að vinna í því að fá leyfi til að rækta Bt. Brinjal án þess að öryggis rannsóknir á áhrifum á jarðveginn séu séu þar á bak við. Evrópusambandið vinnur í  í því að að þrýsta á GMO laus lönd til að innleiða  Mon 810.

Navdanya rannsóknin er sú fyrsta sem skoðar langtíma áhrif Bt bómulllar ræktunar á jarðveginn og er svona wake up call á alþjóðavísu.  

Það sýnir einnig að öryggiskröfur líftækni iðnaðarins í sambandi við GMO uppskeru eru falsaðar.

Þýðandi Agný.

Til að nálgast afrit af skýrslunni og fá frekari upplýsingar,  þá hafið samband -

A-60, Hauz Khas
New Delhi – 110 016
Phone : 91-11-26535422 / 26532124
Email : vandana@vandanashiva.com
Website : www.navdanya.org

Monsantos  Greatest  Hits


Food Security and Ag-Biotech (FS-AgBiotech)


A new genetically modified rice strain is breeding controversy

Golden Scare



Noemie Bisserbe
22 Aug 2008





Genetic Engineering - Pharm Crops

Magnifection, Safe Pharming or Doomsday Device?

Biologicals - recombinant proteins used as drugs, vaccines or antibodies – are found to cause adverse side effects including death much more frequently than conventional synthetic chemical drugs
Prof. Joe Cummins and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 5th March 2009

Common Plant Vector Injects Genes into Human Cells


The genetic engineering community has assumed that Agrobacterium, a commonly used gene transfer vector for plants, does not infect animal cells, and certainly would not transfer genes into them. But this has been proved wrong. Prof. Joe Cummins warns of hazards to laboratory and farm workers.

‘Biologicals’, Wonder Drugs with Problems
Protein drugs produced by genetic engineering cause adverse events including death more frequently than synthetic chemical drugs; yet they are being produced in transgenic crops grown in open fields
Prof. Joe Cummins 4th March 2009

GM Safflower with Human Pro-Insulin
Regulators show cavalier disregard for the safety of threatened species as well as human beings in proposed release of the GM pharm crop.
Prof. Joe Cummins 18th July 2007

Deregulation of Glyphosate Tolerant Creeping Bentgrass Out of Question
This article has been submitted to the USDA on behalf of the Independent Science Panel
Prof. Joe Cummins 7th November 2005

GM Pharmaceuticals from Common Green Alga
Amid widespread protests against using crop plants to produce genetically modified pharmaceuticals, companies are turning to the single-cell green alga Chlamydomonas touted as a "safe" alternative; but not when it is to be grown in largescale outdoor bioreactors
Prof. Joe Cummins and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 22nd July 2005

Molecular Pharming by Chloroplast Transformation
The advantages are also its greatest hazards; no environmental releases should be considered.
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins 20th July 2005

Molecular Pharming - the New Battlefront over GM Crops
The biggest battle for democracy in the 'heartland of democracy' is being fought over GM crops and it has shifted to molecular pharming
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 19th July 2005

Pharm Crops for Vaccines and Therapeutic Antibodies
Prof. Joe Cummins warns of special health impacts of vaccine and antibodies in pharm crops
Prof. Joe Cummins 31st August 2004

Ban Plant-based Transgenic Pharmaceuticals
Prof. Joe Cummins and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho call for a global forum and a ban on testing pharm crops, especially in Third World countries
Prof. Joe Cummins and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 29th July 2004

Pharm Crop Products In US Market
Dangerous GM pharmaceutical crops have been produced and marketed in the United States for at least two years, unbeknownst to the public, via a gaping loophole in the regulatory process
Prof. Joe Cummins 26th May 2004

Animal Pharm Folds
The company that helped clone Dolly is fighting for survival, as one after another of its technologies unravel
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 28th July 2003

Pharming Cytokines in Transgenic Crops
Crop plants are being used to produce a range of vaccines and drugs including powerful molecules that affect cells of the immune system. The inevitable contamination of our food crops has been uncovered
Prof. Joe Cummins 31st January 2003

'Pharmageddon' / Risks of Edible Transgenic Vaccines
Our fields are being turned into pharmaceutical and industrial factories that poison our food supply and entire life support system. Our governments have been warned and should be held liable for all damages along with the companies involved
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins 2nd December 2002

Poison Pharm Crops Near You
Pharm crops are crops genetically modified to produce gene products that are pharmaceutically active. Such bio-pharmaceuticals are frequently active in minute quantities and expensive to produce in cell cultures or whole animals, and so the companies turn to crop plants.
Prof. Joe Cummins 7th March 2002

Genetic Engineering - Cotton

Monsanto's Bt Cotton Kills the Soil as Well as Farmers
Monsanto’s Genetically Engineered Bt-cotton is not just killing farmers, it is also killing the soil
Navdanya 23rd February 2009

Transgenic Cotton Offers No Advantage
May decrease income by up to 40 percent or more
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Peter Saunders 27th March 2008

BT Allergy in North India Crying Out for Attention
Dr. Sudhir Kumar Kaura’s impassioned plea
Dr. Sudhir Kumar Kaura 28th January 2008

Picking Cotton Carefully
Cotton is known as “white gold” in some parts of the world. But the price in pesticides poisonings and the decimation of ecosystems is too high to pay. Only a return to organic cotton farming will turn the tide.
Sam Burcher 15th March 2007

Mass Deaths in Sheep Grazing on Bt Cotton
At least 1 800 sheep reported dead from severe toxicity after grazing on Bt cotton fields in just four villages in Andhra Pradesh India
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 3rd May 2006

More Illnesses Linked to Bt Crops
Further evidence has emerged on the link between common transgenic proteins and serious allergic reactions while regulators turn a deaf ear and approve yet more planting
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 18th April 2006

Indian Cotton Farmers Betrayed
Rhea Gala travels to Andhra Pradesh to find out why small farmers are still planting GM Bt cotton when it has failed miserably since its introduction four years ago
Rhea Gala 2nd February 2006

Message from Andra Predesh:Return to organic cotton & avoid the Bt cotton trap
No more debt, pesticides and suicides for Indian cotton farmers who avoid Bt-cotton and regain livelihood, health, independence and peace of mind with organic methods
Rhea Gala 5th January 2006

Scientists Confirm Failures of Bt-Crops
Ineffective against insect pests, harmful to health and biodiversity, yield drag, pest resistance
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 26th September 2005

Organic Cotton Beats Bt Cotton in India
Organic cotton is incomparably superior to genetically modified Bt cotton
Rhea Gala 5th August 2005

India's Bt Cotton Fraud
Monsanto rides roughshod over Indian cotton farmers leaving a wake of false claims and doctored information, despite being fined for bribery in Indonesia
Rhea Gala 3rd May 2005

Australia Adopts GM Cotton but is it Wise?
The moratorium on GM canola holds but Bt cotton slips through. Sam Burcher reports.
Sam Burcher 3rd February 2005

GM Cotton Fiascos Around the World
Cotton is responsible for more than 10% of world pesticide use including some of the most hazardous, and 25% of all insecticide use. As weeds and insects become resistant, more and more pesticides are needed
Rhea Gala 26th January 2005

GM Cotton: Corruption, Hype, Half-truths and Lies
Monsanto has just been fined $1.5m by the US Department of Justice for a bribe of $50 000 paid to a senior Indonesian environmental official in an unsuccessful bid to bypass the requirement for the environmental impact statement for its Bt cotton crop
Rhea Gala 21st January 2005

GM Cotton Fails in Indonesia
Contrary to Monsanto’s claim, its GM cotton succumbed to drought and insect attack while indigenous variety thrived
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 14th February 2001

Sick children used as GM feeding trial guinea pigs

Press Release -- 8th January 2009



The new weapons of genetic engineering


A Fake Group Fights for Monsantos Right to Deceive You



Monsanto vs. U.S. Farmers

November 2007 Update

In 2005, the Center for Food Safety released Monsanto vs. U

GM Debate

    Oneworld.net's guide to genetic engineering


  • Organic Consumers Association - Campaigning for Food Safety, Organic Agriculture, Fair Trade & Sustainability.
  • The Soil Association - Campaigning for organic food and farming and sustainable forestry.
  • ORGANIC Farming Copies of "The Economics of Organic Grain and Soybean Production in the Midwestern United States" are available for $15 each from the Wallace Institute, 9200 Edmonston Rd., #117, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1551. The report is also available online at the Institute's 
  • Web site: http://www.hawiaa.org
  • Natural-Products.net - Agriculture, Food, Seeds, Grains, spices, Organic Products.
  • Organic Trail - Organic box scheme. Locally produced fruit and vegetables in and around Milton Keynes
  • The Organic Toy Company - Natural baby gifts and children’s soft toys, made using the purest fabrics and maintaining ethical and environmentally-friendly principles.


En hér er mikið af upplýsingum um Codex reglugerðina og þessi frumvörp sem ég þýddi.



Getnaðarvörn frá Monsanto ..Erfðabreytt korn ..


MONSANTO The Genetic Conspiracy OG FLEIRI VIDEO /SKRIF UM Genetically Modified Organisms = GMO , KLÓNUN, SKORDÝREITUR,..


Genetically Modified Food - Panacea or poison..., VIDEO..Erum við að verða erfðabreytta efnið?


Hvert hafa býflugurnar farið?..Hvað er að eyða þeim?


Eru GM / erfðabreyttar nytjaplöntur að drepa hunangsflugur?


Engin löggjöf um erfðabreyttar lífverur er til staðar hér á landi .


GM (erfðabreytt) hrísgrjón með manns erfðavísi á fæðulistanum.


Erfðabreytt matvæli (GM) " Frankenstein" fæða framtíðarinnar..


Grænmeti og ávextir ..svoooooooo hollt og gott..eða er það nú svo?


HR 759 Worse Than HR 875 But Both Bills Bear Watching- Glen Beck on Fox Toward 3 Pacific Discussing Food Safety Bills

The danger in it is that it removes Food from FDA purview putting it under a new Food Agency separate from FDA, while LEAVING dietary supplements AT FDA (as if they are drugs which is how FDA has always thought of them.

This could turn DSHEA on its head.

Dingell 39;s bill, HR 759 is called the Food and Drug Administration Globalization Act of 2009 (Introduced in House)

H.R.759 - Food and Drug Administration Globalization Act of 2009


Dingell has been our arch enemy for years.

See http://www.ccof.org/pdf/Food_and_Water_Watch_re_HR_875.pdf

While theres far more scrutiny I'd like to provide, I have to quickly get this out RIGHT NOW since its so timely with Glen Beck going to be on the air in the next few minutes.

Please tune in! All of us need to awaken others around us to fight these bad bill.

If you appreciate IAHF's lifesaving work, please donate to us at 556 Boundary Bay Rd. Point Robert WA 98281 or via paypal at www.iahf.com

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Sæl Agný

Þakka þér fyrir allar þessar upplýsingar, ég fékk á sínum tíma miklar áhyggjur, þó þetta sé ekki allt það sama og þú ert að tala um, þannig er ég sá myndband á youtube eða um Codex Alimentarius

Gat ekki sofið í marga dag og hugsa mikið um þetta allt.

Nú ef þú ferð á vefsíðuna Codex eða  http://www.codexalimentarius.net/ og síðan undir "Offical Standards" og þaðan á "Pesticides MRLs" þá á að opnast gluggi með lista eða þessum efnum hér og þar er  HEXACHLOROBENZENE á listanum svo og önnur efni eins og td ALDRIN  og DIELDRIN  
Ef þú hefur horft á myndbandið með henni Dr. Rimu Laibow þá nefnir hún að fara eigi að nota þessi eiturefni ALDRIN,  DIELDRIN og HEXACHLOROBENZENE frá og með 31 des  2009 sjá myndband á Youtube "Codex:( FOOD War) Dec 21, 2009 Billions will DIE"
Eða varðandi "Codex Alimentarius will go into global implementation by December 31, 2009" 
Nú eins og kemur fram á myndbandiu komu 176. lönd sér saman um að 12 efni eða "popsværu stórhættuleg og banna væri að nota þau, en Codex hefur komið 7 af þessum eiturefnum inn aftur. Sjá á Youtube "Food Codex - Poison - XXX - Death! - Watch what you Eat" eða  hér http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFX6C3uiZ2Q&feature=related
Ég verð að segja eins og er, þá er ég ekkert viss um hvort eða ekki verði farið eftir þessum fyrirskipunum UN eða Codex Alimentarius Commission???
Sjá einnig hvað Dr Rima eða http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/ hefur að segja um þetta.
Bestu kveðjur

Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 25.3.2009 kl. 00:10

2 Smámynd: Agný

Sæll Þorsteinn. Fyrirgefðu hvað ég er lengi að svara.

Hér eru nokkrar bloggfærslur í sama flokki og því miður allt jafn scary.

En hér er mikið af upplýsingum um Codex reglugerðina og þessi frumvörp sem ég þýddi.



Getnaðarvörn frá Monsanto ..Erfðabreytt korn ..http://agny.blog.is/blog/agny/entry/770736/

MONSANTO The Genetic Conspiracy OG FLEIRI VIDEO /SKRIF UM Genetically Modified Organisms = GMO , KLÓNUN, SKORDÝREITUR,..


Genetically Modified Food - Panacea or poison..., VIDEO..Erum við að verða erfðabreytta efnið?


Hvert hafa býflugurnar farið?..Hvað er að eyða þeim?


Eru GM / erfðabreyttar nytjaplöntur að drepa



Engin löggjöf um erfðabreyttar lífverur er til staðar hér á landi .


GM (erfðabreytt) hrísgrjón með manns erfðavísi á fæðulistanum.


Erfðabreytt matvæli (GM) " Frankenstein" fæða framtíðarinnar..


Grænmeti og ávextir ..svoooooooo hollt og gott..eða er það nú svo?


HR 759 Worse Than HR 875 But Both Bills Bear Watching- Glen Beck on Fox Toward 3 Pacific Discussing Food Safety Bills

The danger in it is that it removes Food from FDA purview putting it under a new Food Agency separate from FDA, while LEAVING dietary supplements AT FDA (as if they are drugs which is how FDA has always thought of them.

This could turn DSHEA on its head.

Dingell's bill, HR 759 is called the Food and Drug Administration Globalization Act of 2009 (Introduced in House) http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c111:H.R.759:

Dingell has been our arch enemy for years.

See http://www.ccof.org/pdf/Food_and_Water_Watch_re_HR_875.pdf While theres far more scrutiny I'd like to provide, I have to quickly get this out RIGHT NOW since its so timely with Glen Beck going to be on the air in the next few minutes.

Please tune in! All of us need to awaken others around us to fight these bad bill.

If you appreciate IAHF's lifesaving work, please donate to us at 556 Boundary Bay Rd. Point Robert WA 98281 or via paypal at www.iahf.com

Agný, 27.3.2009 kl. 17:24

3 Smámynd: Agný

Annað..ég hef horft á slatta með Rimu..en hefur þú horft á videoið sem ég setti á næst síðustu færsluna mína? Þar er viðtalið við Rima og þetta er síðan í júní eða júlí löngu áður en upp komst um að fuglaflensuveirunni hefði "óvart" verið blandað saman við flensu bóluefni... Ef hægt er að gera svona hluti "óvart" á rannsóknarstofum þá ætla ég að áætla að það sé "óvart verið að búa til virusa eins og t.d. Ebola, Aids og West Nile Virus..og merkilegt nokk..allt á þetta að eiga uppruna sinn frá grænum öpum..Hefur þú vitað til þess að til séu grænir apar?...En kanski eru þetta rannsóknarstöfu apar sem hafa "óvart" sloppið út og séu búnir að vera látnir fá slatta af fosfór...þá verða þeir allavega grænir í vissri birtu... þetta eru sko vísindi...amen..

Agný, 27.3.2009 kl. 22:56

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