30.6.2009 | 05:42
Bilderberg 2009 Intel Already Proving Accurate video and more.
Bilderberg 2009 Intel Already Proving Accurate http://www.corbettreport.com/articles/20090624_bilderberg_predictions.htm
Veteran Bilderberg researchers Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin hit the mark once again as insider info becomes reality
http://www.corbettreport.com/articles/20090624_bilderberg_predictions.htm |
James Corbett |
Observers of the annual elitist confab known as Bilderberg have long known that plans discussed at the conference quickly become reality.
In 2002, Bilderberg researcher Jim Tucker correctly predicted that the Iraq war
(not late 2002, as many were predicting at the time).
In 2006, Daniel Estulin correctly forecast the popping of the housing bubble
http://www.slate.com/id/2217718/ and subsequent economic crash, a possibility that most talking heads in the corporate media were laughing at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zz_yw0kq3MM at the time.
Apologize to Peter Schiff
In 2008,Tucker forecast a dramaticdrop in oil prices
while most analysts were fretting about the possibility of $200a barrel oil. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/goldman-sachs-raises-possibility-of-200-a-barrel-oil
Tucker and Estulin have proven so stunningly accurate in their predictionsnot because they have a crystal ball, but because they have sources inside the Bilderberg Group and other organizations where financial oligarchs and their political puppets make decisions about our geopolitical future.
2009 is not even half over, but it seems the forecasts made by both Estulinand Tucker based on their 2009 Bilderberg sources are already proving to beaccurate.
In a phoneinterview
mp3/2009-05-14%20Daniel%20Estulin.mp3 conducted as this year'sconference was getting underway in Greece, DanielEstulin warned
http://www.corbettreport.com/ that the powers that bewere preparing to run up the stock market one final time in order to draw the masses back into investing before crashing the market.
Now, a worrying new report
suggests that this is precisely the case as corporate executives start ditching their stocks at a rate not seen in years.
Watch an excerpt from the interview in the videoplayer below:
Daniel Estulin on Bilderberg 2009
The Bloomberg report suggests that the marketcurrently enjoying one of the greatest rallies in decades as stocks continue to rise from last year'spost-crash nadiris about to have the rug pulled out from under it, a fact that corporate executives in the know are taking to heart as they scramble to get rid of their worthless stocks before the general public realize what's goingon.
Add to this the stunning news that U.S. Embassies around the globe have been instructed to prepare for a bankholiday in September
and growing opposition to the Obama Administration's stunning proposal to give the private
Federal Reserve sweeping new dictatorial powers over the entire U.S. economy
and there is little doubt that an economic collapse the likes of which Estulin discussed is becoming more likely by the day.
Should an economic collapse occur as predicted, social and political changes of world historical importance will be the inevitable result.
JimTucker, who also recently joined The Corbett Report for a telephoneinterview,
has predicted that the ongoing world financial crisis will be manipulated by Bilderberg to further their long-held goal of crafting a North American Union along the lines of the European Union.
Indeed, we have already seen call for the centralization of financial regulatory power
from Bilderbergers like German chancellor Angela Merkel, who argue that national sovereignty over financial regulation is what caused the crisis in the first place.
More chillingly, Estulin believes the worldwide economic depression which we arecurrently entering could ultimately result in the deaths of over 4 billion people, or roughly 2/3 of the planet's population.
This is certainly one way to achieve elitist goals of vast population reduction, an item high on the agenda of another secretive meeting of billionaires
(chaired by Bilderberger David Rockefeller) just weeks before this year's Bilderberg conference.
Jim Tucker also stressed that manipulation of the swine flu hysteria was high on this year's agenda, and that this crisis too would be used to consolidate power in international bodies such as the WHO.
Preparations for ceding more
power to unaccountable international bureaucrats in the event of a flu pandemic have been carefully crafted for years, and now the butchering of national sovereignty is to begin in earnest.
Secret Bilderberg Agenda To Microchip Americans
Watch a portion of the Jim Tucker interview in the player below:
Again, recent events have madeTucker's Bilderberg intelligence that much more credible.
Since Bilderberg, the WHO has
declared the first pandemic of the 21st century,
opening the door to the very WHO power grab that Tucker warned about.
The first realtest of those powers may be as early as this fall, when a much-hyped
Swine Flu Genes Show Virus MayBe Weak
H1N1 flu may be used as an excuse to implement mass vaccinations.
Preparations for just such a plan have been made in country after country including
and France.
The prospect of the WHO using their own campaign of swine flu hysteria to justify mass vaccinations in countries around the globe is triply frightening.
Firstly, the vaccinations could be made mandatory, thus breaking fundamental tenants of freedom from forced medication which is the very pillar of a freesociety.
Secondly, the swine flu vaccine is being developed by
Baxter: Swine flu vaccine due in July
that earlier this year sent out doses of live bird flu tobe mixed in with their flu vaccines, an "accident" so incredibly unlikely that doctors in the Czech Republic accused the company ofactually
attempting to provoke a pandemic.
Thirdly, the idea of a mass vaccination campaign is worrying because, as one of the co-developers of Tamiflu recently surmised, the recent swine flu strain itself
was likely created during the vaccine production process.
For more information on the swine flu and the possible implementation of
"medical martial law", please watchthe following video:
Although the verification of this Bilderberg intelligence is of course quite worrying, the fact that Tucker and Estulin's sources have proven accurate yet again provides some small solace.
Firstly, it shows that the elitist plans can be exposed (and, if enough political will can be mustered, stopped) by legitimate researchers and alternative media.
Secondly, it further discredits thecorporate controlled media, which has only begun to shift from its previous canard that Bilderberg doesn't exist to its latest canard that
Bilderberg exists but is not important.
The longer the corporate media continues to hold to this line in the face of blatantly obvious facts, the further discredited they will become and the faster the public will abandon the fast-disappearing media apparatus of the corporate propaganda machine.
Meanwhile, the alternative media will continue to grow exponentially and awareness of Bilderberg amongst the general public will continue to rise.
Related works from The Corbett Report:
Bilderberg 2009 (podcast episode)
Tucker: Bilderberg to Exploit Swine Flu Hysteria(article)
Bill Clinton admits to violating federal law (video)
Meginflokkur: Vísindi og frćđi | Aukaflokkar: Utanríkismál/alţjóđamál, Heilbrigđismál | Breytt 17.10.2014 kl. 21:50 | Facebook
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Drögin ađ alheimsstjórninni hafa veriđ í smíđum í marga áratugi:
Hvađ ćtli gjaldmiđillinn muni svo heita? Kannski Geo ... ţađ hljómar einhvernveginn í stíl viđ Euro, Afro, Amero o.sfrv.
Bestu kveđjur, Agný.
Guđmundur Ásgeirsson, 1.7.2009 kl. 03:12
Takk fyrir ţennan fróđleik.
Georg P Sveinbjörnsson, 1.7.2009 kl. 13:29
Ekkert ađ ţakka Georg og líka takk bofs..
Agný, 5.7.2009 kl. 22:59
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.