Some Pregnant Women Fearful of H1N1 Vaccine
29.11.2009 | 22:19
-Swine Flu Alert -- Shocking Vaccine Miscarriage Horror Stories
Heilbrigđis yfirvöld Bandaríkjanna hafa sett ófrískar konur í hćsta áhćttu hópinn til ađ fá H1N1 svínaflensubóluefniđ, en er ţetta í reynd öruggt fyrir ófrískar konur og ţeirra börn?
Stađreyndin er sú, ađ á innihalds lýsingu svínaflensu bóluefnisins segir ađ ţađ hafi ekki veriđ rannsakađ međ tilliti til ţess, hvort ţađ sé öruggt fyrir ófrískar konur.
Og fósturláts skýrslur frá ófrískum konum sem hafa veriđ bólusettar međ H1N1 svínaflensu bóluefninu eru byrjađar ađ streyma inn frá öllum ţjóđum..
( Innskot Agný. Ţetta er fínt...ţeir eru sko ađ nota bóluefniđ til ţess ađ fćkka mannkyninu..ţađ er í raun ţađ sem allt ţetta flensu faralds propaganda áróđur snýst um...Sama hvađa nafni faraldurinn nefnist...Svínaflensa 1976, West Nile virus, SARS, fuglaflensa..en ţeim gekk ekki nógu vel ađ gera ţetta ađ heimsfaraldri..en trikkiđ er ađ setja x veirur međ í t.d árlega flensubóluefniđ..og volia ţú verđur undarlega veikur rétt eftir bólusetninguna..sorry geta liđiđ upp í 2 vikur...nú..eđa ađ ţú hrekkur uppaf..ekk isíst ef ţú ert í ţessum víđfrćga áhćttuhóp..sem ţýđir ađ ţú ert međ langvinnan sjúkdóm, undirliggjandi sjúkdóm, sem setur ţig í ţann hóp ađ ţér er eiginlega skipađ/mandatory ađ fara í sprautuna..
Ja reyndar falla heilbrigđisstarfstéttir líka ţarna inn..herinn, lögreglan og slökkviliđsmenn...allavega í USA.. Líkaminn hefur bara miki meira en nóg djobb viđ ađ berjast viđ sjúkdómana sem fyrir eru, til ađ geta búiđ til mótefni...ţannig ađ viđkomandi fćr sjúkdóminn sem bólusetningin á ađ vera gegn.. Utan viđ öll önnur efni sem eru í bóluefninu...hvađ međ ţá sem eru međ óţol fyrir eggjum? Öll flensu bóluefni eru rćktuđ í kjúklinga fósturvísi... ţar ađ auki er mesta kvikasilfur/THIMEROSAL magniđ í flensubóluefninu miđađ viđ önnur bóluefni...
Thimerosal er líka í öđrum bóluefnum..ţar á međal er ţađ í TWINRIX ADULT og TWINRIX PEDIATRIC bóluefninu sem er gegn lifrarbólgu A og B og er notađ hér á landi bćđi fyrir fullorđna og börn..Ţó svo Thimerosal sé ekki í PRIORIX sem er MMR = mislingar, rauđir hundar oghettusótt bóluefniđ sem notađ er hér á landi...og hefur veriđ af mörgum tengt viđ autism/einhverfu..
Slóđin hér fyrir neđan inniheldur sögur sem munu gera ţig reiđa/n og sjokkerađan. Ef ţú ert ófrísk móđir, viltu ţá vera svo vćn ađ fara EKKI í H1N1 svínaflensu bólusetninguna!
Í stađinn, gerđu allt sem ţú mögulega getur til ađ forđast almennings stađ, og vertu viss um ađ ţú ţvoir ţér enn betur og oftar um hendurnar en ţú ert vön.
Rannsakađu og kynntu ţér allar ţćr náttúrulegu ađferđir sem eru til, til ţess ađ bćgja flensunni frá..
Ţýđandi Agný.
Organic Health November 11,2009
Miscarriages After Taking The Swine Flu Vaccine
From Krissi Danielsson, Former Guide since 2007
The hype and hysteria over H1N1 Swine Flu has intensified worldwide without enough proper information about it.
Flu WasNot the Real Killer in the 1918 Pandemic
CanadaLooks at Vitamin D for Swine Flu Protection
ALERT:Special Swine Flu Update
SwineFlu -- One of the Most Massive Cover-ups in American History
ObamaDeclares Swine Flu Emergency
Algeng tenging viđ dauđsföll af völdum svínaflensu.
Ný rannsókn sem gerđ var hjá Sjúkdómsvarnar eftirlitinu(CDC) uppgötvađi ţađ ađ ţau 36 börn sem látist höfđu af völdum H1N1 frá April Agust ţá höfđu einstaklingarnir engin krónísk heilsufars vandmál. En öll áttu ţau viđ bakteríu sýkingar ađ stríđa á sama tíma.
Sú mest algenga sýking sem var til stađar sem olli flensu tengdum dauđsföllum, var staphylococcus aureus. Viđ berum ţađ helst í nefi og/eđa húđinni.. Flensan veldur efri loftvega skemmdum, og býr til greiđa leiđ fyrir staphs inn í lungun..
Ţýđandi Agný.
Diseases - In -The - Vaccinated 1
Diseases-In-The-Vaccinated 2
Vaccine Injury Photos From The CDC
Forced vaccinations: a whistleblower's clear warning - Project Camelot
Are Populations Being Primed For Nano-Microchips Inside Vaccines?
VIDEO Fínt ađ hafa fuglaflensu veiruna međ
Warning...Hybrid Bird Flu About To Be Released?
FEMA líkkisturnar tilbúnar...FEMA COFFINS ARE READY!
The bird/swine flu is man made.
Five die after seasonal flu vaccination
The New York Times mentions an 8-year-old boy from LongIsland who died roughly a week after receiving a seasonal flu vaccine
Last year, a 6-year-old girl from Colorado died after getting the FluMist vaccine
U.S. Government Ignores Flu Vaccine Death
A Review of Four Approved Swine Flu Vaccines Ingredients
The National Vaccine InformationCenter (NVIC ) is calling for a comparison of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated individuals for all health outcomes, and I believe it would be prudent to do so.
Flu Vaccine may Lead to Asthma in Infants
Girls FluDeath Happened Within Hours
Vísindi og frćđi | Breytt 23.7.2015 kl. 05:02 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (7)
12.11.2009 | 12:06
Has Baxter Released A BioWeapon In Ukraine?
By David Rothscum
Sannanir virđast benda til ţess ađ Baxter International sé ábyrgt fyrir hinum nýja banvćna faraldri af virus lungnabólgu í Ukarine.
Í febrúar 2009 skýrđi Bloomberg
frá ţví ađ Baxter hefđi af slysni sent bóluefni sem innihélt bćđi lifandi Asíu fuglaflensu veiru og árlega innflúensu veiru til fjölmargra rannsóknarstofa út um allan heim. Tilraunarstofa ákvađ ađ prófa bóluefniđ á mörđum og létust allir merđirnir skyndilega.
Ţađ verđur ađ taka ţađ fram ađ Baxter hefur gert mistök eins og ţessi áđur.
Blóđ afurđir framleiddar af Baxter innihéldu einu sinni HIV.
Ţúsundir dreyra sjúklinga lést vegna ţessa, og margir smituđu maka sína.
Síđla á ţessu ári kom undarleg saga fram á netinu.
Fréttirnar voru fullar af skýrslum um mann ađ nafni Joseph Moshe, sem var handtekinn eftir margra klukkutíma umsátur lögreglunnar vegna ţess ađ hann hefđi átt ađ vera međ hótanir gegn Hvíta húsinu.
Manninum tókst ađ standa af sér margar umferđir af táragasi...sem gerđi yfirmenn L.A lögreglunnar forviđa.
Hvađ sem ţví líđur, ţá hafđi netsamfélagiđ sínar efasemdir um meinta ástćđu fyrir handtöku mannsins.
Athugasemdir á Huffington Post vefsíđunni byrjuđu strax ađ streyma út í sambandi viđ duldrar hliđar á ţessarri sögu, nefnilega ađ Joseph Moshe vćri útsendari Mossad, sem vćri sérhćfđur í sýklahernađi sem hefđi hringt inn í útvarpsţátt til ţess ađ vara fólk viđ sýklavopni sem vćri veriđ ađ framleiđa af Baxter International, og yrđi dreift međ bóluefni og myndi valda plágu um leiđ og ţví vćri útdeilt.
Ţó ađ allir geti komiđ međ dómsdagsspár og viđ ćttum aldrei ađ trúa neinum (og ţađ verđur ađ segjast ađ Sannleiks hreyfingin tók vel á ţessu, skilabođunum var dreift án ţess ađ ţađ vćri gert ađ guđspjalli).
Undarlegi ţátturinn um fullyrđingar Moshe var stađsetningin sem Moshe sagđi ađ veriđ vćri ađ framleiđa sýklavopniđ á.
Af öllum stöđum, ţá fullyrti Moshe ađ rannsóknarstofa Baxter´s í Ukarine, vćri ađ búa til ţetta sýklavopn.
Allt ţetta kom fram í byrjun Ágúst, sem er meira en 2 mán áđur en núverandi ástand er ađ ţróast.
Ađ Moshe skuli hafa nafniđ rétt á landinu ţar sem hinn nýi faraldur yrđi leystur úr lćđingi, krefst annađhvort innanbúđar upplýsinga, eđa alveg einstaklega mikilla tilviljana, sem ađ allir međ tölfrćđilega grunnţekkingu geta sjálfir stađfest fyrir sig.
Gerum ráđ fyrir ţví, svona augnablik, ađ hver einasta manneskja á plánetunni hafi jafna möguleika á ađ skapa banvćna farsótt vegna viruss sem stökkbreytist um leiđ og hann dreifir sér um líkama viđkomandi.
Íbúar Ukarine eru 46 miljónir.
Áćtlađ er ađ núverandi fólksfjöldi í heiminum sé 6.7 biljónir.
Ţetta ţýđir ef ađ ný farsótt sé komin af stađ, ţá ćttu möguleikarnir á ađ ţessi farsótt sem er ađ byrja í Ukaine ađ vera 0.69%
Hvađ sem ţví líđur, ţá virđist ţetta vera einhverskonar flensu afbrigđi.
Ţetta gerir líkurnar á ţví ađ geta rétt upp áţví ađ banvćnt flensu afbrigđi muni brjótast út í Ukarine jafnvel enn minna..
Ástćđan fyrir ţví er sú ađ snemma í Ágúst ţá var meirihluti innfluensu sýkinga ađ finna í ýmsum öđrum löndum heldur en Ukarine.
Stađreyndin er sú ađ 30. Oktober skýrđi Earthtimes frá ţví ađ Ukarine hefđi einungis skýrt opinberlega frá 2 tilfellum svínflensu, og engum dauđsföllum, ţar til síđasta Föstudag.
Ţessi banvćna farsótt virđist hafa sprottiđ upp úr engu í Ukarine.
Moshe´s líffrćđi prófíll virđist stađfesta stöđu hans sem örveirufrćđings.
Ennfremur, ţessi síđa međ Baxter´s tengiliđa upplýsingum í sambandi viđ Ukarine skrifstofuna stađfestir ađ Baxter hafi viđurvist í Ukarine.
Ţađ verđur einnig ađ láta ţađ koma fram ótrúlegan fjölda örveirulíffrćđinga sem hafa látist á vofveiglegan hátt. ( Innskot AGNÝ. Ţeir dauđu segja ekki frá og ţó..... )
Ţađ lítur út fyrir ađ ţetta hafi veriđ hugrakkur mađur sem fórnađi öllu til ađ koma skilabođum á framćri til okkar, geti skýrt hversvegna svona margir örveirulíffrćđingar hafa veriđ myrtir.
( Innskot Agný. Sennilega til ađ ţeir kćmu ekki upp um áćtlanir stóra bróđurs og klansins á bak viđ tjöldin..Fyrst er hagkerfi heimsins rústađ..og okkar litla Íslandi fyrst..en viđ höngum nú á merinni enn..en ţá er nćsta ráđiđ ađ rústa heilsufari fólks..jamm og Ísland verđur ţar fyrst í flokki as usual..leiđitömu jarmandi sauđirnir sem viđ flest erum ţví miđur..og flestir trúa ţví enn ađ kaninn sé vinur okkar..)
Stađreyndin er sú ađ ţessum manni tókst ađ segja fyrir um ţađ hvar mjög banvćn innfluenza myndi brjótast út og ţar sem viđ myndum síst hafa átt von, 2 mánuđum áđur en ţađ skeđur, eykur trúverđugleika fullyrđinga hans um ađ Baxter International sé ábyrgt fyrir útbreiđslunni og sýni ţađ ađ topp örveirulíffrćđingar geti skapađ ţví fólki vandamál sem ber ábyrgđ á ţessum hörmungum núna.
Ţessi saga er í ţróun, búist viđ ađ sjá mögulegar uppfćrslur frá David Rothscum jafnóđum og meiri upplýsingar berast um ţađ hvađ sé ađ gerast í Ukarine.
Uppfćrsla 1:
Til ţess ađkoma í veg fyrir ađ upplýsingar hverfi, ţá ćtla ég ađ spegla allar upplýsingar sem ég get fundiđ hér..
Athugasemdir á vefsíđu Huffington post um blađagrein um handtöku Moshe´s sem skýrir frá fullyrđingum hans um ađ Innfluenzu virus í bóluefni sem búinn er til af Baxter í Ukarine, afriti RNA frá 1918 flensunni og sé ćtlađ sem sýklavopn:
Uppfćrsla 2:
Stjórnvöld í Ukarínu vilja koma á ferđa hömlunum hjá fólki um landiđ til ţess ađ koma í veg fyrir ađ virusinn dreifist.
Uppfćrsla 3:
Samkvćmt athugasemdum á Huffington post sem ég vísađi í hér fyrr, ţá fullyrti Dr. Moshe ađ virusinn noti RNA afritun frá spćnsku flensunni 1918.
Einkenni 1918 flensunnar frá fórnarlömbum er sagt vera ađ drukkna í eigin blóđ:
Bandaríkjamenn ţekktu flensuna: hún kom ţér í bćliđ, lét ţér líđa illa í 3-4 daga međ hita, vöđvaverki, stíflur, og eftir ţađ varst ţú veikburđa í viku. Hún sýkti miljón manns, en drap einungis ţá elstu, yngstu og veikburđa.
Bandaríkjamenn voru ekki kunnugir 1918 innflúensunni.
Hún var hryllingur sem lét fórnarlömbin verđa svarblá og drekkti ţeim síđan í eigin líkams vökvum. Flestir sem létust voru á aldrinum 15-40, ţeir sem áttu ađ vera á hátindi heilsufarslega.
Fórnarlömbin voru góđ eina mínútu og ţá nćstu ófćr, hitinn rauk upp og međ óráđi. Hitinn rauk upp í 104 -106 gráđur (F), húđin varđ blá, fjólublá, eđa dökk brún vegna súrefnisskorts.
Alvarleg lungnabólga réđst á lungun, fyllti ţau vökva, blóđ spýttist úr nefinu. Dauđinn var snöggur, grimmur og ógnvekjandi.
Fimm manns hafa látist af völdum flensunnar í Lviv, fjórir karlmenn og ein kona, segir Myron Borysevych yfirmađur bráđadeildar sjúkrahúsa.
Tveir af ţeim sem létust voru sjúklingar á aldrinum 22-35 ára, tveir ađrir voru yfir sextugt. ( Innskot Agný... En sá fimmti?) Hann greindi sjúkdóminn sem virus lungnabólgu.
Veiru prófanir geta tekiđ frá einni viku, upp í tvćr. Ţćr eru flóknar og ekki gerđar í Lviv. Gangur veikinnar var mjög hrađur. Einkennin fólu í sér mjög háan hita og andstuttan hósta.
Allt unga fólkiđ sem lést hafđi einkenni alvarlegrar blćđandi lungnabólgu.
Sjúkdómurinn byrjađi rólega, međ hita rísandi frá 37.2-37.3
( Innskot Agný. Nú veit ég ekki hvort er veriđ ađ tala um farenheit eđa celcius..en tel ţó ţađ síđara), smá hósta og verki í liđum. Kvef í nefi byrjađi í lok annars dags eđa á ţriđja degi.
Stjórnunar umdćmis sérfrćđingurinn sagđi ađ krufningin hefđi leitt í ljós ađ lungun voru gegnsósa af blóđi.
Ţýđandi AGNÝ
John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says:
Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet
IAHF List: If you lack time to read this whole alert- please at least skip to the end to see what you must do to oppose the imminent planned destruction of America via Obama signing the Climate Change Treaty in Denmark in December.
If this isn't stopped, he'll sign away what little is left of American Sovereignty- and if that happens you will wish you were dead- it would impose genocidal Codex dictates- and more Orwellian nonsense than you can shake a stick at.
It seems like the most dangerous profession in the world right now is being a microbiologist. Quite a few have turned up dead in last few years from suicides, car accidents, murder, hit and runs, and more at a rate of one or two every few months.
Is it all a big coincidence, or something far more sinister? Furthermore, why is the mainstream media ignoring this?
Skrítin ţessi tregi hjá WHO ađ skýra frá.......
Media Myths on Swin Flu in Ukraine Raise Concerns
Ukraine Dead Increase to 213 - Still No Sequences
Total Destruction of Lungs in Ukraine Fatal H1N1 Cases
WHO Silence on Ukraine Sequences Raises Pandemic Concerns
Timeline on WHO Silence on Ukraine H1N1 Sequences
Vísindi og frćđi | Breytt 20.9.2023 kl. 15:13 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
2.11.2009 | 17:35
The Risks Of Vaccines Currently Outweigh Any Benefits To Human Health
Video Documentaries
Human beings have been exposed to vaccines for more than two centuries.
Some vaccines have been more beneficial than others, however their underlying purpose was supposed to be very prevent disease. Yet the pathway to effective vaccines has been neither neat nor direct.
Unfortunately, our current vaccination model has little to do with the prevention of disease, something the public is catching on to.
Different researchers have done experiments with what are considered traces and have shown thimerosal "to cause adverse effects on methylation synthesis (MS) activity at concentrations well below the levels produced by thimerosal containing vaccines," said Dr. Waly and associates at Northeastern University.
They found, "The ethylmercury-containing preservative thimerosal inhibited both IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) and dopamine-stimulated methylation with an IC50 of 1nM and eliminated MS activity. It should be noted that reduced IGF-1 levels have been reported in autism, which may also contribute to impaired myelination."
Many say that the charges of the dangers of thimerosal remain to be proven but there is over whelming evidence:
- Scientific studies.
- Basic chemistry.
- Documentation.
- The common experiences of thousands of parents.
- Records of thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of near-fatal incidents resulting in hospitalization recorded in federal databases.
- Several new scientific studies that show how "dead wrong" medical authorities are on this vital medical question.
For reasons that can only be described as basic conflicts of interest, greed, ignorance and even evil intention, one of the most serious crimes in human history has been committed across approximately six decades of time but got much worse in the 1990s as the number of vaccines containing thimerosal increased.
To tag and surveil global populations?
Nanotechnology (Öreindartćkni) deals with structures smaller than one micrometer (less than 1/30th the width of a human hair), and involves developing materials or devices within that size. To put the size of a nanometer in perspective, it is 100,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair.
More than ten years ago, simple low-cost techniques improved the design and manufacture of nano-microchips. That unlocked a multitude of methodologies for their manufacture in a wide-range of applications including optical, biological, and electronic devices.
The joint use of nanoelectronics, photolithography, and new biomaterials, have enabled the required manufacturing technology towards nanorobots (öreindarvélmenni) for common medical applications, such as surgical instrumentation, diagnosis and drug delivery.
Japan's Hitachi says it has developed the world's smallest and thinnest microchip, that can be embedded in paper to track down parcels or prove the authenticity of a document.
The integrated circuit (IC) chip is as minute as a speck of dust.
Nanoelectrodes implanted in the brain are increasingly being used to manage neurological disorders.
Mohammad Reza Abidian,a post-doctoral researcher at the U-M Department of Biomedical Engineering said that polymers in nanotubes "are biocompatible and have both electronic and ionic conductivity."
He further stated "therefore, these materials are good candidates for biomedical applications such as neural interfaces, biosensors and drug delivery systems."
Depending on the objectives of such studies, research could theoretically pave the way for smart recording electrodes that can deliver drugs to positively or negatively affect the immune response.
Through nanotechnology, researchers have also been able to create artificial pores able to transmit nanoscale materials through membranes.
A UC biomedical engineering study appearing in the journal Nature Nanotechnology, Sept. 27, 2009, successfully inserted the modified core of a nanomotor, a microscopic biological machine, into a lipid membrane. The resulting channel enabled them to move both single- and double-stranded DNA through the membrane.
Professor Peixuan Guo who led the study said past work with biological channels has been focused on channels large enough to move only single-stranded genetic material.
"Since the genomic DNA of human, animals, plants, fungus and bacteria are double stranded, the development of single pore system that can sequence double-stranded DNA is very important," he says.
Such engineered channels could have applications in nano-sensing, DNA sequencing, drug loading, including innovative techniques to implement DNA packaging mechanisms of viral nanomotors and vaccine delivery.
"The idea that a DNA molecule travels through the nanopore, advancing nucleotide by nucleotide, could lead to the development of a single pore DNA sequencing apparatus, an area of strong national interest," Guo said.
Scientists working at Queen Mary, University of London, have developed
micrometer-sized capsules to safely deliver drugs inside living cells.
These "micro shuttles" could hypothetically be loaded with a specific microchip controlling the dose of medication to be opened remotely, releasing their contents.
Örflaga í stađinn fyrir pillur. Hvađef ţú fćrđ ofnćmi fyrir lyfinu..
Besides monitoring the dosage, the same microchip could be used to surveil the patient in conjunction with various tracking systems.
Ţar fyrir utan ađ mćla skammta, ţá gćti sama örflaga veriđ notuđ til ađ hafa efftirlit međ sjúklingnum í gegnum hin ýmsu eftirlits kerfi (Eins og t.d. gegnum GPS)
Scientists in the United Kingdom have recently reported
advances towards overcoming key challenges in nanotechnology.
They demonstrated how nanoparticles could move quickly in a desired direction without help from outside forces. Their achievement has broad implications, the scientists say, raising the possibility of coaxing cells to move and grow in specific directions.
Doug Dorst, a microbiologist and vaccine critic in South Wales, says these advances have an immense appeal to vaccine makers. "Biotech companies and their researchers have quickly moved most funding initiatives towards nanotechnology to increase the potency of their vaccines," he said.
If microorganisms inside of vaccines can be coaxed into targeting or invading specific cells, they could achieve their goal at an accelerated rate over conventional vaccines.
"Depending on which side of the vaccine debate you're on, whether pro or con, nanobots inside vaccine preparations could advance their effectiveness exponentially by either dramatically improving or destroying immunity depending on their design," he added.
Dorst claims that present day nanobot technology could just as easily be used to advance biological weapons as they can to advance human health. "For every fear that biotech propaganda proliferates about deadly diseases and how vaccines prevent them, it is one more lie to incrementally convince the masses that vaccines are effective."
The worry for Dorst is that one day vaccines "will do what they've always been intended for...control of the global populace."
Ţađ veldur Dorst áhyggjum ađ einn daginn munu bóluefni, "gera akkúrat ţađ sem ţeim hefur alltaf veriđ ćtlađ ađ gera...en ţađ er ađ stjórna fólskjölgun í heiminum."
Nanoemulsion platforms are already capable of developing vaccines from very diverse materials.
Mixtures of soybean oil, alcohol, water and detergents can be emulsified into ultra-small particles smaller than 400 nanometers wide (about 1/200th the width of a human hair).
These could be combined with any number of nano-microchips with all or part of disease-causing microbes to trigger the body's immune system.
In 2007 researchers at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) announced in an article in the journal, Nature Biotechnology, that they had developed a nanoparticle that can deliver vaccines more effectively, with fewer side effects, and at a fraction of the cost of current vaccine technologies.
The article went on to describe the effects of their breakthrough:
At a mere 25 nanometers, these particles are so tiny that once injected, they flow through the skins extracellular matrix, making a beeline to the lymph nodes. Within minutes, theyve reached a concentration of DCs thousands of times greater than in the skin."
Russia has recently announced a new manufacturing plant that will strictly produce nano-vaccines.
Rússar hafa nýlega tilkynnt ađ nýja framleiđslu verksmiđju sem muni einungis framleiđa öreindar-bóluefni.
Project plans include development of two vaccines for human flu and bird flu and three biopharmaceuticals for boosting the immune system and increasing the efficiency of antibacterial and antiviral drugs, among other initiatives.
The human body is very resistant to nanoparticles that attempt to invade human cells. Scientists are intensely investigating methods to disrupt human enzymes that may degrade nanoparticles.
Experts at the University of Liverpool found a way around this obstacle
that could mean more efficient, topical drugs in the future, which could act a whole lot faster than the ones currently in use.
All these nanotechnological advances raise many issues and concerns about the toxicity and environmental impact of nanomaterials, and their potential effects on medicine, global economics, as well as speculation about government surveillance.
These concerns have led to a debate among advocacy groups and governments on whether special regulation of nanotechnology is warranted.
The Environmental Protection Agency issued a news release last week saying that it had today outlined a new research strategy to better understand
how manufactured nanomaterials may harm human health and the environment.
Interesting as that strategy document is, it was hardly hot off the presses.
Indeed, many companies advertise their use of such billionth-of-a-meter-scale constituents as a measure of a product's state-of-the-art status, implying that ultra-small ingredients are an inherently good thing. They arent. Nor does size necessarily make these materials worse than others.
At this point it's just maddeningly unpredictable what nano things will do.
Proponents of nanotechnology are very critical of regulatory measures that may impeed its progression. Many of these critics have staunchly dismissed concerns as being fear-hyped conspiracy theories based on science fiction.
In the popular video game series Metal Gear Solid, many characters and soldiers in general, have "nanomachines" in their bloodstream, and are used to block pain, allow members of fire teams/patrols to share sensory information, heal bodily damage, as well as manipulating viruses central to video game's plot line.
Through the use of special effects and computer-generated imagery, several blockbusters starring Keanu Reeves including and
The Day the Earth Stood Still, have dramatized how nanobots could effectively take control of their organic and inorganic targets.
Star Trek episodes and their theatrical releases such as have also depicted how nanoprobes (nanites) could infect an individual's bloodstream through a pair of tubules.
Regardless of the recurring themes of nanobots in video games, sci-fi shows and movies, nanotechnology is a reality, and nano-microchips are well on their way to being utilized in ways which may be detrimental to human health and freedom on a global scale.
The development of nano-microchips are a major thrust of governments and pharmaceutical industries who want the ultimate power and leverage over global populations for more profit and more control.
In December 2000, Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland, Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD stated that it is technically possible for every newborn to be injected with a microchip, which could then function to identify the person for the rest of his or her life.
Such plans are secretly being discussed in the U.S. without any public airing of the privacy issues involved.
Today's microchips operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that target them. With the help of satellites, the implanted person can be tracked anywhere on the globe.
Such a technique was among a number tested in the Iraq war, according to Dr. Carl Sanders, who invented the intelligence-manned interface (IMI) biotic, which is injected into people. (Earlier during the Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with the Rambo chip, designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream.)
The 20-billion-bit/second supercomputers at the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) could now "see and hear" what soldiers experience in the battlefield with a remote monitoring system (RMS).
When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillimeters) is placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights, and voice of the implanted person.
Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuroimpulses can be projected back to the persons brain via the microchip to be reexperienced.
Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target's performance.
With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads.
Every thought, reaction, hearing, and visual observation causes a certain neurological potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its electromagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts, pictures, and voices.
Electromagnetic stimulation can therefore change a person's brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps experienced as torture.
The NSA's electronic surveillance system can simultaneously follow and handle millions of people. Each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in the brain, just as we have unique fingerprints.
With electromagnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the target.
This is a form of electronic warfare. U.S. astronauts were implanted before they were sent into space so their thoughts could be followed and all their emotions could be registered 24 hours a day.
The mass media has not reported that an implanted person's privacy vanishes for the rest of his or her life. She/he can be manipulated in many ways.
Using different frequencies, the secret controller of this equipment can even change a person's emotional life.
Međ ţví ađ nota mismunandi bylgjur, ţá getur stjórnandi tćkisins jafnvel breytt tilfinningalífi manneskjunnar.
She can be made aggressive or lethargic.
Hćgt er ađ gera hana/hann árásargjarna eđa sljóa/sinnulausa.
(Innskot AGNÝ. Ţá er ţarna kominn grundvöllur til ađ koma manneskjunni á x geđlyf ..ţetta snýst allt um peninga...ekkert annađ!)
Sexuality can be artificially influenced.
Hćgt er ađ hafa áhrif á kynhneigđ.
Thought signals and subconscious thinking can be read, dreams affected and even induced, all without the knowledge or consent of the implanted person.
Hugsana merki og undirvitund er hćgt ađ lesa, hafa áhrif á drauma og jafnvel auka, allt án vitneskju eđa vitundar ígrćddu manneskjunnar.
This secret technology has been used by military forces in certain NATO countries since the 1980s without civilian and academic populations having heard anything about it.
Ţessi leynilega tćkni hefur veriđ notuđ af hervöldum í vissum NATO löndum síđan um 1980 án ţess ađ hinn almenni borgari og akademíur hafi haft vitneskju um ţađ.
Thus, little information about such invasive mind-control systems is available in professional and academic journals.
Ţađ eru litlar upplýsingar fáanlegar um ţetta innrásar hugar -stjórnandi kerfi í fag- og háskóla tímaritum.
The NSA's Signals Intelligence group can remotely monitor information from human brains by decoding the evoked potentials (3.50HZ, 5 milliwatt) emitted by the brain.
Prisoner experimentees in both Gothenburg, Sweden and Vienna, Austria have been found to have evident brain lesions. Diminished blood circulation and lack of oxygen in the right temporal frontal lobes result where brain implants are usually operative.
A Finnish experimentee experienced brain atrophy and intermittent attacks of unconsciousness due to lack of oxygen.
Targeting peoples brain functions with electromagnetic fields
and beams (from helicopters and airplanes, satellites, from parked vans, neighboring houses, telephone poles, electrical appliances, mobile phones, TV, radio, etc.) is part of the radiation problem that should be addressed by democratically elected governments.
However, there is currently no interest by any national government to seriously address this issue.
Hvađ sem ţví líđur ţá er sem stendur enginn áhugi hjá alţjóđa stjórnvöldum til ţess ađ skođa ţessi mál af einhverri alvöru.
The timeline for integrating nano-microchips inside of vaccines is speculative.
It could be just a few years, months or perhaps it is here and we already unaware of their integration within pharmaceuticals.
Regardless, due to the many military and political advantages, their implementation is inevitable.
However fraudulent, it was an imperative for world powers and pharmaceutical cartels to promote the effectiveness of vaccinations and enact national pandemic preparedness policies which mandate vaccinations.
In 2005 the World Health Organization (WHO) developed international health regulations that would bind all 194 member countries to pandemic emergency guidelines which could enforce such a mandate.
Without these procedures of public health (and propagandized vaccine campaigns) in place, there would be little or no voluntary cooperation from the public to roll up their sleeves and accept the inoculations.
Public participation is an essential tool that will soon allow big pharma to inject the most effective surveillence tool ever designed into billions of people.
Although nanotechnology manufacturing is currently available on a global scale, before biotech companies are able to initiate mass production and testing of nano-microchips inside of vaccines, they will likely sell the idea to the public.
Through various "health enhancement scenarios" they will encourage participation and publicly announce regulatory approval from the same policies and regulatory agencies they helped create.
By mid-summer of 2009, the WHO and the Center of Disease Control (CDC) effectively hyped a false flu pandemic and convinced the world to submit to H1N1 vaccines. Additional doses of propaganda and possibly a biological event, may equally convince populations to knowingly accept microchips inside of vaccines under the guise of a "greater good" for humanity.
When our brain functions are already connected to supercomputers by means of radio implants and microchips, it will be too late for protest.
This threat can be defeated only by educating the public, using available literature on biotelemetry, nanorobotics and information exchanged at international congresses.
The time to act is now!
Nanotechnology Takes Off
Brain Chipping: Injectible Micro-Chips
One Mainframe To Rule Them All (Part 1)
One Mainframe To Rule Them All (Part 2)
Tolerance Lost by Dr. Andrew Moulden: Part 1 of 3
Tolerance Lost by Dr. Andrew Moulden: Part 2 of 3
Tolerance Lost by Dr. Andrew Moulden: Part 3 of 3
What is MASS ?
Vaccines Are One Big Experiment Causing Hundreds of Diseases In The Modern World
MASS is an acronym for many chronic illnesses and diseases that impair blood flow - "Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes."
One-size-fits-all global vaccination schemes have created MASS disorders on mass scales.
MASS disorders, from infectious diseases to vaccinations, have a common sequence of injuries which includes impaired blood flow, oxygenation, blood carrying capacity, and non-specific immune hyper-stimulation.
This is how Vioxx caused heart attack and stroke.
This is how pre-natal German measles caused autism-spectrum and organ damages.
This is how a systemic drop in maternal blood pressure, during gestation,causes Mobius syndrome(and autism-spectrum).
This is how repeat vaccination is causing dementia.
MASS is how vaccinations are causing a multitude of chronic illnesses and disease. It is not the germs causing this problem. It is the response of the body to de-railed and unbalanced immune challenges.
Solutions without Vaccines
There is a better way to prevent disease. Vaccination only masks the cause of disease, it does nothing to address the core problem in physiology - the non-specific MASS response and colloidal stability of blood flow dynamics. There are alternative solutions to controlling infectious diseases in populations that do not require injecting foreign substances into your body.
Simple solutions are very effective. Besides an abundance of immunity enhancers, if you use the power of nature and expose your body to greater amounts of sunlight, eat a variety of leafy greens and organic fruits/vegetables, invest at least 20-30 minutes per day exercising, and adopt a nutritional regimen of clean unprocessed foods, vitamins,minerals, superfoods and herbs, not only will this advance your health, you may never get sick again!
Vaccines Are Producing The Pandemic, Not The Flu
Vísindi og frćđi | Breytt 16.10.2023 kl. 17:46 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (11)
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