Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, apríl 2009
28.4.2009 | 04:39
Warning...Hybrid Bird Flu About To Be Released? FEMA coffins ready. Líkkisturnar tilbúnar...
Warning...Hybrid Bird Flu About To Be Released?
Ţađ er sko virkilega ógnvekjandi ađ hlusta á ţetta viđtal hér svo ekki sé meira sagt!!
Hvađ er veriđ flytja í
sérstökum bílum ađ nćturlagi og
ţeir sem keyra fá borgađ í
beinhörđum peningum $5000.?
En einn ökumađurinn kjaftar frá..
Hvađa glćri vökvi er í tilraunaglösum og í sérstökum kćlum?
Nokkuđ augljóst ađ ţađ er sko ekki bóluefni!!!
Hversvegna eru ökumennirnir bólusettir og sagt ađ ţađ sé til ađ vernda ţá og fjölskyldur ţeirra?
Hversvegna ná tómir og ómerktir lestavagnar yfir margra mílna svćđi og á hliđarspori?...
Ekkert fólk nálćgt, mćtti halda draugastađur...allt hljótt og kyrrt..
Ágiskunin er ađ ţetta séu lestarvagnar til ađ flytja lík...
(Innskot Agný..Sem mun látast eftir ađ verđur búiđ ađ sleppa stökkbreyttri fugla/svínaflensu veirunni...
Kanski ţeir séu ađ sleppa ţessu ógeđi hér og ţar í smáum skömmtum..međ chemtrail úđun?
Viđ erum orđin svo vön ţessum rákum sem kriss krossa yfir himinhvolfiđ og sól sem er eins og útmáđ gulhvít klessa međ enga sólargeisla útfrá sér..
Best ađ sjóđa eitt af ţessum hvolfum (jónahvolf, segulhvolf og gufuhvolf) sem umlykja hnöttinn...make a Global warming... fer kanski eftir í hvađa hvolfi dreift er hvađ ţađ magnar upp..svona í leiđinni ađ dreifa x veirum..Spurning...
Best ađ fćkka innflytjum til USA frá Mexico..
og alltof margt fólk og líka fátćkt...ekki er elítan hrifin af ađ ţurfa ađ hafa fleiri og fleiri ţurfalinga á kerfinu...og ţađ innflytjendur...
Hversvegna er háttsettur einstaklingur ađ flytja međ fjölskyldu sína frá USA? En segir ađ ţađ sé vegna ţess sem muni ske í USA fljótlega...
En ţađ sem kemur fram á ţessum 2 fyrstu videoum er bara hrikalegt og hlustiđ vel..ţađ er ekki víst ađ ţetta verđi ađgengilegt lengi.
Bird Flu Transported by the Department of Homeland Security to get us infected!!! Part 1
Warning... Hybrid Bird Flu About To Be Released? (part 2)
This is probably fake but never say I don't try to help fellow tubers!
Earth last hope s latest video
warning everyone to take necessary precautions for the impending release of hybrid bird flu virus.
Please repost and share to everyone you can!
We may not have much time and it is better to be safe than sorry.
Thanks for making this vid and warning us all my friend!
Vonandi er ţetta ekki satt!
En gefum okkur ađ svo sé sem virđist vera miđađ viđ ţađ sem kemur hér fram á ţessum videoum ţá fara ţessi video líka ađ meika sens..!!!
Gefum okkur ađ ţađ sé veriđ ađ fara ađ sleppa breyttri flensu tegund út í andrúmsloftiđ eđa í vatnsból.
Já ég veit ađ ţetta hljómar klikkađ....en ţađ voru nógu margir sem trúđu á Hitler á sínum tíma, en vildu ekki trúa ađ svona mannvonska vćri til eins og síđar kom í ljós..međ nýjum herrum og nýrri tćkni koma nýjar útrýmingarađferđir..
Hversvegna hefur FEMA komiđ sér upp
miljónum af plastlíkkistum?
Ja..mitt ímyndunarafl segir mér ađ ţađ sé til ađ setja lík ţeirra sem falla fyrir stökkbreyttri man made Bird flu eđa Swine flu..
Ţetta gćti alveg eins veriđ stökkbreytt Svína flensa (hún var búin til á undan fugla flensunni..já ég segi búin til!) ţannig ađ ţađ er svo sem líklegra ađ New World Order herrarnir séu komnir lengra međ hana en Bird flu..
En allur varinn góđur...Hversvegna ekki koma tveim faröldrum af stađ á svipuđum tíma.?.....Fyrst er veriđ ađ ryđja keppinautum í bankaheiminum úr veginum..
Síđar ađ fella x sauđi úr hjörđinni, sem er orđin alltof stór..
Ţessir monopoly man eru ekki ađ víla neitt fyrir sér ţegar ţeim er fariđ ađ finnast ţeir ţurfa ađ deila kökunni međ of mörgum..
40 Top Micro-Biologists Killed In Less Than 4 Yrs
Baxter (!) To Develop Swine Flu Vaccine
Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus
Finnst ykkur ţađ passa ađ ţađ sé BAXTER fyrirtćkiđ sem á ađ ţróa bóluefni gegn meintri svína flensu?
Swine Flu Expose
Do Not Take A Swine Flu Vaccine!
From Patricia Doyle, PhD
The 'New' Flu - The Pieces Come Together
From Patricia Doyle, PhD
13.3.2009 | 16:45
URGENT WARNING H5N1 DNA in Flu Vaccine. VIDEO Fínt ađ hafa fuglaflensu veiruna međ
Was The "Spanish Flu" Epidemic Man-made?
(Flashback) July 16, 2008
Believe or Dont Believe this video will make you think - million FEMA Coffins - Why? July 26, 2008
Flying over FEMA site.The New World Order
Remember History repeats itself...
Copy this video using keep vids! This needs to be seen! people need to wake up!
A field of thousands maybe a million plastic coffins spread out over a 10 mile radius, you can see it from Google Earth!? Are you kidding me? What will it take...
Something Big is about to happen, these coffins are in every state, there must be millions of them, I have heard twice as many as this are in Alaska as well as a massive Camp that can fit twice the pop of Alaska.
33°33'57.36"N 83°29'6.26"W
here's the google earth coords
Category: News & Politics
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Coffins FEMA Coffins Concentration camps world war III martial law
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Bloggar | Breytt 10.9.2024 kl. 17:36 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (12)
17.4.2009 | 05:37
The Obama Deception Full Length
Ţetta video sýnir nokkuđ ađra mynd en haldiđ er fram í fjölmiđlum...ja sem er svo aftur stjórnađ af ţeim sömu og toga í spottana á Obama..
En New World Order gćjana vantar nýja mynd á peninginn.. Fínt ađ rétta honum stjórnartaumana ţegar allstađar einhverskonar fjármálakreppa..
Sem er svo aftur búin til af hverjum..jamm einmitt sömu gaurum..Ţađ ţarf ađ hreinsa til á toppnum..aurarnir orđnir á of margra manna höndum en ţađ er sko alveg bannađ...
En hvernig stendur á ţvi ađ Obama fer á fund međ Builderberg klíkunni (krimmunum)?
En ţetta hér sé ég ekki alveg koma fram í myndinni...
Vonandi mun kuldahrollurinn ekki skríđa niđur eftir bakinu á ykkur ţegar ţiđ horfiđ á ţessa 114 min löngu mynd..En minn beyglađi hryggur fann kuldahrollinn allavega...
Meira djöfuls plottiđ og viđ öll gleymum ţađ sem ţorskurinn öngulinn.. Og ekki mun hann minnka ef ţiđ gefiđ ykkur tíma til ađ lesa ţađ sem ég set hinn hér neđar ..
En ţađ er um ađal ráđgjafa Obama..
Miđađ viđ ađ sá mađur og hans fjármál ráđgjafafyrirtćki var ráđgjafi Seđlbanka Íslands rétt fyrir krassiđ /gjaldţrotiđ.. Púff.. ţá á sko kaninn ekki von á góđu í fjármálum..ja eđa reyndar önnur lönd...ţessi gaur er nefnilega međ krumlurnar víđa...
The Israeli Who Runs the Obama White House, Hversvegna var Peter Orszag rThe Israeli Who Runs the Obama White House
Ísrelinn sem stjórnar Obama í Hvíta húsinu.
Hversvegna var Peter Orszag ráđgjafi Seđlabanka Íslands?
Hér er úrdráttur af ţessu skjali tekiđ héđan
En ţví miđur finn ég ekki slóđina ađ henni..virđist vera búiđ ađ hakka en ég náđi ţessu áđur..
(er búin ađ finna linka en greinilegt ađ einhverjum er ekki vel viđ ţessar upplýsingar..)
So, who is Peter Orszag?
(Beware: Prepare for a train wreck.)
Hér er greinin öll á Ensku...
Who Runs The Obama White House? CV of Obama's Budget Director:
- Advisor, Russian Finance Ministry During the Reign of the Jewish Oligarchs
- Advisor, Central Bank of Iceland -- Before the Crash of 2008
Ráđgjafi SEĐLABANKANS á Íslandi- fyrir krassiđ 2008!!
- Advisor, Rahm Emanuel and Bill Clinton on the disastrous NAFTA bill that devastated U.S. manufacturing
One of the key players in the Obama administrations $900 billion economic stimulus package is Obamas new budget director Peter R. Orszag.
Orszag, 40, is the director of the Office of Management and Budget, the arm of the White House responsible for crafting the federal budget and overseeing the effectiveness of federal programs.
He worked closely with Rahm Emanuel in the Clinton administration - when the disastrous NAFTA was passed - and was one of the first Obama appointees to be approved.
Peter Orszag (left) worked with Rahm Emanuel in the Clinton White House as he now does under Obama.
In the coming years, no bureaucrat will be as decisive as Peter Orszag, Ezra Klein wrote recently in The American Prospect.
So, who is Peter Richard Orszag and what kind of decisions will he make with the budget he controls?
(Based on his background one would be well advised to prepare for a financial trainwreck.)
Miđađ viđ bakgrunn hans ţá viđ ađ búa okkur undir fjárhagslegt lestarslys!
Oddly, Orszags background has received virtually no attention in the media.
At this critical moment, however, it would be foolish to ignore the troubling background of Obamas budget director, which deserves to be looked at very carefully.
Orszag, for example, could start by explaining exactly what happened to the Icelandic economy.
Orszag gćti til dćmis byrjađ á ţví ađ útskýra ţađ nákvćmlega hvađ kom fyrir fjárhag Íslands..
Orszag was, after all, the founder and president of the economic consultancy firm which advised the Central Bank of Iceland - before it went bankrupt.
Orszag var eftir allt, stofnandi og forseti fjármála ráđgjafa fyrirtćkisins sem var ráđgjafi SEĐLABANKANS Á ÍSLANDI - áđur en ţađ varđ gjaldţrota!
How did Icelandic banks become so indebted? Ask Peter Orszag
Hvernig urđu Íslenskir bankar svona skuldsettir?
Spyrjiđ Peter Orszag.
Bloggar | Breytt 26.6.2011 kl. 16:04 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (9)
13.4.2009 | 07:33
The Jewish Involvement in the New World Order
George W. Bush carrying the TALMUD
THE ILLUMINATI Uncomfortable Truth:
The Jewish Involvement in the New World Order
DAG ŢANN 1 MARS 2012..
You will be attacked on a large scale. However, being attacked also means you are on the right path.
En ţađ er greinilegt ađ einhverjum líkar ekki ţessar upplýsingar og skrif um vissa elítu..!
En ţetta kom upp ţegar ég ćtlađi inn á slóđina sem ég kóperađi af hér..ţađ er svo sem ekki í fyrsta skifti sem ađ síđum Wes Penre er rústađ ..og ţađ sama hefur veriđ gert viđ ţetta blogg mitt hér..ţegar ég hef birt fćrslur um ţađ hverjir standi ađbaki 911..og ţađ var ekki mbl sem gerđi ţađ ţví ég á ekki von á ađ ţeir birti eitthvađ á Ensku á forsíđu bloggsins međ svo gott sem sömu orđum og hér eru notuđ..
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Setting the Records Straight -by Wes Penre, Dec 01, 2007
Wes Penre first of all, I want to makeit very clear that I have no intentions what so
ever to smear, attack or use black propaganda against any religion, peoples or individuals there of.
All I want to do is to present the truth in whatever shape and form it appears.
Sometimes, especially when you come close to the core and have peeled off quite a few layers of the onion, you notice that the truth becomes more and more uncomfortable, and there are moments when you almost want to stop your research, or at least stop publishing what you have discovered.
Because the truth goes against (and is many times the opposite of) everything you have been taught and raised believing, and if you present it, lots of people will be very upset and refuse to believe you, even when you present the evidence.
You will be attacked on a large scale. However, being attacked also means you are on the right path.
If you just comfortably continue writing about the "truth" and you get no or just a few negative reactions, you'd better start analyzing what you are doing; you are probably not on the right track!Attacks will probably happen even more frequently after this article and similar articles I may write in the future.
It is not that I am the only one who have seen this, but I know that people that have are under attack, especially from the Jewish community and organizations like the Jewish, well established ADL, the Anti Defamation League, which purpose is to slander anybody and everyone who is trying to present the truth about Talmudic Jews.
Dear citizens of the world, we have been completely and utterly lied to.
I am talking about the Jews and the way they have presented themselves as victims, so the rest of the world can sympathize with them.
This way they can do almost anything they want, because if people object to them, the Jewish society can attack them and call them anti-Semites.
This will normally silence the ones opposed to them, knowing that most of the world will sympathize with the Jews, after all the suffering and horrible mistreatments they have been subjected to.
Have you ever wondered why all those Jews were sacrificed in WW II, and why the mass executions were financed and supported by JEWISH BANKERS?
How does that add up?
Simply because the Talmudic Jews, whom I will expose in detail later on in this article, in their ruthlessness to control the world are willing to sacrifice even their own people if it suits their plans.
By letting non-Talmudic Jews being slaughtered in WW II, they created a sympathetic attitude towards Jews in general amongst the world population, and thus if someone says anything negative about Jews, they are labeled anti-Semitic and will be shunned and hated.
This way, the Talmudic Jews can get away with anything while letting Zionist organizations like the Anti Defamation League (ADL) work as Gatekeepers and attack those who oppose the International Talmudic Jews, whom we here also call the Illuminati.
Unfortunately, I have seen websites on the Internet and I have heard researchers frown upon all Jews and put them under the same category, spreading the lie that all Jews are bad.
This is very destructive and not helpful, as it does a lot of harm and plays right into the hands of the Illuminati Elite.
I can't stress enough that the Jews I am talking about here are not the Jews on the street, but those who are in power, using the verses in the Talmud to kill off and suppress the rest of us!
To get a balanced view on this subject, I recommend that you read
"The Word 'Jewish' Does Not Begin with 'Z'", written by a Jewish woman, Judy Andreas.
Interestingly enough, though, the modern Jews are not even Semites, as we shall see, but descend from the Khazars, whom at one point converted to Judaism.
Who Are the Every-Day Jews and From Where Do They Originate?
Khazar Jews. As a result of an relentless avalanche of Zionist propaganda, mainly through Jewish controlled mass media, the vast majority of people have been misled into believing that the word Semite refers exclusively to the people whom today are known as Jews.
In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.
Interestingly, the words Semite, Semitism and anti-Semitism do not even appear in the 1828 edition of Noah Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language.
They were coined at the end of the 1900's.
So who are the Semites?
The Semites are, according to the highly authoritative Oxford Universal Dictionary, 1944 (p. 1838) the people belonging to the race of mankind which includes most of the peoples mentioned in Genesis 10 as descended from Shem, son of Noah, as the Arabs, Hebrews, Assyrians and Arameans, and speaking a Semitic language as their native tongue.
Most people would answer the question whether the modern Jew is of Hebrew or Semitic origin with a clear "yes"! Wrong!
Most Jews in modern society have nothing to do with the ancient Hebrews of biblical times.
For decades we never thought of even questioning the basic assumption that the modern day Jew is a Semite.It is a historical fact that some 95% of modern Jewry are not of Semitic stock.
They are of Turkish stock - the so-called Khazars.
"The Khazars came not from Jordan, but from the Volga, not from Canaan, but from the Caucasus. Genetically they are more related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax that history has ever perpetrated." [8]
Here is some quick overview of the history of the Khazars:
"The Jews of our times fall into two main divisions:
Sephardim and Ashkenazim.
The Sephardim are the descendants of the Jews who since antiquity have lived in Spain (Hebrew: Sepharad) until they were expelled at the end of the fifteenth century. In the 1960's, the number of Sephardim was estimated at 500,000.
The Ashkenazim of Khazar Jews at the same time numbered about 11 million." [9]
The Jewish Encyclopaedia tells us about the Khazars:
A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginning of the history of the Jews in Russia. ...driven on by the nomadic tribes of the steppes and by their own desire for plunder and revenge.
In the second half of the sixth century the Chazars moved westwards ...the kingdom of the Chazars was firmly established in the most of Southern Russia long before the foundation of the Russian monarchy by the Vangarians. (855 AD.)...
At this time the kingdom of the Chazars stood of the height of its power and was constantly at war.
At the end of the eight century...the chagan (king) of the Chazars and his grandees, together with a large number of his heathen people, embraced the Jewish religion. (Having the Christians to their left and the Muslims to their right they were asked to join either one of those religions, but the chagan out of protest chose the Jewish religion).
The Jewish population of the entire domain of the Chazars, in the period between the seventh and the eighth century, must have been substantial. About the ninth century it appears as if all the Chazars were Jews and that they had been converted to Judaism only a short time before.
It was one of the successors of Bulan named Obadiah, whom regenerated the kingdom and strengthened the Jewish religion.
He invited Jewish scholars to settle in his dominion and founded synagogues and schools. The people were instructed in the Bible, Mishnah and the Talmud and the divine service of the hazzanim...In their writings the Chazars used the Hebrew letters...the Chazar language predominated...
The Russian Varangians established themselves at Kiev... until the final conquest of the Chazars by the Russians after a hard fight. Four years later the Russians conquered all the Chazarian territory east of the Azov river.
Many members of the Chazarian royal family emigrated to Spain...Some went to Hungary, but the great mass of the people remained in their native country". [10]So we glean from strictly Jewish sources that the vast majority of present day Jews cannot claim to be descendants of the original Hebrews. Due to this, the term "anti-Semitism" does not refer to the modern Jews.
Benjamin Freedman, a Jew whom was on a first name basis with most of the top Zionists in the 1930's and 40's, puts his finger firmly on the true purpose behind the use of the term "anti-Semitism". He declares that"it should be eliminated from the English language. 'Anti-Semitism' serves only one purpose today. It is used as a smear word.
When so-called Jews feel that anyone opposes any of their objectives, they discredit their victims by applying the word 'anti-Semite' or 'anti-Semitic' through all the channels they have at their command and under their control". [11]
The most widely known and powerful Khazar family is the Rothschild's, whom are named after the red shield that is the symbol of the Khazars.
Be aware of that because the modern Jews are not of Hebrew origin, they never had and never will have a right for claiming the land of Palestine.
The state of Israel is totally illegal, even if the Jews would have some Hebrew origin.
So, when all bias, rumors, lies, propaganda and deceptions are revealed, what is left is the following: the people with the most "anti-Semitic" attitude is probably the modern Jew himself (you accuse others of what you yourself are, in this case anti-Semite).
How come?
Because they hate and fight the Arabs, who really ARE of Semitic stock, whenever and wherever the can.
Thus, the Arabs can be considered "anti-Khazar" or "anti-Jewish",
while the Jews are the ones who are
In this article, I can only touch the surface on this very important subject.
Fortunately, there are more detailed sources.
I strongly recommend that you read the online book:
"The Thirteenth Tribe - The Khazar Empire and its Heritage" by Arthur Koestler, which explains a lot more about the Khazar Jews and who they really are.
Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable.
The House of Rothschild
" Give me the control over a nation's currency and I don't care who makes its laws!"-
Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1743-1812)
Mayer Amschel Bauer, a Khazar or non-Hebrew Jew, was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1743.
He was the son of Moses Amschel Bauer, an itinerant money lender and goldsmith from eastern Europe.
After working briefly for the Oppenheimer bank in Hanover, Mayer opened a shop or counting house of his own on Judenstrasse (Jews Street) in Frankfurt am Maine.
Over the doors he placed a red shield, the emblem of the revolutionary-minded Khazar Jews of eastern Europe.
Shortly after Mayer Amschel Bauer changed his name to Rothschild (in German: rotes Schild = red shield). His business became known as the House of Rothschild.
Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau Mayer married sixteen year old Gutele Schnaper and fathered five sons and five daughters..
The sons' names were Amschel, Salomon, Nathan, Kalman (Charles) and Jakob (James). . His rise to fame accelerated when he was favored by Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau in whose company he attended Freemasons' meetings in Germany.
Prince William, a friend of the Hanoverians, took in large sums for the Hesse mercenary armies he had loaned to the English (Hanoverian) king. These were the same troops who later fought the army of George Washington at Valley Forge. Rothschild became William's personal banker. [12]
When William had to flee to Denmark because of political unrest, he left the mercenaries' pay - Ł600,000 - in Rothschild's bank for safe-keeping.
Nathan Rothschild, Mayer Amschel's eldest son, took this sum with him to London in order to establish another bank there. The gold that was used as security came from the "East India Company".
Nathan made four-fold profit from lending notes to the Duke of Wellington, whom thus financed his military operations. The profits were further raised by the later illegal sale of the gold meant to serve as security.
This was the origin of the gigantic wealth of the Rothschild family.
Then they started international banking operations by having each son opening a bank in different countries; Amschel in Berlin, Salomon in Vienna, Jakob in Paris and Kalman in Naples.
Salomon Rothschild was a Freemason as well.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild left a will showing how the family fortune should be handled in the future. The men would manage the assets and the eldest would have the deciding vote in differences and in important decisions. All accounts were to be kept absolutely secret, especially from the government. [13]
"Pawns in the Game" cover It is alleged that in 1773 Mayer Amschel Rothschild held a secret meeting in the house in the Judenstrasse (Jews Street) in Frankfurt with twelve influential and rich Jewish financial backers (The Elders of Zion) to forge a plan how to control the complete fortune of the world.
According to Herbert G. Dorsey they spoke about the fact that the Bank of England already made a substantial control of English wealth possible, but the complete control was necessary as the foundation for the control of the fortune of the world.
This was then sketched and noted down.
The evidence held by Dorsey and William Guy Carr ("Pawns in the Game") shows this to be the plan that later became known as
(see next section of this article for more information on these Protocols).
William III of England Before we go any further, let us also take a closer look at how the Bank of England was established:By arranging a marriage between the Dutch William Prince of Orange and Mary, the eldest daughter of the Duke of York and sister of Charles II of England, the Elders of Zion saw to that the Dutch and British royal houses became related.
In 1689 William III of Orange of the Netherlands was named KING OF ENGLAND. King William II soon got England involved in costly wars against Catholic France which got England deep in debt.
Here was William's chance to return the favor to the Elders of Zion. With the aid of the agent William Paterson he persuaded the Treasury to borrow Ł1.23 million Sterling from the Jewish bankers whom had helped him to the throne.
Since the debts had risen dramatically, the government had no choice but to accept.
The lending conditions were:
1. The names of the lenders are to remain secret, and they are granted the right to establish a "Bank of England" (central bank)
2. The directors of the said bank are permitted to set the gold standard for paper money.
3. They are permitted to lend Ł10 in paper money for every pound of gold deposited.
4. They are permitted to consolidate the nation debt and to raise the sum from the people by direct taxes.Thus the first private central bank, the "BANK OF ENGLAND" was established.
This kind of banking business brought a 50% profit on an investment by the bank of 5%.
And the English people had to pay for it. The lenders were not at all interested to have the sums they had loaned repaid for the indebtedness gave them political influence.
As a consequence, England's national debt rose from Ł1,250,000 in 1694 to Ł16,000,000 in 1698. [14] [15]
Now, let me introduce to you the most evil plan ever laid out for humanity:
Protocols of the Learned Elders of ZionThe Protocol Serpent
Here we go again!
I don't know how many times these horrific Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion have been discussed on the Internet, in books, in videos and elsewhere. They first became widely known in 1901, when they fell into the hands of the Russian Professor S. Nilus.
He published them under the title "The Jewish Peril". Then, in 1921 VIctor Marsden translated them into English under
Understandably, the Protocols created rage, fear, disbelief and any other strong emotions you can think of, because they are so incredibly evil and they target people like you and I.
The authors of the Protocols want us all dead or enslaved!
The next public reaction was denial; no one can be that vicious. Just because it is so hard for people to comprehend such evil, it was an easy task for the Zionists to spread the rumors that the Protocols were forgeries, made up by someone to blame the Jews and put them in a situation where people would hate them.
Many people took this to heart without doing any deeper research, simply because it was more convenient, and hopefully the threat would 'disappeared'.
Now I have to disappoint those who bought the lie that the Protocols are forgeries.
They are not!
There is evidence they are authentic, and I will show them to you:
1. Almost everything that is written in the Protocols have become reality or is well on its way to be! If you don't believe me, read them again - very carefully.
You will clearly see that the Protocols are implemented all over the world - TODAY.
2. The Protocols are of Jewish origins!
How do I know?
Because they are all blueprints to implement the teachings of the Talmud, the Jewish Sacred Scripture!
Again, if you don't believe me, read the Talmud!
Everything that is written in the Protocols is also written in the Talmud. To prove my point, I am going to quote from this unbelievably evil book under the next section, and you will see.3.
Some may say the Protocols are written by Zionists, which is a political "Jewish" movement, contrary to Judaism, which is a religion, something totally different. WRONG!
First of all, Zionism has only been around since the late 1800's, while the Talmud was written down around 200 CE, but the oral version of the Jewish law goes back way further, to old Babylon and even further back.
This means that though the Protocols were written fairly recently, the ideas behind them go back thousands of years.
The above statements should prove my point, especially after you have read the next section:
The TALMUD What a lovely book this is......
Although I definitely by no means justify what people like Hitler did, this book plus the Protocols were the reasons why Hitler, George Washington, Martin Luther and many, many others from history wanted to hunt down the Jews.
Everything in this section of the article are from Jewish sources, so there is no reason to blame me for publishing this; it is already out in the open, although not well known.
It is just a matter of connection the dots, folks.If we return to the Protocols, there may still be some readers doubting their origins. If so, bear with me and you are soon going to change your minds.
The following quotes are out of the Talmud
(translated from a German version into English).
Read them and you will understand why the barbarian Khazars were interested in suddenly becoming "Talmud Believers", and perhaps also why the Jews always have been hunted, wherever they have resided.
Is there a reason behind it?
The scary part is that the Talmud is not some evil thing of the past; there are a lot of Jews who actually believe in this and live by it TODAY!
(From Agny..This just make a big time sence to me today how all is ! Specially when we look at that all media is under control of z-......... we who are not jewish are all "headen" and not worth as much as animal and killing one of us do mean nothing in their eyes.. BUT THIS HERE IS JUST TOOOOOOOO MUCH !!! EVEN FOR ME )
"Only the Jews are humans, the Non-Jews are no humans, but cattle"
(goyim = human cattle) [1]- Kerithuth 6b page 78, Jebhammoth 61a
"The Non-Jews have been created to serve the Jews as slaves"
[2]- Midrasch Talpioth 225
"The Non-Jews have to be avoided, even more than sick pigs"
- Orach Chaiim 57, 6a
"Sexual intercourse with Non-Jews is like sexual intercourse with animals"- Kethuboth 3b
"The birth-rate of the Non-Jews has to be suppressed massively"
"As you replace lost cows and donkeys, so you shall replace dead Non-Jews"
[4]- Iore Dea 337,1
"To box an Israeli on the ear, is like to box on the ear of God"
- Sanhedrin 58b
"God (Jahveh) is never angry about the Jews, just about the Non-Jews"
- Talmud IV / 8 / 4a
"The human (the Jew) has to pray every day three times, because Jahveh didn't make him a goyim, not a female and not an ignorant"
- Talmud V / 2 / 43b + 44a
"Towards a Non-Jew the Jew doesn't cause an adultery... Punishable for the Jew is just the adultery towards his next, that means the wife of a Jew. The wife of the Non-Jew is excluded"
- Talmud IV / 4 / 52b
"There is no wife for the goyim, they really aren't their wives"
- Talmud IV / 4 / 81 + 82ab
"You (the Jews) have made me, Jahveh, the only true lord in the world, so I will make you the only ruler in the world"
"Who wants to be smart shall occupy himself with money matters, because there are no corner pillars in the Thora that are more important, because they are like a sparkling fountain"- Talmud IV / 3 / 173b
"Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews"
[5]- Zohar I, 168a
"Non-Jewish property belongs to the Jew who uses it first"
- Babba Bathra 54b
"If two Jews have deceived a Non-Jew, they have to split the profit"
- Choschen Ham 183,7
"Every Jew is allowed to use lies and perjury to bring a Non-Jew to ruin"
- Babba Kama 113a
"The possessions of the goyim are like an ownerless desert, and everybody (every Jew) who seizes it, has acquired it"- Talmud IV / 3 / 54b
"The Jew is allowed to exploit the mistake of a Non-Jew and to deceive him"
- Talmud IV / 1 / 113b
"The Jew is allowed to practice usury on the Non-Jew"
[6]- Talmud IV / 2 / 70b
"When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves of the Jews"- Erubin 43b
"Who ever disobeys a Rabbi deserves death... Who so ever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell." - Erubin 21b
"If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there"- Moed Kattan 17a
"Non-Jews are Not Human. Only Jews are human ("Only ye are designated men")- Baba Mezia 114a-114b
"Jews are Divine. If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God"- Sanhedrin 58bO.K.
to Cheat Non-Jews. A Jew need not pay a Gentile ("Cuthean") the wages owed him for work- Sanhedrin 57a
"If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite...the payment is to be in full." - Baba Kamma 37b
Jews May Steal from Non-Jews- Baba Mezia 24aIf a Jew finds an object lost by a Gentile ("heathen") it does not have to be returned- (Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b)
God will not spare a Jew who "marries his daughter to an old man or takes a wife for his infant son or returns a lost article to a Cuthean..." - Sanhedrin 76a
Jews May Rob and Kill Non-Jews.
When a Jew murders a Gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a Gentile he may keep- Sanhedrin 57a
Gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel." - Baba Kamma 37b
Jews May Lie to Non-Jews. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile- Baba Kamma 113a
Non-Jewish Children Sub-Human.
All Gentile children are animals- Yebamoth 98a
Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth- Abodah Zarah 36b
Gentiles prefer sex with cows- Abodah Zarah 22a-22bA
Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).- Sanhedrin 55bA
Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.- Sanhedrin 54b
"When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing." - Kethuboth 11b
"Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal."- Sanhedrin 59a
"Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed."- Abodah Zara 26b
"To communicate anything with a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly." - Libbre David 37
"Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is of three years of age."- Yebhamoth 11b
"Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in semen. Christians are boiled in dung"- Gittin 57a
"If it be proven that someone has given the money of israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of this earth."- Choschen Ham 388, 15
"A Jew may keep anything he finds which belongs to the Akum (Gentile). For he who returns lost property (to Gentiles) sins against the law by increasing the power of the transgressors of the law. It is praiseworthy, however, to return lost property if it is done to honor the name of God, namely if by so doing Christians will praise the Jews and look upon them as honorable people." - Choschen Ham 266, 1
See further: /
Maybe now we can understand why we have had planned wars for hundred, yes, even thousands of years on this planet, and why the Illuminati don't care about millions of people of all races being killed in these wars.
We need to understand that these people, having the power they have, are doing this out of belief that they are superior and have a divine right to rule over us 'goyim'.
In the eyes of a Talmud believing Khazar-Jewish banker NO HUMAN dies in a war between countries, only goyim.
And goyim, for those believing in the Mosaic Law (which you have just read about) the Non-Jews shouldn't be treated better than cattle, if even that. You don't believe this?
Ask a rabbi.
Jan van Helsing, researcher and author of "Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century" was one of those who did, and the answer he got was:
"Of course! We are the chosen people!
You are a goy (singular of goyim = heiđingi.. og ţeir líta á alla sem ekki eru jew sem heiđingja)."
I also need to introduce you to an interview with a Mosaic Jew, way back in 1976, done by Walter White.
It is called "The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview" and can be read here on the Illuminati News website. It proves even further how arrogant and murderous those Jews in power are. Mr. Harold Wallace Rosenthal, then age 29, was the administrative assistant to Senator Jacob K. Javits of New York (d. 1986), another Mosaic Jew.
But I warn you - it is a very disturbing reading!
The Talmud, the ultimate authority in Orthodox Judaism, plumbs the depths of moral and spiritual depravity.
In the past, wherever they went, the Mosaic or Talmudic Jews became legendary for their crookedness and their diabolical ingenuity in taking advantage of those with whom they came in contact. They were both feared and despised. As a direct result of their chicanery they were expelled from one nation after another.
Am I too harsh and too outspoken on this subject?
On the contrary, I could fill a thick book with more information on this, and perhaps I will one day, so I am only touching the surface here.
To tell you the truth, American readers, a number of our 'glorified' forefathers were much more outspoken on this issue than even Adolf Hitler.
Benjamin Franklin:
"We must protect this young nation from any insidious influence...That menace, gentlemen, is the Jews.
In whatever country Jews have settled in any great numbers, they have lowered its moral tone, depreciated its commercial integrity, have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated.
They have sneered at and have tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within a state and have, when opposed, tried to strangle that country financially...
They are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires.
They cannot live among themselves.
They must subsist on Christians and on other people not of their race.
If you do not exclude them from the United States in the Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed in in such numbers that they will doninate and devour the land and change our form of government...
I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves."
George Washington, the first U.S. president:
"The Jews work more effectively against us than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in.
It is much to be lamented that each state long ago has not hunted them down as pests to society and the greatest enemies we have to happiness in America" [7]
Similar convictions are expressed in the writings of such notables as Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, among many others.
Some might say I am one of these Neo-Nazis, who wants to kill off all the Jews, just like Hitler did. This is not true at all.
This article does not specifically relate to the Jewish people as a whole (I know people whom are Jewish and I also have Jewish acquaintances, and they are all very nice, caring and friendly).
There is a significant difference between a Khazar, a Zionist, a Talmudist, the Hebrew Blood Alliance on the one side and an ordinary Jew in the street.
I am only concerned about what is written in the Talmud, and about the fact that the Talmud IS APPLIED TODAY.
Jews in the Vatica. The Vatican is Roman Catholic; this we know, don't we?
Well, how come then that even Popes are Jews?
The late Pope John Paul II, for example was Jewish, having a Jewish mother.
And let us not forget that the first, original Pope, Peter, was of course Jewish [however, see the second paragraph beneath the List of Jewish Popes below for clarification].
Likewise, some other early Popes were from Jewish families as well, such as St. Zosimus (417-418); his father's name was Abram.
Pope Evaristus (100-109) has also been mentioned as being Jewish, based upon the writings of Pope Pius V. [17]
Here is a more detailed list of more Jewish Popes throughout history:
Pope No. 211: Callistus III (1455-1458) Jew [18]
Pope No. 216: Alexander VI (1492-1503) Jew [18]
Pope No. 217: Pius III (1503) Jew [18]
Pope No. 219: Leo X (1513-1521) Jew [18]
Pope No. 221: Clement VII (1523-1534) Jew [18]
(cousin of Leo X) Pope No. 222: Paul III (1534-1549) Jew [18]
Pope No. 227: St. Pius V (1566-1572) Jew [18]
Pope No. 228: Gregory XIII (1572-1585) Jew [18]
Pope No. 262: Pius XII (1939-1958) Jew [19]
Pope No. 264: Paul VI (1963-1978) Jew [20]
Pope No. 266: John Paul II (1978-2001 or 2005) Jew [21]
Pope No. 268: ? (This would be the last pope in accordance to St. Malachy) [22]
Among the cardinals of the Catholic Church today there is a converted Jew, Cardinal Lustiger, the archbishop of Paris.
There have been numerous articles about him in the Jewish press over the years and all have somehow raised the possibility that he someday could be pope. [16]
Despite the fact there was no such office or word as "pope" until about the fourth century and that Peter was neither Roman Catholic nor pope, commencing with Peter, the first ten popes were "Jews" of some description (Philip I by William Thomas Walsh, Shead & Ward London, 1938).
Some "Jewish" popes previous to Malachy's prophecy include, Zephyrin (199-217), Siricus (384-399), Hormidas (514-523), and Analdet II (1130-1138). (Gert Haendler: Kirchengeschichte, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Berlin, 1980).
Conclusively, the "New Testament" of the Bible was authored and written by Jews. [23]
George W. Bush carrying the TALMUD Conclusion or "Who Controls the Jews?"
So is this whole New World Order a Jewish conspiracy after all?
I know there are people out there, good researchers, whom would definitely say "yes!" to that.
It is easy to get blinded by the light and remain stuck in anger, revenge and frustration.
I can understand how people, when they stumble upon something like this become extremely furious and want to exterminate all Jews from the face of the planet.
Even if we did so, I am sure the conspiracy would go on.
It would come to a serious halt, but if we stop there, it is like curing depression with anti-depressants; you may or may not cure the symptoms, but the underlying reason for the depression remains. What I am trying to say is that there are forces controlling the Jews as well, and these forces are very well hidden.
What you see is just the symptom; the Jews are just the symptoms and the tool for those who are the real Rulers of Earth.
Again, who is controlling the Jews?
If you are a Christian, you may say it is Satan and his demons.
Others may say the controllers are aliens from outer space. So what is it?
I am not a Christian myself and I interpret the Bible differently from a true Christian.
However, I do believe that there are answers in the Holy Book if we read it correctly.
Where I differ, though, is that I do not think the OT God is the creator of this Universe and beyond; with other words, he is not what we consider GOD.
From what I can see, after have studied what I could of ancient scriptures like the Sumerian Scriptures and the Veda books, another uncomfortable pattern starts to emerge.
I believe we are still controlled by those whom the Sumerian called the Anunnaki (please research this thoroughly yourself), the serpent race that "came down from the sky" and created homo sapiens by cloning their own people.
Since then we have had those controllers, whom I believe are inter dimensional in nature, pulling the strings behind the scenes.
They are here among us right now, and they are the ones manipulating and deceiving the Jewish people.
They are the ones who made up religion so we can have conflicts and fight ourselves to a bitter end, only to serve the Masters' goals to divide and conquer, and to control an increasing population.
It is a cruel Universe, but we need to wake up and face the truth in order to be able to change anything. It is ignorance and laziness that brought us here in the first place.
We can't blame the Jews, and not even those who are controlling them.
We have ourselves to blame for preferring to stay ignorant and live in a bubble.
Isn't it lovely when the masses attack those who try to spread the truth and help them selves and the rest of the world out of this mess?
Instead of supporting those people, we curse them and hang them high. This is how bad it has become.
Solution? So what can we do?
If we can't (and shouldn't) just kill off all the Jews or tell their controllers to stop what they are doing, what is the solution?
There is an old saying which goes like this:
Let us not fight against evil, let us fight for what's good.
This is not just a cute pie-in-the-sky statement, but goes much deeper than that.
It goes as deep as to the core of existence - ENERGY.
What you give out, you get back (this is also how karma works). If we start operating on a lower energy level, like anger and hate, we will get anger and hate back.
It works like a boomerang.
So our only chance is to, as a group, work on higher energy levels than the Controllers do.
Like I have said before:
"Unconditional Love is the highest form of Being".
We have to educate ourselves, so we can raise above the terror and fear that these controlling forces try to keep us under.
Our prison is NOT physical, but spiritual.
We are stuck here and chained here in this reality because we are vibrating on the same wavelength as the Controllers!
This is not our normal state of operation!
The Illuminati have to work hard, day and night, to keep us down on this low level of being.
If they didn't, we would, like balloons that are physically held down under water and then let go off, float up to the surface where we belong.
We would do so in an instance. Perhaps this allegory will help us understand that the solution is not a physical war against Evil, but a spiritual one.
We have to raise our awareness to get out of this trap.
I explain it in much more details in my article:
"How to Fight the New World Order".
Please read that article and see if it makes sense to you.
This too, I need to add, is not a cute New Age pie-in-the-sky article, but the plain truth.
I also have a whole section on my website dedicated to spiritual solutions, and I recommend that you check it out, if you haven't done so already. It may be worth while.
The bottom line is that we need to wake up as a population and not just a few persons here and there.
We all need to make an effort to help mankind out of this unholy trap. Because if we don't, we will regret it, and our children and children's children will have a hard time forgiving us... The good news are that people ARE waking up, so there is still a chance, although slim.
[1] ^ This is why the Illuminati Elite have no remorse when killing off millions of people around the world.
They don't see us as humans, but as lower animals, whom they can do whatever they want with.
In their arrogance, the Khazar "Jews" even kill their own people when it suits their cause, like in WW II.
We can also see the arrogance they show in Jewish artists like the full-blooded Jew Robert Zimmerman, aka Bob Dylan, as ONE example; it is his Jewish heritage.
He is not known to be a nice person to be around, and he often treats fellow musicians and his women badly. On the other hand, he glorifies other Jewish artists, like Allen Ginsberg and Jacques Levy, for example.
As a Jew, you are allowed to (and should) lie to and deceive the goyim and treat them like dirt.
However, because this goes against spiritual laws, the Talmudic Jew whom uses these tactics against his/her fellow man will often end up as an unhappy and bitter person later in life (Bob Dylan a good example?)
[2] ^ This is the reason why so many top positions in society are reserved for Jews.
They look at themselves as superior rulers, and if you see Non-Jews in high positions, these 'goyim' are only there because they serve the Jewish goals one way or the other, but are still slaves and under the command of their Jewish masters.
[3] ^Here we have the Depopulation Program.
The Illuminati wants to decrease the world population to around 500 million people.
This means that almost 6 billion people have to die under their regime.
And who do you think are on the death list? Hint - not the Jews.
'Goyim' who will survive are the ones who will be slaves and servants to the Jewish Masters. Horrible future, isn't it? Especially if you survive, ironically.
[4] ^Like Henry Kissinger (Jew) once said, and I re-phrase: '
Soldiers are just replaceable stupid animals used for the purpose of foreign policy'.
They send well-intended, brave but ignorant soldiers out to war, not caring the least if they survive or not or what happens to them when they return home.
Remember, they are just animals anyway and can be easily replaced.
And if they run out of soldiers, there is always the Draft...
As a side note: non-Jews like you and I normally treat animals WAY better than the Jews treat "their" goyim.
[5] ^Again, this is why the Jewish Elite can lie straight into your eyes without feeling bad about it.
They are supposed to; it is required of them per their Holy Scripture, the Talmud.[6] ^
Here we have the Jewish International Bankers.
Stealing from us, cheating and robbing us (as they do with their usury) is not a sin, but
DIVINE SERVICE according to their religious belief.[7] ^
Maxims of George Washington, by A.A. Appleton and Co. pp. 125, 126.[8] ^
Arthur Koestler, "The Thirteenth Tribe".
[9] ^ibid. p. 181.
[10] ^Jewish Encyclopaedia, Volume IV, article on Chazars, pp. 1-5.
[11] ^Benjamin Freedman: "Facts are Facts", p. 73.
[12] ^William Guy Carr: "Pawns in the Game".
[13] ^Des Griffin: "Descent Into Slavery".
[14] ^Herbert G. Dorsey III: "The Secret History of the New World Order", William Guy Carr: "Pawns in the Game".
[15] ^To an extent, the section: "The House of Rothschild" are excerpts from the book "Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century, by Jan van Helsing (1995), pp. 36-40.
[16] ^
[17] ^
[18] ^ Das Papsttum, Breitkopf & Haertel 1904. Pope Leo X was a Medici (i.e. Khazar Black Nobility,
and Clement VII was his cousin.
[19] ^ Khazar Black Nobility, whose father was a banker brought to Rome in Rothschild employ
[20] ^Paul VI, Montini, was Jew according to the Blue Book of prominent families in Italy.
[21] ^Mother was a Jew, maiden name "Katz" Polonised as "Kaczorowska".
[22] ^References to this list of Jewish Popes:
[23] ^
I want to thank, among many others, Jan van Helsing for his excellent research.
Without books like "Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century" it would be much harder to connect the dots. Wes Penre is the owner of the domain Illuminati News and the publisher of the same.
Please also check out his MySpace website:
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1.4.2009 | 02:03
CODEX ALIMENTARIUS. Big Brother's Plan to Control Health Supplements -Áćtlun Big Brother er ađ stjórna fćđubóta og heilsuvörumarkađinum
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FDA = Mega Drug Dealers 1 of 2
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FDA = Big Drug Business 2 of 2
Codex Alimentarius:
Big Brothers Plan to Control Health Supplements
January 15, 2009
Codex Alimentarius: Big Brother's Plan to Control HealthSupplements (Jan. 15, 2009)
Forward courtesy of Dorothee K
Ian Crane's talk is quite a good introduction into the very complex matter
Codex Alimentarius:
Monstrously Toxic PowerPlay for Control of the Global Food Supply & Natural Health Industry
From: Food & Health Safety News #20
Living Nutrition Magazine vol. 20
Compiled from various sources and edited
by David Klein, B.S., Ph.D.
The Codex Alimentarius agenda, which has long metastasized in the recesses of closed board rooms and governmental chambers, is now coming to light. This is the paramount issue of our times, yet few know about it.
IfCodex standards ever replace the current laws in the U.S. governing food and dietary supplements, it will affect not just Americans' right to choose supplements, but our right to grow crops with untampered seeds, to buy pure organic food, and to live free of the tyranny of Big Agro-Chem-Pharma-Med, through health-destructive FDA rules enacted and enforced by an apron-corporate government that cares nothing about our health freedom.
In other words, the "natural health" industry will perish.
Now more than ever, we must exercise our democratic duty and be vigilant in protecting that freedom, the health and survival of the Earth, and all her creatures and citizenry.
Please take action now and let your representatives know of your opposition to Codex, to prevent the pro-disease industries and affiliated financial interests from seizing the total power they crave. It's our obligation to tell our congressional leaders to stop Codex and to protect and promote food and health safety and freedom. Our right to live healthfully is at stake.
Letus remember the vehement, relentless defiance by the founders of our nation that broke the stifling grip of tyrannical rule, giving us the democracy we wanted and way of life we now cherish, which are now threatened. At this time of mounting crisis, each of us must expose this clandestine monster while claiming and exercising that democratic freedom as never before.
Scott Tips, Esq. & Paul Anthony Taylor
The National Health Federation (NHF) is the only health-freedom organization with recognized status at Codex Alimentarius meetings, giving its members the right to speak out and submit comments on all Codex actions. As a case in point, the NHF was the only delegation at the 2005 Codex AlimentariusCommission meeting in Rome, Italy to protest the ridiculously harshVitamin and Mineral Food Supplement Guidelines submitted to the Commission for approval. Founded more than 52 years ago by an array of health-freedom activists, the NHF is the oldest health-freedom organization in the world and has been following Codex issues for more than 10 years.
Codexis not just about nutritional supplements, although that is an important aspect. In fact, it is the primary political battlefield where the war is being waged about who will regulate and control the global food supply, from field and stable to table.
This"war" is being waged by an increasingly tangled web of global governmental and international authorities, aligned with big business and financial interests, wherein human health takes a back seat to profit and power goals.
AlthoughAmerican dietary supplements are currently protectedsomewhatby the DietarySupplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), its provisions are threatened by Codex and an interlocking array of emerging regional and international treaties, agreements, regulatory "handshakes" and other executive arrangements that will "harmonize" our food laws to harsh European standards, thereby relegating DSHEA to the dust bin of history and suppressing our health freedoms...unless we take immediate action.
Do we want to see a world where our access to safe, nutritious foods and effective dietary supplements is restricted, suppressed, and controlled by the government in alliance with its pharmaceutical and chemical bedfellows? If not, we must act now, before it's too late.
Contacting government bureaucrats with your complaints is largely a waste of time. Effective action takes the form of advising others and contacting your representatives in Congress. Remember: be "persistently vocal"most politicians don't see the light; they feel the heat. Make them feel the heat.
Shannara Johnson
Ever heard of the Codex Alimentarius?
If not, don't be surprised.
It's one of the best-kept "open secrets" of the U.S.government. The World Trade Organization (WTO) has accepted the standards of the Codex, and at some point, if their plans are allowed to proceed, member countries of the WTO will be required to implement Codex,"to harmonize the standards" for the global trade of foods. It may present the greatest disaster for our food supplyand thus for our healththat we have ever encountered, here and abroad.
Chris Gupta
It is not easy to come to grips with Codex. With over 20 committees meeting on an annual basis and published reports comprising a total of over 1,600 pages in 2005 alone, most people are blissfully unaware of the extent of its implications for our health. Read on to discover the bigger picture behind the Codex Alimentarius Commission's support for the "disease business."
Tamara Thérčsa Mosegaard
MayDay is a Danish civil health-rights organization that has been following Codex since 1999, participating in the Danish national delegation to codex meetings. Although Denmark is a relatively small country, MayDay has had a significant impact on the European food-supplement regulatory scene and its efforts are international in scope. MayDay has worked closely with the US-based national Health Federation to oppose restrictive Codex guidelines on food supplements. MayDay's extensive and informative website features articles in both Danish and English.
Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)& Dietary Supplements
Rep. Ron Paul, MD, July 19, 2005
The Codex Alimentarius Commission, organized by the United Nations in the1960s, is charged with "harmonizing" food and supplement rules among all nations of the world. As a result of Codex rules, those vitamins and minerals that would compete with medicines would require a doctor's prescription. The European Union has already adopted Codex-type regulations that will be in effect across Europe later this year (2005).
This raises concerns that Europeans will challenge our relatively open market for health supplements in a WTO forum. This is hardly far-fetched, as Congress has already changed our tax laws to comply with a WTO order.
Make no mistake about it: those international standards are moving steadily toward the Codex regime and its draconian restrictions on health freedom. Pharmaceutical companies have spent billions of dollars trying to get Washington to regulate your dietary supplements. So far, that effort has failed, in part, because of a 1994 law called the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act. Big Pharma and the medical establishment hate this Act because it allows consumers some measure of freedom to buy the supplements they want.
The largely government-run "healthcare" establishment, including the nominally private pharmaceutical companies, wants the government to control the dietary-supplement industry so that only they can manufacture and distribute supplements providing any real benefit. If this takes place, as it has in Europe, the high-potency, beneficial supplements that you can now buy over the counter will be available, if at all, only by prescription and at a much higher cost. This alone is sufficient reason for Congress to oppose the unconstitutional,freedom-destroying CAFTA bill.
FDA and Congress are also working (FDA quite openly, Congress more covertly) toward the goal of harmonizing our health laws with Codex Alimentarius standards and guidelines.
Sharron Williamson Boston, Massachusetts AreaCodex Action Committee
The problem with U.S. membership in NAFTA and CAFTA that all the trading countries have to be on the same page, in lockstep, accepting the same standards and regulations. This is the purpose of the CodexAlimentarius Commission: to standardize all regulations, resulting in product policies that are more convenient and more profitable for trade interests but that work against consumers' interests. Under Codex, American sovereignty is lost, at least for international trade purposes, and the WTO will make rulings based upon Codex standards rather than Congress and/or other government agencies.
FDA is presently recommending that the U.S. harmonize with Codex standards, and it seems they would prefer to apply those standards within the U.S. as well as for international trade.(It is more than likely that we will have no choice in the matter once we are signed on to Codex.) The recent actions of Congress(bills that threaten DSHEA) lead me to think they have a similar agenda.
TheU.S. passed CAFTA with a very close vote and, in fact, the Republicans held the voting period open an extra hour or more while they haggled with their party members to accrue enough votes. Sure enough, they got them. The Democrats were already all on board.
Codex Alimentarius Background and History
Compiled by Chris Gupta, based upon the work of Paul Anthony Taylor, SeppHasslberger, Scott Tips, and Helke Ferrie
Codex Alimentarius
"Codex Alimentarius," which refers to a set of strict regulations covering all aspects of food, is Latin for "food code" or "food regulations."This collection of food rules in Europe dates back to standards enacted between1897 and 1911 by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. They were used as a legal reference by the courts, although the Codex Alimentarius itself had no legal standing.
ModernCodex regulations are prepared by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (herein referred to as "Codex"), which works with the EU and UN in an attempt to regulate every aspect of food production, packaging, preparation, preservation, and presentation of food "from farm to fork."
Codex also attempts to regulate supplemental nutrients.
It even goes so far as to eliminate "organic produce" standards (through dilution)!
Codex's reach
Because the U.S. is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), and because the WTO and other treaty agreements require the United States to adhere to Codex standards, any changes approved in Europe, and implemented in the EU-dominated Codex meetings, could subject the United States to WTO-enforced trade sanctions.
Codex will control:
1. Vitamins, minerals, and nutrients,
2. Genetically modified organisms,
3. Toxic residues,
4. Antibiotics, drugs, growth stimulants, and other hormones in food animals,
5. Organic foods, and
6. Irradiation of food.
The plan is to suppress all beneficial, high-potency nutrients, and to allow only those and a few other vitamins and minerals that will be high-priced,low-dosage, and synthetically-made by drug companies.
Codex regulations will become binding internationally. Any nation that has entered into trade agreements through the WTO and its adjunctive treaties will eventually be forced to adopt Codex standards.
All "new" types of food supplements will be banned unless tested and approved in a drug-like manner. This is certain to be both time consuming and unnecessarily expensive. And, the validity of such tests is doubtful. A favorite ploy of drug and governmental authorities is to use such small doses of a supplement that tests do not show any noticeable value.
Codex standards are not based upon accepted scientific or research findings. Rather, the standards are developed in a political atmosphere, with seemingly obligatory EU and drug-cartel approval.
Organic foods
From the drug cartel's point of view, the primary advantage in getting rid of true organic food is that in the absence of quality food, people will become ill and buy more prescription drugs. As a lesser advantage, the farmers will buy more insecticides and chemical fertilizers. The standards and definitions of "organic food" will be changed.
Under Codex, a farmer or rancher will not be able to call his products "organic" when they are full of toxic poisons.
Under Codex, "organic food" may include as little as 70% organic contents, but this will not be noted on labels. (The other 30% can consist of poisons or contaminants.)
The new laws requiring genetically modified crops, pesticides, hormones and antibiotics in foods will be cost-prohibitive to people living in developing nations, and billions of people may die and/or sicken as a result of these policies.
Codex is not based on science or democracy
Unelected government officials, working in cooperation with vested industry and trade interests, make decisions that result in domestic and international standards, which in turn are to be enacted into law by the member states of the WTO.
When the WTO was created, the enforcement mechanisms for Codex and other international standards were created.
With this enforcement mechanism in place, an increased incentive, therefore, arose to hijack the original purpose of Codex (i.e., to provide clean and safe food for the planet with no international barriers to the movement of that food), instead of promoting a restrictive governmental agenda of suppression of natural alternatives to pharmaceutical medicines.
The harm in 'harmonization'
Through the process called "harmonization," our legislators in Washington will be required to align America with harsh and restrictive Codex requirements, regulating international trade, distribution, and processing of food, herbs, and nutrients.
Those proposed standards will be extremely detrimental to the environment and your health, blocking your access to many clean, unadulterated, life-enhancing foods.
The FDA is currently at work, preparing its own plans for "directives" for "harmonization" of our dietary supplement laws so they will fully agree with the excessively restrictive "international standard" set by the EU-dominated Codex.
What Codex will accomplish
These new standards and guidelines will:
1. Protect the multi-million euro (European equivalent of dollars) investments of the large drug companies as well as their government-blessed monopolies.
2. Lead people away from natural healing methods, resulting in more power for the government-medical-pharma cartel, more suffering and death for the populace, and the further degradation of life on Earth.
Codex's Evil Sister
The drug industry, recognizing the growing preference for natural remedies over pharmaceuticals, wants nutritional supplements and herbs either forbidden or priced out of reach. In Europe, the drug cartel has succeeded in enacting the European Food Supplements Directive, which will accomplish that objective on the European continent very soon.
This Directive, which passed into European Union (EU) law in 2002 and was implemented throughout the EU on August 1, 2005, is the first of several EU Directives to impact natural healthcare and is one ofthe bases for the Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements Guidelines adopted by
Codex Alimentarius.
Effects of the 1994 U.S. dietary-supplement law, DSHEA:
In the United States, after DSHEA was enacted by Congress, the shackles were removed from American suppliers, who were permitted for the first time to actually advertise some of the purported health benefits of vitamins, minerals, and herbs, and to sell such products free of the arbitrary enforcement powers of the FDA.
DSHE Awas passed because large numbers of Americans demanded it.
Over 2.5 million ordinary citizens wanted to ensure that dietary supplements would remain available over-the-counter.
By 2002, nutritional supplements outsold drug
( From Agny. No wonder Big Pharma need regulations and the medical mafia)
Interestingly enough, although the FDA has retained wide-ranging enforcement powers over supplements, many anti-supplement interests repeatedly and deliberately lie and call supplements "unregulated."
CAFTA agreement
Special clauses have been inserted into the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) designed to force America to submit to Codex standards after its enactment by the U.S. Congress. CAFTA was passed by the U.S. Senate and Congress in 2005. This laid yet another brick in the wall for the U.S.government to eventually restrict vitamin and supplement sales in accordance with the "German Model" of healthcare.
Gradually, DSHEA, which protects the nutritional rights of Americans, is being nullified by these"end runs," and the North American supplement companies (along with their health food stores) are being insidiously phased out.
The power behind the throne
Codex is a joint venture between the United Nation's World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization (WHO/FAO).
The WTO stated that it will enforce Codex "guidelines" as the world standard for trade in food and food supplements. Both the FAO and the WHO are intended to protect the health and welfare of the world's population, but it is clear they have shirked this responsibility in regard to Codex.
An immense German, French, U.S., and British drug cartel is behind this.
Codex is also working with other groups supporting the following agendas:
1. The chemical industry's aim that all animals be treated with antibiotics and hormones.
2. The largest seed company in the world (Monsanto) is working toward 100% genetically-modified crops.
3. The nuclear industry's goal of irradiating all foods including plants and livestock.
4. All industries' goal: phasing out truly organic foods, or at least, making them extremely difficult to obtain.
Hopefully, the facts will alarm you enough that you will want to immediately contact Congress and tell them how you feel about all of this.
Actions by the European Union and the United Nations affect millions of lives.
What makes it possible for drug companies to have so much influence at the EU and UN and even within our own FDA?
The answer is rather simple:
drug companies make excessive profits by over charging on patented medicinal drugs.
They claim that the profits are needed for research into new drugs. Yet, the costs of that research only come down to paying the salaries of some lab technicians.
Itis is well-known that most of the profits are used for lobbying politicians, advertising, and similar methods of increasing sales.
The powers on the throne
Some 167 countries are members of the Codex
Alimentarius Commission (CAC).
Here are some of the international organizations working closely with Codex in order to accomplish its objectives:
* Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO):
* International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
* International Consultative Group on Food Irradiation (ICGFI)
* Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA):
* The European Commission on Food Safety (ECFS)
* United Nations (UN)
* World Health Organization (WHO)
* World Trade Organization (WTO)
The bottom line is that, for all their power, the pharmaceutical companies could no more force you to buy their drugs and accept their medicines than Wal-Mart could force you to buy its pots and pans.
It is the overriding dictates of monopolistic legislation enacted by Congress, coupled with the government-enforced monopoly given to government-licensed and approved medical doctors, that restrict our healthcare choices.
Without these laws, you could reject "Big Pharma" with impunity as you bought and used all the natural health products you wanted in a truly free market.
There are more than 20 Codex Alimentarius Committees.
These committees develop guidelines (there are more than 16,000 pages of working documents) on every aspect of food and present those guidelines to the Codex for ratification.
Trade organizations with strong publicly documented ties to the pharmaceutical, chemical and agricultural industries have a very influential voice at these meetings. There has been no significant representation from health advocates, nutritional supplement manufacturers, natural healthcare professionals, or similar groups at the Codex meetings, except for the National Health Federation (NHF), which is the only health-freedom organization with official International Non-governmental Organization (INGO) status at these meetings.
The NHF is the only INGO voice consistently speaking out for health freedom year after year at these meetings.
The Codex Commission meets every year, alternating between Rome and Geneva, while its various committees meet in different host countries (such as France,Germany, Canada, Australia, the US, etc.).
The U.S. representatives to Codex have well-documented, unsavory connections to the very industries that stand to profit from the wholesale implementation of the Codex standards. In so far as the FDA is concerned, consumers have virtually no say at all.
The governments of both India and South Africa have repeatedly expressed their dissatisfaction with the foolish restriction of nutrients and herbs under Codex, but their protests have been regularly disregarded during meetings by-defined "consensus" tactics that do not allow full discussion or debate on these crucial issues or even true consensus.
The Power in Codex
Here is one of many reasons why Codex can overrule our U.S. dietary laws.
In the United States Federal Register, dated Oct. 11, 1995, the FDA's Policy on Standards states that "where a relevant international standard exists, or completion is imminent, it will generally be used in preference to a domestic standard."
TheU.S. Constitution states that U.S. treaties take precedence over U.S. laws. There has been activity on Capitol Hill to prepare "harmonization" rules, which will lock America into obeying Codex dietary standards.
Itis important to note that Codex Alimentarius operates under the system shrined in the Napoleonic legal code, under which anything not explicitly permitted is forbidden!
In contrast to the Napoleonic legal code, the U.S.operates under the more sensible English-based Common Law, wherein anything not specifically forbidden is permitted.
WTO placed corporations over nations
The WTO has put the mechanisms in place to override any national law that interferes with multinational corporate profits in international trade. That is one of the reasons why Congressman Ron Paul tried to remove us from the WTO in 2000 via House Joint Resolution 90. Congress failed to enact his proposal.
U.S. Codex Office
The U.S. Codex Office is found within the FDA, which, in turn, is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This Office works very closely with Codex in Europe.
If you go to its website, you will see this:
"Th Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1963 by FAO and WHO to develop food standards, guidelines and related texts such as codes of practice under the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. The main purposes of this Programme are protecting the health of the consumers, ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations."
The U.S. obeys WTO
Codex standards and guidelines were originally intended to be voluntary, i.e., each nation could obey or disobey them. But that began to change when the various nations signed new treaties at the Uruguay Round of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), at which time the World Trade Organization (WTO) came into existence.
According to the treaty the United States signed at Uruguay, we are required to obey the rulings of the WTO. The WTO has enforcement power through a new international court, the Dispute Settlement Body, which does not follow our rules of evidence and wherein our interests are represented by unelected government bureaucrats.
We have a controlled (or paid-off) press
This Codex crisis is the clearest proof this writer has ever seen that we have a "controlled press" in America!
There is absolutely no mention by ABC, NBC, CBS,
Fox, BBC, or the newspapers and news magazines
that America is hurtling toward the total loss of
effective vitamin-and-herbal supplementation!
This is largely due to a conflict of interest: the drug companies provide them with millions of dollars in drug-ad revenues, and it is my belief that the media have been threatened with the loss of this revenue if they tell the public the truth about Codex.
In my opinion, this includes generous "contributions" to the White House and Congress, as well as immense bribes to EU and UN officials.
Now you can understand why the newspapers, news magazines, and news broadcasts do not say a word about the nutritional crisis we are facing. In 2004, pharmaceutical companies spent over $ 4billion on direct consumer advertising. This includes media advertising. In that same year, $785 million was spent on Congressional lobbying.
Can Codex be stopped?
There is no certainty about this.
You should contact your Congressmen and Senators, and tell them how you think they should vote. It is imperative that concerned natural health consumers become organized and fully activated to stop Codex from being enacted in the United States.
July 4, 2007 Update by Sharrhan Williamson
Just this week, the FDA announced that it was implementing tough, new "Good Manufacturing Practices," which consist of regulations that will adversely affect sales of vitamins and minerals. For once, the FDA was very forthright, making it clear that small supplement companies will have to go out of business. According to news sources, the big vitamin/supplement companies that are set to stay in business (Vitamin Shoppe, GNC, etc.) have strong pharmaceutical company backing.
Senator Ted Kennedy's FDA "revitalization" bill S. 1082 is another blow to DSHEA:
it allows for its dismantling by the FDA and Congress. Dr. Ron Paul is trying to counteract this with some new bills such as his H.R.2117. We'll see if he is successful.
Codex is happening, although they are implementing it in small stages so that the public hardly notices. If we call Congress to complain, they'll say, "Oh no, that's not happening." We must read between the lines and look at all the evidenceit's as plain as day. On the bright side, perhaps people will get back to growing more good organic food and herbs locally than ever before.
July 16, 2007 Update by Scott C. Tips of the National Health Federation
The 30th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) in Rome, Italy just ended (July 2-7, 2007). Heaping plates full of Codex standards and guidelines were advanced to their final stages as if starving people were gathered around a banquet table.
It did not matter what was heaped on the plate; it got passed to the table regardless. It also did not matter that there were some 451 country delegation members and another 61 INGO (International Nongovernmental Organization) delegate-observers from around the world in attendance (or pretend attendance); the CAC Chairman, Dr. Claude Mosha, plowed forward, pushing aside any and all objectionsexcuse me, he called them "reservations"that were made.
It would not have mattered if a plate of rotten tomatoes had been presented to him for approval; he would have approved them too.
In this one meeting, the CAC was rendered irrelevant as a meaningful "approving" body, for it merely rubber-stamped without thought what had been done by others. Mimi the Gorilla could have done just as good a job.
That is the essence of what happened at the Codex meeting as Sepp Hasslberger and I (the National Health Federation delegation) saw it.
To read our full report, see
While Americans Slept by A. Ofria
When we see powerful players forcing our leaders to act in ways that threaten the rights that Americans have historically died to preserve, we must remind them of their duty to safeguard our way of life. If we do not raise our voices above the clamor of multinational commercial interests, we may be silenced forever.
Take Action by Scott C. Tips
Legislation can either protect or restrict your freedom in all its aspects, including your health freedom. As long as there is some semblance of representation in the halls of Congress, use whatever influence you have as a constituent on your Senators and Congressional representative.
Letall three of them know that you oppose American harmonization with Codex Alimentarius standards and all other restrictions upon your right to purchase and grow naturally healthful foods and choose naturally healthful goods and services.
Remember the National Health Federation's action motto:
"Be persistently vocal." That is, do not just send one letter or fax, or one e-mail, and then sit back and watch TV re-runs, thinking your job is done. Be persistent, do all three, re-send, and pick up the telephone to call them with your concerns. Even better, if possible, pay them a personal visit in their offices, ideally, going together with friends. Engrave your views in their minds, even when they are on the Senate or House floor. Make them feel the heat.
To begin, you could say:
"I am asking you to do two things to protect our health freedoms here at home:
1. Support the Health FreedomProtection Act (H.R.2117) by signing on as a co-sponsor; and
2. Oppose all efforts to harmonize with or conform our American system of food and food-supplement regulation to the European-dominated Codex Alimentarius Commission's health standards, which are based on junk science."
Unify your efforts with others by joining an organization such as the National Health Federation with an established track record of health freedom activism. Together, our individual efforts will be coordinated and amplified.
Editors note: Special thanks go to Scott C. Tips, Esq. of the National Health Federation for assisting with the editing of this article.
Watch These Films!
"We Become Silent -The Last Days Of Health Freedom
The Codex-CAFTA Documentary" (2006)
A 28-minute video by Kevin Miller at
"This is What Democracy Looks Like"(2000)
A 68-minute compilation of interviews with Noam Chomsky, Vandana Shiva, SusanSarandon and Michael Franti about the driving forces behind the World trade organization.
Available at video stores and
New Book
CODEX Alimentarius - Global Food Imperialism
This 293-page book, just released this year, consists of a compilation of informative articles and viewpoints by various knowledgeable health-freedomactivists who know Codex intimately. Compiled and edited by Scott Tips, President of the National Health Federation.
$15.95 plus shipping: U.S $3; Europe $12
Online orders:
Mailorders: National Health Federation, P.O. Box 688, Monrovia, CA 91017 U.S.A., orcall 626-357-2181.
Democracy in Action
"The price of liberty is eternal vigilance." Thomas Jefferson.
To contact your U.S. congressional representatives, go to:
To contact your U.S. congressional senators, go to:
Or visit:
Codex Action Information
Boston Area Codex ActionCommittee
Sharrhan Williamson 617-499-0920
National Health Federation
P.O. Box 688, Monrovia, California 91017
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- Utanríkismál/alþjóðamál
- Vefurinn
- Viðskipti og fjármál
- Vinir og fjölskylda
- Vísindi og fræði