Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, júlí 2010
27.7.2010 | 07:25
CHEMTRAILS/ EFNARÁKIR. What´s going on /Hvađ er í gangi?
Ţessi myd er tekin ca 8 km sunnan viđ Dalvík. Sama hvar á landinu mađur er- allstađar er spreyjađ sem vćri mađur pöddur...
What´s going on
by Dan Eden for viewzone
The word "chemtrails" is a knock off of the word "contrails."
Contrails are trails of condensation that can be seen in the sky when a jet airplane is traveling at above 30,000 feet altitude.
Up there, almost 6 miles high, the air is thinner and colder -- very cold. Outside temperatures can dip to minus 60 F and the air is often full of minute ice crystals that hang suspended and invisible. When these ice crystals get sucked into a hot jet engine they turn into a gas, like steam, and can be seen as puffy white cloud-like lines that follow behind the jets. They usually dissipate and fade away as the moisture once again returns to form invisible ice crystals.
"Chemtrails" are something different.
They are often formed behind jet aircraft at a much lower altitude and seem to persist in the sky. They often have a different color from contrails and frequently exhibit a rainbow spectrum if lit just right from the sun.
The confusion between these two kinds of phenomenon is what made us hesitate to write about them in Viewzone. We figured that with the dramatic increase in air transportation ther would naturally be many more contrails in the sky and that worrying about this was just another form of modern paranoia.
In this article you will learn that chemtrails are real and contain aluminum particles. They have been sprayed in the atmosphere in an attempt to protect micro-circuitry and semiconductors -- primarily involved with avionics -- from atmospheric and solar radiation that causes them to fail.

A satellite photo taken January 29, 2004, showing aircraft trails over SE America.
[click for larger view]
In the photo above, not all of the white lines are "chemtrails." Probably most are regular contrails or "con"densation trails from jet commercial airline flights. It just illustrates the severity of the problem -- even without any conspiracy.
The conspiracy, however, adds another degree of complexity to the problem. It claims that certain trails are not a mere byproduct of modern aviation but rather a deliberate attempt to introduce cloud-like formations in the atmosphere, restricting our sunlight and possibly poisoning us with chemicals. Hence the term "chem"ical trails.
Chemtrails are real!
The term "chemtrail" was first introduced by journalist, William Thomas, in 1997.
He wrote about something that many people had been seeing in the skies above their homes all across America. It wasn't so much that people noticed the white trails from jets, or even that there appeared to more of them than they remembered in the past, but that the aircraft making these white lines were flying in unusual ways -- often in zig-zag patterns or making multiple parallel lines of white trails that tended to expand and eventually cover the sky with a canopy of clouds.

[Top: photo taken in Kentucky; Middle: photo taken in Washington;
Bottom: photo taken in Portland, Oregon]
Initially, people began to question the government, thinking it was some kind of weather control project, but NASA and NOAA and even the military have denied any knowledge or involvement in the phenomenon. Independent researchers, convinced that something is going on, have posed sinister theories which have gained acceptance from the government's apparent lack of interest and even ridicule of the idea that there is anything unusual.
Analysis of the trails is difficult, at least from the ground. But occasionally the trails have drifted to much lower altitudes and have apparently condensed to form strange residues that have been collected from trees, roofs and ponds.
Lab tests show chemtrails contain aluminum!
In 2008, samples around California's Lake Shasta and the Pit River Arm tributary were tested in a State Certified Lab following weeks of fly-overs and chemtrails. The results of the water samples showed 4,610,000 parts per million of aluminum -- 4610 times the maximum contaminant level! [6]
At another pond, filled with filtered water and confirmed to contain "0" aluminum, test revealed 375,000 parts per million of aluminum (375 times the maximum contaminant level) after only 18 months exposure to the aerial spraying.
The usually pristine snow pack from the Ski Bowl area of Mt. Shasta showed 61,000 parts per million of aluminum!
Why aluminum? Secrets revealed...
At first the logic of putting fine particles of aluminum in the atmosphere seems utterly strange. But a little research reveals that this plan was considered necessary many decades ago. In fact, the idea of spraying aluminum oxide from jet aircraft was patented by Hughes Aircraft in 1990 (see, patent #5003186).
The plan proposed "to seed the metallic particles was to add the tiny particles to the fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be emitted from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising altitude."
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION: Patent #5003186A method is disclosed for reducing atmospheric warming due to the greenhouse effect resulting from a greenhouse gases layer. The method comprises the step of seeding the greenhouse gas layer with a quantity of tiny particles of materials characterized by wavelength-dependent emissivity or reflectivity, in that said materials have high emissivities in the visible and far infrared wavelength regions and low emissivity in the near infrared wavelength region. Such materials can include the class of materials known as Welsbach materials. The oxides of metal, e.g., aluminum oxide, are also suitable for the purpose.
The greenhouse gases layer typically extends between about seven and thirteen kilometers above the earth's surface. The seeding of the stratosphere occurs within this layer. The particles suspended in the stratosphere as a result of the seeding provide a mechanism for converting the blackbody radiation emitted by the earth at near infrared wavelengths into radiation in the visible and far infrared wavelength so that this heat energy may be reradiated out into space, thereby reducing the global warming due to the greenhouse effect."
But wait! There's more.
A more sinister use of aluminum
You would think that the government would be happy to announce that they had a plan to help reduce global warming. If spraying powdered aluminum oxide from jetliners would stave off the dire predictions of violent storms, melting icecaps and rapidly rising ocean, most people would likely have applauded their attempts. There would have been no need for secrecy and denying what people have been seeing in the skies over their communities.
So is there really another reason for the chemtrails? Absolutely!
It was the late Edward Teller, member of the Manhattan Project and father of the Hydrogen Bomb, co-founder and director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, who proposed this geo-engineering technique together with Roderick Hyde and Lowell Wood and who designed a variety of mixtures according to the specific tasks they have to perform, among which figure the deployment of "electrically-conducting sheets" or "metallic 'nets' of ultra-fine mesh-spacing" in the stratosphere.
But their concern wasn't global warming. It was the growing dependence on, and vulnerability to semiconductors.
In a paper presented to the US Air Force titled "Electromagnetic Pulse Threats in 2010", Major Colin R. Miller describes the dangers from atmospheric radiation which could shut down everything in America -- bringing us back to the stone age. Disruption of semiconductors in our present society could cause everything to cease -- from the basics like water and power to emergency services, all communication, transportation and our national security. He outlines vital importance of shielding of these circuits, both individually and globally. [1]
In a 2009 interview with Ludwig Glinz about 'Sferic Frequencies, Semiconductor Technologies and their effective Preservation and Protection,' Uwe Behnken, founder of LiveNet Concept 2010 and long time activist against Chemtrail Spraying, suggests that the massive injection of toxic substances into the stratosphere ever since the nineties bears a direct relation to the protection of highly sensitive semiconductor technologies.
"Natural electromagnetic pulses are known to everybody ever since the film 'The Day After' where we learnt what happens if these are created artificially by means of the explosion of an atom bomb. If an atomic weapon explodes, the electromagnetic pulse causes semiconductor technologies to stop functioning.
The same electromagnetic pulses can be registered in the event of elevated sferic frequencies or nuclear electromagnetic pulses stemming from elevated sun activities, and from our perspective this is another reason why it is undertaken to repel these sferic frequencies with the help of toxic substances, like aluminium oxides and barium-chlorides so as to protect semiconductor technologies."
[see ]
Our vulnerability to radiation
Since the 1950's when silicon and germanium transistors were suddenly "discovered" by Bell Laboratories, electronic circuitry has become entirely dependent upon these semiconductors. Radios containing vacuum tubes were replaced by transistor circuits and expensive room size computers, which used magnetic relays and solenoids, were quickly reduced to desktop "appliances" that are now found in most every home.
As we round the corner of the first decade of the 21st Century, micro-circuits are in our cellphones, satellites, "fly-by-wire" cars and almost all of the communications devices used by the financial, business and military institutions. In just 50 years since their introduction, semiconductors have become a most vital part of our life and a necessity for our survival.
But there's a problem no one anticipated.
Because the circuits are so incredibly small and function of such extremely low voltages, they are highly vulnerable to outside radiation. Rays from our Sun, the atmosphere and even cosmic rays, can and do cause errors in these circuits that can have an impact on the lives and safety of everyone.
Three little sins
One of the problems related to semiconductor technology and as derived from some of its specific characteristics is, that upon exposure to various types of particles of atmospheric radiation -- alpha particles, various ions, protons, and neutrons which can 'hit' the device -- it can change state or alter its output, leading to an error.
This phenomenon is widely known by the manufacturers and has been called 'Single Event Effect' (SEE), which, in turn, is classified in three basic categories:
A soft error or 'single event upset' (SEU), a soft or hard error or 'single event latch-up (SEL) and a hard failure or 'single event burnout' (SEB).
The Single Event Upset happens when the flow of data ("1's" and "0's") is corrupted. Maybe when reading the binary code from a memory or processor an extra bit is added or lost. This is a fairly regular occurrence and is usually corrected within the device by a special code that counts the number of bits, checks to make sure the same number was received, and orders them to be repeated if there is a discrepancy.
The Single Event Latch is more serious. The external radiation causes one of the transistors to malfunction, allowing high voltage to enter the circuit and disabling the device either temporarily or permanently. The damage is usually localized and many critical circuits have built in redundancy to compensate for this.
The Single Event Burnout results when the radiation causes instantaneous yet large voltages to enter the circuit, burning the internal elements of the transistors and their surrounding components. When this happens the electronic circuits are permanently disabled.
All of the problems mentioned happen to semiconductor circuits when exposed to radiation. Manufacturers of commercial semiconductors do not design any protection against this and so our society -- our way of life -- is highly vulnerable. The protection from such things as solar radiation and cosmic rays has instead been to establish a conductive layer of metallic particles which cover and dissipate this radiation.
In an Atmospheric Radiation Effects Whitepaper by Ken Vranish, titled
"The Growing Impact of Atmospheric Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices and the Associated Impact on Avionics Suppliers" the problem is put in perspective.
The design and manufacturing of complex devices usually allow for flaws and malfunctions that are tracked statistically. A failure or malfunction that happens once in 40,000 hours could be thought of as negligible. But if the malfunction is in a life critical system, such as the navigation or engine control of a passenger aircraft, this could be deadly.
Next, complex designs usually take about a decade to reach production. The circuitry in use today was designed before the problem of radiation was well understood. So there is virtually no protection in individual circuits. This shifts the burden to a global solution, especially with regards to aviation electronics, such as atmospheric seeding with metallic substances.
All of the above is especially true for military applications of semiconductors.
"Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom demonstrated the potential of NCW, allowing unprecedented speed and lethality through digital command, control, communications, and computers (C4) integrated throughout the battlespace.
The ability of microchip-enabled systems to leverage combat power was eye watering and in the future will be paramount. Data links, displays, satellite communications, computerized planning systems, GPS receivers, radios, smart munitions, vehicles, aircraft, and all other systems required to support the networked force will derive their power, and potentially their doom, from fragile electronic systems..."[2]
Public outcry?
No doubt the public will feel disrespected when they learn that this fact has been hidden from them. But perhaps they will also take note of the many unusual airline tragedies that appear to be the result of some sudden electronic failure. Perhaps they will understand why automobile manufacturers, like Toyota, have not been up front about the vulnerabilities of today's fly-by-wire automotive controls that should have faraday shield, at the very least.
With the Solar Maximum approaching we can expect more and more failures of semiconductors, resulting is all sorts of malfunctions and potential burnouts. One strong Coronal Mass Ejection is all the it would take to trigger the dire scenario portrayed by Major Miller.
A history of lies and more lies...
Back in 2001, angry citizens had mustered enough physical evidence and thousands of photos and video tapes to make at least one congressman, Mr. Dennis Kucinich, include the phenomenon in a bill, (HR 2977) "The Space Preservation Act of 2001"
where chemtrails were to be prohibited as an "exotic weapons system."
After some closed door discussions, the bill was re-introduced (HR 3615) with this portion of the prohibition omitted.
A review of the average surface temperatures over the last decade shows a decrease of 0.5F, while atmospheric temperatures have undoubtedly been rising. Scientists attribute this to chemtrails.
Non-scientists have noticed that beautiful sunny days are often turned into overcast by the crazy zig-zag flights of jets and wonder if this could also cause droughts or respiratory illnesses. It's crazy, and no one in the government seems to want to address this.
The question remains unanswered: why won't the government come clean with the chemtrails? Is it because the aluminum and other metallic substances has also been responsible for poisoning our water and air? Is it because the need to shield military, corporate and business communications was a higher priority than the wellbeing of the average people? We need answers and we need them now.
Below are some recent articles that have been posted as an introduction to chemtrails. We encourae readers to comment and write to Viewzone's Editor.
Next--Chemtrails In the Classroom
Chemtrail Sunscreen Taught In US Schools
by William Thomas
A is for Apple.
B is for Boy.
C is for Chemtrails.
At least this is what one American father found while paging through his child's science book. SmT was astonished to find seventh graders being taught about chemtrails. And geoengineeering their home planet.
Anyone with question about the "spray programs" he now says, "should perhaps just ask their kids."
The chemtrails section is found in the Centre Point Learning Science I Essential Interactions science book. Under "Solutions for Global Warming", section 5.19 features a photo of a big multi-engine jet sporting a familiar orange/red paint scheme.
The caption reads: "Figure 1-- Jet engines running on richer fuel would add particles to the atmosphere to create a sunscreen".
The logo on the plane says: "Particle Air".
"I kid you not," SmT insists. "Why did I spend all of that time doing research when I could have just asked my kids?"
Helping habituate children to a life under lethal sunshine and "protective" spray planes, this trippy textbook urges young readers to "Use Sun Block". But its authors are referring to a sunscreen spread across the sky.
"Could we deliberately add particles to the atmosphere?" asks the text, before helpfully suggesting that "Burning coal adds soot to the air."
You might be old enough to recoil at such a notion. But in a country where down is up and wrong is right, your kids could be learning that what used to be bad and a bummer is a now good thing!
"Be real interesting to see the politics of the folks putting this out." SmT suggests.
In the current White House, those politics are as "crude" as invading oil-rich Iraq over a bogus nuclear threat - while permitting Pakistan to export atom bomb materials to terrorist organizations in return for the chance at an election-boosting capture of Osama bin Laden by US forces in the Hindu Kush later this month. [New Yorker Mar1/04]
Why shouldn't the same petrol politics produce textbooks for children inheriting a nightmare? Led by a piggish petroleum president, with most major nations cutting back, US oil consumption is rising as steeply as supplies of cheap crude are collapsing.
The coal connection is this: In order to briefly "stretch the glide" of the fast-looming end of cheap oil that will utterly transform life as we know it, America's unelected oil president recently revoked pollution regulations on more than 2,000 of the nation's biggest polluting coal-fired power plants.
Ironically, this move -- like so many others made by an oil-addled White House -- will only hasten an Earthwreck as shattering to all onboard as a lurching square-rigger striking a rocky reef. Except our spaceship is surrounded by the cold, irradiated vacuum of deep space.
It turns out that a single 150-megawatt coal-burning power plant produces more emissions than 300,000 cars.
Termed an "Extreme Human health Hazard" by the EPA, microscopic coal particles also rot lungs, stop hearts, kill lakes, choke cities -- and stunt the lives of school kids with deadly sulphuric acid rain. [AP Aug27/03; LA Times Aug28/03]
Airborne soot also blocks sunlight, lowering greenhouse temperatures. Volcanic eruptions like Krakatoa and Pinatubo -- and globe-circling soot from 1,000 burning oil wells during Desert Storm -- belched enough sulphur into the stratosphere to cause a plunge in world temperatures, temporarily slowing global warming.
World scientists looking at deliberately putting megatons more sulphur into a closed, recirculating atmosphere already smoggy enough to depresses orbiting astronauts, decided that a sulphur sunscreen is not a swift idea.
But not this Jr. High science text. "Creating either kind of sunscreen would be cheap," it tells young readers. As if "cheap" is the only consideration.
Even this claim is bogus. SmT says he looked, but the section on the downstream costs associated with the health and environmental effects of massive coal pollution - or the 10 million tons of a chemical sunscreen suggested by the late Edward Teller -- "seemed to have been left out."
Ditto "the cost to the solar industry". Or cumulative impacts on kids, critters and plants on which our future depends.
Sunlight is already on the way out. Repeatedly expressing shock at how quickly our space colony's life-support systems are failing, scientists are finding levels of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface decreasing by almost 3% a decade.
"Global Dimming" is too small to detect with the eye. "But it has implications for everything from climate change to solar power and even the future sustainability of plant photosynthesis," reports the Guardian.
All those jet-propelled vacations and car trips to the corner store add up. Since 1960, 10% less sunlight has reached Earth's inhabitants. Levels of solar radiation reaching parts of the former coal-belching Soviet Union are down almost 20%.
In any greenhouse, the rule of a green thumb is that every 1% decrease in solar radiation results in a 1% drop in plant productivity.
"It's actually quite a big deal," says Graham Farquhar, a climate scientist at the Australian National University in Canberra.
But get this: Farquhar doesn't think that identified pollutants, "by themselves would be able to produce this amount of global dimming." [Guardian Dec18/03]
The baffled Aussie should check out the role of contrails in turning off sunlight. Since the Jet Age took off in the 1960s, normal condensation trails from five million jet flights every year have been found to block 10% of sunlight across Europe and the USA. Over heavily trafficked Atlantic and American air-routes, artificial cloud cover caused by jet engine pollutants has increased 20%. [Chemtrails Confirmed '04]
Chemtrails are another major sunblock.
Measurements taken with a calibrated photometer by Clifford Carnicom in Santa Fe show a rapid reduction in sunlight -- from a value of 97% on a "clear day" to around 80% during the early stages of heavy chemtrailing. Using a simple UV radiation meter, this reporter has confirmed similar drops in sunlight beneath artificial "chemcasts" on Canada's west coast.
In a country whose self-appointed regime routinely censors scientific studies, at least some 7th grade science are more focused on indoctrinating kids with risky techno "quick-fixes" than conscious conservation and common sense.
Forget science. SmT gazed in disbelief at another schoolbook picture showing a helicopter seeding the ocean with iron particles. These desperate "IronX" experiments did indeed trigger plankton "blooms" that, in turn, transferred tons of atmospheric C02 underwater as those carbon-inhaling critters eventually died and sank to the seafloor.
But -- oops! -- his kid's science book fails to mention that the resulting ocean blooms also sucked all available oxygen from the seawater, suffocating all marine life in massive, spreading "dead zones". [Chemtrails Confirmed '04]
Where are the picture, SmT wonders, "of people planting trees, or turning down thermostats, or bicycling, or any of the other ways not to add to the problem?"
Though his family gave up the idea of home schooling, he says, "it's perhaps time to reconsider."
Perhaps it's also time to reconsider state-sponsored brainwashing. And other escalating consequences of our carbon addiction, as well.Comments:
According to Victoria Hardy of The American Chronicle, Dr. Stephen D. McKay, who has studied chemtrails for over six years, believes there are four ongoing projects in our atmosphere,
"The first project
is an effort to block the rays of the sun from hitting the earth including the ultra violet radiation that will come through without an adequate layer of ozone in the upper regions above the earth.
This, it is hoped, will lower temperature on the surface of the earth and block ultra violet radiation from causing skin cancer in humans. The aerosol is probably aluminum oxide or a compound that would have similar properties."
"The second and most secretive project
is the United States Navy's, RFMP, Radio Frequency Mission Planner, military program. The RFMP is the system name given to a group of computer programs and one of the supporting, subprograms within the RFMP system is called the VTRPE computer program.
VTRPE is an acronym that stands for Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation, It is a computer Radio Frequency propagation program that deals with radio waves and enables the RFMP system to visually see the battlefield terrain in 3 dimensions (3-D) on a television screen.
The RFMP system also depends on satellites to feed their images of the battlefield into the RFMP system to be combined with the battlefield picture painted from the ground thus producing 3-D images."
"By providing an extremely interactive and visual (television type radar screens) environment, the Radio Frequency Mission Planner, RFMP system allows the computer operator to develop familiarity with the 'Radio Frequency' environment before a battlefield war mission occurs by playing a variety of 'what-if' virtual warfare scenarios on his computer screen.
Since all major modes of Radio Frequency propagation are modeled in his computer, (RFMP system), special, sometimes counter- intuitive, cases can be examined in detail and exploited during a warfare battle mission."
"The VTRPE computer program only worked accurately over water and along coastal areas but not over land masses because the system's radar waves required an atmospheric condition known as 'ducting', over land, to operate accurately."
"The government and military solved the 'ducting' problem by releasing an aerosol, a mixture of barium salts into the atmosphere over America. They made an atmospheric RF duct with a base of barium aerosol from aircraft.
The chemical and electrical characteristics of the mixture will cause water moisture to stay in clouds. Again, the aerosol sets up an electrical and chemical environment that supports RF ducting for the RFMP / VTRPE warfare system.
Fibers with barium may support ducting.
The mixture of barium salt aerosol when sprayed in a straight line will also provide a ducting path from point A to point B and will enable high frequency communications along that path, even over the curvature of the earth, in both directions.
Enemy high frequency communications can be monitored easier with the straight line A to B ducting medium."
"The third project also utilizes the mixture of barium salts in the atmosphere.
Weather control is a project of the U.S. Air Force and utilizes Nikola Tesla concepts of radio frequency radiation (HAARP) against the ionosphere above the earth. Fragile life support systems in our environment are being manipulated, tested and altered by government for military advantage.
Air Force documents implied, 'the risks are high but the rewards are worth it.'
The mixture of barium salts, supporting moisture, is encouraged along the weather fronts and manipulated in a control fashion. It is believed microwave energy is also utilized in the weather control program. Weather data is also a required input to the VTRPE program of the RFMP system.
Perfected weather control technology will enable a military to withhold rain, cause floods, cause drought, cause storms, withhold sunshine, damage food crops, and bring any country to its knees without firing a shot."
"The fourth project
in the atmosphere is the DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, biological detection and decontamination programs. The program also utilizes the mixture of barium salts as the base vehicle in aerosol along with special polymer fibers in the atmosphere. They have released biological into the atmosphere in trials, testing the detection and decontamination systems."
"It is believed that barium salt, polymer fibers and other chemicals, in the atmosphere are the physical irritants that are either directly or indirectly responsible, for the recent epidemic increase in cases of nose bleed, asthma, allergies, pneumonia, upper respiratory symptoms and a noticeable increase in arthritis symptoms, recently reported nationwide.
Chemicals illegally sprayed into the atmosphere are producing atmospheric and ground conditions detrimental to human and animal health but favorable to the growth of harmful molds and fungus. These conditions are not conducive to good health.
The soluble salts of barium, an earth metal, are toxic in mammalian systems.
They are absorbed rapidly from the gastrointestinal tract and are deposited in the muscles, lungs, and bone.
No case data is available from the medical community on the long term effects of barium in the human body."
As a commercial pilot I have to ask just where are the seemingly large number of aircraft responsible for chemtrails are based?
They are not at commercial airports, not have they been observed at military bases by the reservists I fly with. In flight, at altitude, all I ever see are standard contrails from clearly marked commercial aircraft.
I seldom see anything unusual from military aircraft, in fact it's rare to see a military aircraft in flight. I have never seen aircraft fitted with "spraying apparatus" to be used at high altitudes.
As far as metallic aluminum being mixed with our fuel, that possibility is very unlikely as it would contaminate our engines, causing severe corrosion and excess heating leading to engine failure. Our fuels are very sensitive to even bacteria and water contamination and great measures are used to insure absolute purity.
I have followed the chemtrails debate for some years and the logistics of it make no sense to me.
We fly internationally and see no difference in fuels loaded in foreign countries and no difference in contrail patterns there either. I am not saying that there's not something afoot here, rather that this experienced pilot and my colleagues see no evidence of other than standard contrails due to condensation being produced by aircraft.
hi , i just read your article on contrails. I live in upstate ny and noticed them in my sky for the frist time today. my mother said "oh, those are chemtrails" because she had heard about them years ago. i watched for the rest of the day as planes went back and forth covering the sky. I still counldn't believe that anyone was deliberately doing this! after researching on-line and seeing it for myself...i am speechless....i am angry....i am scared! isn't there a way that a local reporter could contact airports to see where these planes come from? is this just happening in the us....and is it all over the country??
i would like to send letters/info packets from some of the articles i have found to my local representatives, al gore, etc...people who probably have heard about this....but, maybe not. i am wondering if a group of people can get together and spread this information. please contact me if you are in touch with people who would do this/have done it . thank you
Lisa Cheson
check out AEROSOL CRIMES and COVER UP. copyright 1999-2007 by Clifford E Carnicom
Gordon Davies
I read your article with great interest, as I have been watching chemtrails for several years now. I have seen them in Washington state, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, and Idaho. Up until the last year or so, the chemtrails were always followed by some sort of a weather change, and I could predict this without fail. I knew these were NOT contrails, as the passenger jets were not emitting the same types of plumes.
Contrails will dissipate fairly rapidly, while chemtrails linger for hours, while spreading out and eventually taking away a beautiful, sunny, blue sky day, and replacing it with a cloud covered gray one. This sickens me, since in Washington, we get very few nice days, as it is. The chemtrails in the southern states do something a bit different than the ones in the northern areas, however.
While in Las Vegas for a week, we stayed at the MGM, with a balcony room facing McCarran Airport. Every morning I would sit on the balcony drinking my morning coffee, watching all the planes take off and land, with the beautiful blue sky as a backdrop. There were NEVER any trails left, every single day, but one.
This was when I knew this had NOTHING to do with passenger jets, and we were being sprayed by something much more sinister.
I walked out on the balcony this one particular morning, and the sky was filled with a tic-tac-toe grid pattern throughout the entire sky. How could anyone have missed it? The sky was covered!!! I was so upset, as I had no idea how to fight this OR what to do.
The next day, the weather changed in Vegas, and although it wasn't the typical rainfall that followed the spraying in the northern states, the winds were so strong that I could hardly walk without being pushed by them. The temperatures dropped about 20 degrees, as well. The following day was back to normal, as if nothing had ever happened.
In the last year, I have noticed the same drippy, evil looking plumes, that almost have wicked fingers dripping down from them, but the weather does not change. They are doing something different now, but they should not be doing this at all!!
Anyway, my plan is to get a high-powered camera and camcorder, and take a trip to document chemtrails. I would like to follow them to their place of origin, and then watch what I can see. I will certainly let you know what I find. This is the only solution I can come up with, but don't know what good will come from it. It's a least worth a try. Thank you for spreading the word.
Rhonda Getty
Hi there,
I recently ordered a book that I was hoping would shed some light on using HCL to "digest" metals... only the book is actually about how to use HCL in dilute solution to unclog a bodies lymph system. The book is called "Hydrochoric Acid and Mineral Therapy" and was written by Walter Guy MD.
The Chapter 4 heading reads:
"Lymph Stasis caused by Absorption of Aluminum Salts - Linking up the vegetable world with the human, showing effects of stoppage of the sap flow in corn by absorption of aluminum."
There are various other things that cause the lymph system to back up as noted in the same book. I know the chemtrails contain particulate matter and a majority of that matter is thought to be aluminum. Could it be possible that the chemtrails is really an attack to stop lymph in people and make everyone ill?
Anyways I'm going to read thru this and see what its about but I wanted to push this note to you guys as it might be worth following up on.
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- Health Truth Revealed Hulunni svipt af heilsu málefnum
- Quackpot Watch "The last days of the Quackbusters "
- True Torah Jews/Jews Against Zionism Traditional Jews Are Not Zionists
- Question Free DVD download / frítt niđurhal
Talnaspeki / Numerology
Fróđleikur um ţessa speki
- Sun - Angel Numerology Frítt dćmi ţarna
- Free Numerology Reading Meira en bara talnaspeki..
- Your Reading / Agny Lýsingin á mér...
- INDIGO intentions Tarot, numerology, Indigo children, Reiki, Angels reading
Fyndiđ stuff.
Myndir, brandarar og glens.
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Andleg málefni
Allt sem tengist ţeim málum.
- Crystalinks Ţessi síđa er hreinlega međ allt.
- Tarot Cards & Free Readings Frí Tarot spá
- Mind Power News Kraftur hugans.
- Progressive Awareness Research Allt mögulegt andans stuff.
- Tilvitnanir / quotes Ýmsar tilvitnanir
- New Jersey ghost hunter center Drauga "veiđar"
- The Tree of the Golden Light Ýmis andleg mál
- Mayan Calendar Articles Tímatal Mayanna
Stjörnuspeki / Astrology
Fróđleikur um ţessa speki.
- The Future Minders Frítt dćmi ţarna
Síđur um ADD / ADHD
Upplýsingar um athyglisbrest / ofvirkni.
- Dr. Mary Ann Block ,, Find the course, fix the problem".
- A Multisensory Learning Program Kennslugögn fyrir ADD / Autism / Dyslexia
- Exposing the Fraud of ADD and ADHD Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD Neurologist, Pediatric Neurology
- Stimulant Drugs for ADHD and ADD Örvandi lyf viđ ADHD og ADD
- "Are Psychiatrists Betraying Their Patients?" Eru geđlćknar ađ svíkja sjúklingana sína?
- "Our Toxic World" " Okkar eitrađi heimur"
- No proof mental illness rooted in biology Engin líffrćđileg sönnun fyrir geđsjúkdómum
- Death From Ritalin Snannleikurinn á bak viđ ADHD
- Methylphenidate ( virka efnið í Ritalin) Drug and Chemical Evaluation Section
- What Drugmakers of ADD & ADHD Drugs vilja ekki ađ ţú vitir
- Answers for ADHD Questions Svör viđ ADHD spurningum.
SSRI lyf og önnur ţunglyndislyf
Ýmsar síđur um hugarfars breytandi lyf.
- Dangerous Medicine forum Spjallborđ
- Antidepressants Facts Stađreyndir um ţunglyndislyf.
- SSRI Stories Ekki er sannleikurinn fallegur...
- International Coalition For Drug Awareness Verum međvituđ ...
- PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN NOW Verndum börnin okkar!!
- THE DARK SIDE OF PSYCHIATRY Dökka hliđ geđlćkninganna
- How psychiatry is making drug addicts out of America´s shool children Amerísk skólabörn gerđ ađ lćknadóps fíklum.
- Psyhchiatric Drug Side Effects Search Engine.
- Psyhchiatric Drug Side Effects Search Engine. SEARCH ENGINE
Asperger syndrome og Autism
Síđur sem fjalla um Asperger og einhverfu
- Aspergers Syndrome in Children Góđ síđa (mín skođun)
Blogg úr ýmsum áttum..
Vinir / áhugaverđir einstaklingar.
- Sigurjón Þórðar.
- Nornin
- Tigra
- Anna panna
- Þarfagreinir
- Katrín ódæla
- Klisja
- Olasteina "Fjarskyld frćnka"
- Nornin Vinkona af Baggalút.
- Geiri 3d.
- Laramin
- Sigunzo
- Ditto bloggar Yndisleg og spes manneskja.
- AGLOCO Borgađ fyrir ađ browsa..
- Microchip Implants News Articles MIND CONTROL; ÖRFLÖGUMERKINGAR; RFID
- WIDE EYE CINEMA WIDE EYE CINEMA is dedicated to showcasing the very best alternative truth-related documentaries & cinema uploaded onto the World-Wide Web.
- This site is number 1 on 10 black list sites of US gov. Here you find it all.Specially what the elite do not want you to find
- Alvaran Forum about what some call conspiracy
- Prophecies of Sollog Sollog is a POLITICAL PRISONER of the USA!
- Ingaoramas video VIDEOS
- So you wanna talk conspiracies? try this on for size. JUST GO THERE...
- ConCen An eye openinger
- What you should not here.. Knowing litle about lot is better than know lot about a little...
- Chemtrails Data Page Chemtrails - Frequently Asked Questions
- CHEMTRAIL CENTRAL Ţetta er forum um Chemtrails og málefni tengd efna úđun úr lofti..
- Chemtrails news, articles and information Cemtrails=Efnarákir
- CHEMTRAILS -HAARP-GEOENGIERING-DEPOPULATION AT WORK CHEMTRAILS síđa- fyrrverandi FBI starfsmađur leysir t.d. frá skjóđunni- núna látinn..
- Efnaúðun -veðurfarsstjórnun í gegnum chemtrails Cemtrails=Efnarákir- Ísland er ekki undanskiliđ ţessu ógeđi!
- Chemtrails = Aerosol spraying to change the atmosphere. Chemtrails = Aerosol spraying of barium, "fibers", pathogens.
- Efnaúðun -veðurfarsstjórnun í gegnum chemtrails Cemtrails=Efnarákir
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