23.6.2009 | 03:56
Proof that Alex Jones' Wife is Jewish. Og fleira sem vekur spurningar en ekki svör..And more that wakes up questions.
http://www.iamthewitness.com/ Búið að taka þennan link niður 4 Ágúst 2017
En ég fann þennan
An anti-semite is not someone who hates Jews; it is someone the Zionists hate.
Skoðið linkana sem ég setti neðst...ja og hér efst líka..
Alex Jones Exposed! PDF Is Alex working for the Zionists?
Alex Jones Denies Israel Carried Out 911:
Why do we believe the Zionists are the masterminds of 911
Proof that Alex Jones' Wife is Jewish.
Alex Jones' wife's name is KellyRebecca Nichols. Her nickname is "Violet".
Her father's name is Edmund Lowe Nichols. Her mother's name is Sandra Kay Heiligman.
'Lowe' and 'Heiligman' are almost exclusively Jewish names.
Alex Jones' wife has a sister named Jill Elizabeth Nichols, M.D.
She has a brother named James Edmund Nichols.
I have documentary proof from two genealogy websites( Ancestry.com and JewishGen.org ) that both of Alex Jones' wife's mother's parents are Jewish.
This means that Alex Jones' wife's mother is fully Jewish, which means that Alex Jones' wife herself is at least 50% genetically Jewish.
But,significantly, this also means that according to traditional Jewish Halakahlaw, Alex Jones' wife is fully Jewish, because according to traditional Jewish Halakah law, a person is considered fully Jewish if their mother is Jewish,regardless of the race, ethnicity, or religion of their father.
In addition to this, Alex Jones' wife's father's middle name is "Lowe", which means that in all probability he is Jewish as well("Lowe" is almost an exclusively Jewish name). This would mean then that Alex Jones'wife is genetically 100% Jewish.
But even if Alex Jones' wife's father were not Jewish, Alex Jones' wife would still be considered fully Jewish by traditional Jewish Halakah law, because her mother is Jewish.
Documentary Proof that Alex Jones' Wife is Jewish
Proof that Alexander E. Jones(Alex Jones) is married to KellyR. Nichols:
http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/9436/a... holsma.jpg
Proof that Kelly Rebecca Nichols is the daughter of Edmund Lowe Nichols and Sandra Kay Heiligman:
http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/5237/k... lsbirt.jpg
Proof that Sandra Kay Heiligman is the daughter of H.Heiligman (Haskell Heiligman) and Velma Ruth Lattimer:
http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/4561... nbirth.jpg
Proof that Haskell Heiligman is Jewish:
http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/4418/h... ewishb.jpg
Proof that Velma RuthLattimer is Jewish:
Alex Jones Admits that his Wife is Jewish
Fast forward to the 8:00 mark, and you will hear Alex Jones admit that his wife is at least partially Jewish.
But please note that Alex Jones makes contradictory statements in this video.
First Alex says emphatically thathis wife isn't Jewish, but then a few seconds later he admits that his wife has Polish Jewish ancestry.
Alex Jones doesn't seem to be able to decide whether his wife is Jewish or not.
Statement #1: "My wife's not Jewish."
Statement #2: "In my wife's...you know...zzhh...you know...off on one side of her family that did have some Jewish relatives from Poland..."
Note that the second statement is disjointed and ungrammatical. Alex Jones frequently speaks in this manner when he is either lying or telling a half-truth.
Alex Jones' wife's father, Edmund Lowe Nichols,is a convicted criminal and former U.S. Govt. diplomat who was forced to quit his job after pleading guilty to violating federal financial conflicts of interest law in 1993.
United States v. Nichols, District of Columbia
On October 6, 1993, Edmund L. Nichols, the former Minister-Counselor for Agricultural Affairs to United States Missions to the European Communities(USEC) and Spain pled guilty to having violated federal financial conflicts of interest law when he authorized payments to his wife, through a fictitious catering firm, for providing official entertainment services.
Nichols, as a career Senior Foreign Service Officer employed by the United States Department of Agriculture's Foreign AgricultureService (FAS), was assigned to the USEC in Brussels, Belgium, during 1990-91and to the United States Embassy in Madrid, Spain, from 1991 until September1993.
Nichols admitted approving payment of 12 invoices, totalling $4,393, from a purported catering firm called The Party Planner, knowing that there was no such firm and that the catering services had been provided by his wife for official parties which he had hosted.
Regulations prohibit spouses from being compensated for personal entertainment services. As part of his plea agreement, Nichols submitted to involuntary retirement from the FAS, and repaid $1,849 in FAS funds which he had obtained through other false claims unrelated to the fraudulent catering invoices.
On December 13, 1993, Nichols was sentenced to one yearof probation, a $2,500 fine, and 200 hours of community service.
Alex Jones' wife's great uncle was a wealthy Jewish doctor named Emmett M. Heiligman, who died in 2007.
Pediatrician Names People's Community Clinic as Beneficiary of His Estate Clinic Receives $ 520,000 Bequest
Austin, TX December 10, 2007
People's Community Clinic announced today that, to date, it has received nearly $ 520,000 from the estate of the late Dr. Emmett M. Heiligman, who died April,27, 2007 in Austin, Texas. This bequest is the second largest gift the clinichas received from a private individual since its inception in 1970.
Dr. Heiligman, a native Texan, graduated from the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) Galveston in 1944. He first practiced medicine as a Naval medical officer in World War II before beginning general practice in Overton, Texas with his brother, Dr. Haskell Heiligman. He then went on to specialize in pediatrics at Los Angeles Children's Hospital. As a reserve officer, he returned to military service during the Korean Conflict.
Following his service in Korea, Dr.Heiligman continued to care for patients for thirty years at the Alhambra Medical Clinic in Alhambra, California, before retiring in 1985. Dr. Heiligman relocated to Austin in 1994 to be near family.
He is survived by two nieces: Sandra Heiligman Nichols, of Austin, Texas, and Ann Heiligman Saslav, of Overton,Texas, nephews Mark and Gary Heiligman of Maryland and several great nieces and nephews, including Dr. Jill Nichols of Austin.
In designating this bequest for People's Community Clinic, Dr. Heiligman expressed his belief that primary health care is vital to lifelong wellness,especially for young children.
Dr. Heiligman felt strongly that healthcare should be available to all who need it, according to niece Sandra Nichols. She recounts that, as was customary in small town Texas in the 1940's, Dr.Heiligman regularly received payment in venison and other hunting bounty when patients could not afford to pay him for their care.
Dr. Heiligman became familiar with People's Community Clinic after a visit to the Clinic in 2004.
"Dr. Heiligman's generous, unrestricted gift to People's Community Clinic reflects his intimate understanding of the critical benefits that accompany access to primary medical care," says Regina Rogoff, Chief Executive Officer of People's Community Clinic.
"This gift will allows us to continue providing high quality, affordable health care to the 11,000 patients who call PCC their medical home and to further develop our program to improve health outcomes.
We are honored to receive this gift, especially from a man who was, by all accounts, a wonderful doctor and humanitarian."
More Information about Alex Jones' Wife's Great Uncle Emmett M. Heiligman
There is a picture of Emmett M. Heiligman on this page:
"Emmett M. Heiligman, M.D.,FAAP, of Austin, Texas, died April 27 at age 85."
Here is a page from the University of Texas yearbook, class of 1944, with Emmett M. Heiligman's name in it.
It appears that all the names listed on the page are Jewish:
Finally, notice that the clinic to which Dr. Heiligman post humously donated all of his money is managed by Jews:
Regina Rogoff, J.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Louis Appel, M.D., M.P.H.
Medical Director
Margaret Henkels
Director of Development
Carole Perine
Alex Jones' wife'saunt, Ann Heiligman Saslav, is a concert pianist:
Ann Heiligman Saslav is married to a famous Jewish violinist and concertmaster named Isidor Saslav :
Here are some web pages thats how Ann and Isidor Saslav together :
Here is a short commentary which describes Isidor Saslav's Jewish Zionist family background:
"Isidor was born in 1938 in Palestine from a Russian father and a Polish mother who had emigrated to the U.S. (Detroit) before going to Palestine.
A year or so later, his father decided to go back to Russia -- Palestine was a violent land torn among the Zionists, the British, and the Palestinians. So he went, but Mrs. Saslavski would have nothing of it.
She took young Isidor with her and journeyed back to Detroit, where she shortened the family name to Saslav. That was the end of Isidor's Zionist experience (you should hear the story of how he ended up with his first name!). Being a smart man Isidor chose the world of music instead of a world of nationalistic atavism. And in that world of music he met with some of the greatest directors, composers, and performers."
Isidor Saslav wrote an essay where he takes pride in the fact that the leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution were Jewish:
"So in sum: Far from denying the Jews' role in the Russian Revolution I hail it with pride as helping to remove one of the most oppressive regimes on the face of the earth in its time.
PS: I think I've heard that one of Lenin's fore bears was also Jewish."
Here is a brochure from a Hebrew school called the Hebrew Day Institute in Silver Spring, Maryland which describes how Ann and Isidor Saslav gave a musical performance for the children at the school.
Note that the article mentions that the Heiligman and Saslav families are cousins.
Also note that the article describes Ann and Isidor Saslav as "Israeli concert performers":
Here is an online guide to the Texas Jewish Historical Society Records at the Center for American History of the University of Texas atAustin. It lists Ann Saslav as being a Jewish musician.
This source definitively provesthat Ann Heiligman Saslav is Jewish:
If Ann Heiligman Saslav isJewish, then that necessarily means her sister Sandra Heiligman Nichols is Jewish.
And if Sandra Heiligman Nichols is Jewish, then that necessarily means her daughter Kelly Rebecca Nichols is Jewish. In Jewish Halakah law, a person is considered fully Jewish if their mother is Jewish, regardless of the race or ethnicity of their father.
Therefore, by Jewish Halakah law, Alex Jones' wife Kelly Rebecca Nichols is consideredfully Jewish, because her mother Sandra Heiligman Nichols is Jewish. This means that all children produced by the marriage of Alex Jones and Kelly Rebecca Nichols are considered fully Jewish as well, because their mother Kelly Rebecca Nichols is Jewish.
Alex Jones and Kelly Rebecca Nichols have three(3) children together.
Pictures of Alex Jones' Jewish Wife
http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/5932/a ... hwife1.jpg
http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/8310/a ... hwife2.jpg
http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/9637/a ... hwife3.jpg
http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/1350/a ... hwife4.jpg
Re: Proof that Alex Jones' Wifeis Jewish
by MikeWB »Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:58 pm
Wow...what a thread Yo Mama! AWESOME JOB!!!! Is there any online way to see if Jones'son's name is Einstein?
Re: Proof that Alex Jones' Wifeis Jewish
by joeblowman »Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:03 pm
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Alex Jones' Zionist empire is falling apart!
It was originally a Joe Blow Conspiracy Show listener who found out her parents' names, ZOG Corp from YouTube. He was also the same ZOG who spread this info among the WNs. I've been trying to get him on the show
Alex Jones Exposed!PDF Is Alex working for the ZIonists?
Is 9-11Truth Movement Sponsored by the Israeli Lobby?
PDF by Victor Thorn
George NoorysCoast-to-Coast AM radio show.
The only 9-11 figures who areever full-fledged guests on his show are those who belong to the club i.e.those who unflinchingly protect Israel at any cost.
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9-11 Truth.org:refuses to examine Israels role as a key conspirator in the 9-11 attacks
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