Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, ágúst 2009
Breast cancer wonder drugincreases risk of rare tumour by 440%
Vísindamenn segja að brjóstakrabbameins sjúklingar sem fá lyfið Tamoxifen séu fjórum sinnum líklegri til að þróa enn árásargjarnara æxli, heldur en þeir sem ekki fá þetta lyf uppáskrifað.
Í rannsókn á meira en 1.000 sjúklingum uppgötvaðist að oestrogen hamlandi lyfið minnkaði hættuna á algengasta og auðlæknanlegasta krabbameininu um 60%..
En þeim til skelfingar þá jókst möguleikinn á að fá sjaldgæft form, sem er ekki viðkvæmt fyrir kvenhormónum, um 440%.!
Þessi eru þekkt sem ER neikvæð æxli, andstætt ER jákvæðum, og eru enn hættulegri, þar sem það eru engin lyf sem vinna sérstaklega á þeim.
Dr Christopher Li, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre in Seattle sagði:
Þetta veldur áhyggjum, þar sem lakari batahorfur eru af ER neikvæðum æxlum, sem er einnig erfiðara að mehöndla. Tamoxifen hefur verið notað til aðmeðhöndla brjóstakrabbamein í meira en 20 ár og hefur bjargað fjölda kvenna víða um heim.
En uppgötvanir hans eru birtar í tímariti Krabbameinsrannsókna, sagði að þó að Tamoxifen hefði minnkað hættuna á að látast úr sjúkdómnum þá hafi það áhættu.
Dr Li Sagði: Fyrri rannsóknir höfðu margar annmarkanir.. Til dæmis..við höfðum ekki upplýsingar umi tímann sem konurnar höfðu verið á Tamoxifen...
Könnunin staðfestir undanfarandi rannsóknir gerðar af sama hóp og var birt 2001 og var sú fyrsta sem gaf til kynna tengsl á milli langtíma notkunar á Tamoxifen og aukinnar hættu á annars konar krabbameini, ER neikvæðu.
Núverandi rannsókn er stærri, er byggð á mikið ítarlegri gögnum og er fyrsta rannsóknin sem ætluð er til að skera úr um það hvort Tamoxifen notkun hafi haft áhrif á meðal þeirra sem lifað hafa brjóstakrabbamein af, og aukið hættu þeirra á að fá aðra en ólíka tegund af brjóstakrabbameini...
Nýjasta rannsóknin mat sögu Tamoxifen notkunar á meðal 1.103 þeirra sem lifðu brjóstakrabbamein af, sem voru upphaflega greindar með ER jákvætt brjóstakrabbamein á aldrinum 40- 79.
Af þessum þá þróuðu 369 konur aðra tegund krabbameins..
Núverandi rannsóknir eru byggðar á mikið áreiðanlegri gögnum og er fyrsta könnunin sem er sérstaklega beint að því að vega og meta heilsufar kvennanna..
Nærri því allar konurnar í rannsókninni sem notuðu eingöngu hormóna meðferð notuðu Tamoxifen..Nákvæmar upplýsingar um Tamoxifen notkun var fengin í gegnum síma viðtöl og sjúkraskýrslur......
Oestrogen örvar vöxt sumra krabbameins frumna.......Tamoxifen truflar þetta ferli..með því að ráðast á sig sjálft, á molekúl stiginu eða viðtaka á yfirborði krabbameinsfrumna sem að hormónarnir nota líka.. Reyndin er sú að þetta hindrar í rauninni að oestrogen hafi áhrif á krabbameins frumuna...
Dr.Li sagði að rannsóknin staðfesti sterklega tengingu á milli langtímanotkunar Tamoxifen og aukningu á Er neikvæðu öðru krabbameini. Þá gefur það ekki til kynna að þær sem hafa lifað brjóstakrabbamein af ættu að hætta að taka hormóna meðferðina til þess að koma í veg fyrir annars konar krabbameins..
Hann bætti við: Það er augljóst að oestrogen-hamlandilyf eins og Tamoxifen hafa mikilvægan klínískan ávinning og hafa leitt til meiriháttar framfara hjá fjölda þeirra sem lifa brjósakrabbamein af..
Hvað sem því líður þá hafa þessar meðferðir áhættu og aukning á ER neikvæðum annars konar krabbameini gæti verið eitt af þeim.
Samt sem áður er ávinningurinn af meðferðinni vel staðfest og læknar ættu að halda áfram að mæla með hormona meðferðinni fyrir þá brjóstakrabbameins sjúklinga sem gætu haft ávinning af henni.
Þýðandi Agný.
Taken from A Code Red Alert from the Health Sciences Institute:
Cancer Drug Quadruples Cancer Risk!
Breast cancer patients beware! Common breast cancer drug tamoxifen may quadruple your risk of developing a more aggressive cancer in your healthy breast. FOUR times the risk!
A new study (published in Cancer Research) found that tamoxifen therapy brings on a 4.4-fold increased risk of a specific, particularly aggressive form of breast cancer (called estrogen receptor negative contralateral breast cancer)...along with all of its other risks.
Risks that include blood clots, stroke, and uterine cancer, just to name a few.
On top of those potential risks, about 40% of women who do suffer through tamoxifen treatment suffer a cancer recurrence.
Of course, the researchers say this new finding the four- fold risk of aggressive cancer is no reason to stop taking tamoxifen, claiming that the benefits outweigh the risks.
DQ's note: As I reported at in the article "Chemo Does Not Cure - Often It Inflicts Damage and Spreads Cancer" (the entire article can still be found on the home page of the website):
As reported at the 27th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Dec 2004, (abstract 6014), German investigators from Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena, have shown that taxol (the "gold standard of chemo") causes a massive release of cells into circulation.
Such a release of cancer cells would result in extensive metastasis months or even years later, long after the chemo would be suspected as the cause of the spread of the cancer. This little know horror of conventional cancer treatment needs to be spread far and wide, but it is not even listed in the side effects of taxol.
As has oft been stated, chemo does not cure cancer - it merely attempts to eliminate the tumors and cancer cells that are symptoms of the underlying causes of cancer, and does so with little success and great risks.
In some instances it may appear to eliminate tumors and cancer cell masses, though most often it merely destroys some of the cancer cells. In the process, it often inflicts a very high price.
Besides spreading cancer cells, chemo inflicts serious and perhaps irreversible damage to the immune system, the body's natural first line of defense against cancer and other illness - thus paving the way for the remaining cancer cells or future cancers to overwhelm a body that is even less able to beat the cancer that got past the immune system in the first place.
Bloggar | Breytt 9.10.2013 kl. 04:07 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (8)
15.8.2009 | 15:10
Beer could stop bones going brittle
By Ben LeachPublished: 8:23AM BST 12 Aug 2009
Að drekka bjór reglulega gæti komið í veg fyrir að bein verði brothætt, samkvæmt því sem Spænskir vísindamenn segja..
Í rannsóknar niðurstöðunni segir að konur sem drekki bjór reglulega, hafi sterkari bein, sem geri það að verkum að þær þjást síður af beinþynningu.
Það er talið að hátt hlutfall af silicon í bjór hægi á beinþynningunni sem að leiðir til brota og auki nýmyndun beina, segir í skýrslu tímaritsins Nutrition.
Bjór inniheldur líka mikið af plöntu estrogen (phytoestrogens), sem er jurta útgáfan af oestrogen, sem heldur beinum heilbrigðum.
Bein eru mynduð úr trefja möskvum, steinefnum, blóðæðum og merg, og heilbrigð bein eru þéttari í sér, með minna bili á milli þessarra þátta.
Rannsakendurnir spurðu um 1.700 heilbrigðar konur með meðalaldurinn 48, um þeirra drykkju venjur
Þær voru síðan látnar fara í ómskoðun með hendurnar, sem sýndi að bein þeirra sem bjórinn drukku voru þéttari í sér..
Hendur kvennanna voru valdar vegna þess að beinin í fingrunum er meðal þess sem sýnir fyrsu merki um beinþynningu, sjúkdóms í beinum sem leiðir til aukinnar hættu á beinbrotum..
Þær sem fengu sér minna en 0,57 l á dag, sem að vísindamennirnir skilgreindu létta bjór drykkju, komu eins vel út og þær sem voru í hóflega hópnum, sem gefur til kynna að jafnvel mjög lítið magn geti bætt heilbrigði beinanna.
Spönsku rannsakendurnir sögðu:
"Silicon spilar stórt hlutverk í beinmyndun.
Fullyrt hefur verið að bjór sé ein mikilvægasta uppspretta silicon´s í vestrænu matarræði. Þrjár miljónir Bretaþjáist af beinþynningu.
Það er algengast hjá konum á breytingarskeiðinu.
Indigestion drugs linked to brittle bone disease
Lyf sem ætluð eru til meðhöndlunar við meltingartruflunum og bakflæði geta aukið hættu á sjúkdómi sem veldur beinbrotum. (beinþynningu)
BySarah Knapton
Published: 7:56AM BST 16 Aug 2008
Milljónir manns taka lyf sem fást bæði uppáskrifuð og beint yfir borðið í litlum skömmtum.
En Canadísk rannsókn hefur leitt í ljós að þeir sem taka þau reglulega í 5 ár voru í 44 % meiri áhættu á mjaðmabrotum.
Lyfið vinnur þannig að það blokkerar virkni frumna sem framleiða magasýru og er ekki mælt með að taka þau yfir langan tíma.
Þó að það sé óklárt hvernig lyfið veldur skemmdum, þá telja vísindamenn við Háskólann í Manitoba að það geti stöðvað líkamann í því að taka upp kalk, sem þarf til að mynda sterk bein.
Beinþynning, eða brothætt bein, hrjáir um þrjár milljónir Breta.
Ein af þrem konum og einum af tólf karlmönnum, þróa þennan þreytandi beinsjúkdóm einhvern tíma á æfinni.
Læknar fullyrða að þessi lyf séu oft uppáskrifuð í of miklum mæli, en ráðleggja fólki að panikka ekki vegna þessarra uppgötvana..
Professor Chris Hawley, kosinn forseti British Society of Gastroenterology sagði:
,, Það eru til mjög örugg lyf, en í sumum tilfellum þá getur verið að þau séu
of-uppáskrifuð, eins og til dæmis við minni háttar meltingartruflunum.
Og Professor Ingvar Bjarnason sérfræðingur í meltingarsjúkdómum við Kings College London,bætti við:
,, Áhættan af beinbrotum á meðal þeirra sem eru á lyfjunum er samt sem áður mjög lítil og ég tel að ávinningurinn sé meiri en áhættan af þeim.
Snemma á þessu ári, birtu læknar við Manchester RoyalIn firmary niðurstöður rannsókna sem sýndu að lyfin auki áhættuna á að fá ofur bakteríuna Clostridium difficile.
Smá viðbót....það sem maður setur hér á stjórnborðið kemur með réttu bili á milli orðanna en svo þegar það er komið inn á forsíðuna..þá mætti sko halda að maður hafi tapað allri íslensku kunnáttu niður...Hvernig í fjáranum sem stendur á því..Þannig að þegar ég ætla að laga það þá er ekkert sem þarf að laga á stjórnborðinu...Þetta finnst mér þokkalega pirrandi..
Heilsumálefni | Breytt 18.11.2013 kl. 05:12 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (5)
(Innskot Agný. Ég myndi nú segja allar þjóðir því það er líka verið að spreyja hér, á fullt af myndum sem sýna þetta sama )
24.6.2008 | 21:12
HVAÐ ER ÞAÐ SEM SUMIR KALLA CHEMTRAIL Er það venjulegur útblástur frá flugvélum...eða?
Congressman Admits Chemtrail's
In what may be the first governmental acknowledgement of its kind, a public official from Cleveland, Ohio has referenced"chemtrails" in a bill put before congress. Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D) has submitted bill no. HR 2977 IH ,
which proposes a ban on the weaponization of space.
Bill Text
107th Congress (2001-2002)
One of the weapons systems listed in the bill is "chemtrails". The use of this term is significant because until now, all reported governmental inquiries into this issue have been dismissed or denied.
Agencies such as the Air Force have routinely called reports of chemtrails "a hoax".
1949 U.S. Army begins 20 years of simulated germ warfare attacks against American cities, conducting at least 239 open air tests.
1950 Sept. 20-26. One of the biggest experiments involved the use of Serratia marcescens and bacillusglobigi being sprayed over 117 square miles of the San Francisco area, causing pneumonia-like infections in many of the residents.
The family of one elderly man who died in the test sued the government, but lost. To this day, syraceus is a leading cause of death among the elderly in the SanFrancisco area.
1955 Another case was the joint Army-CIA Biological Warfare test in1955, still classified, in which an undisclosed bacteria was released in theTampa Bay region of Florida, causing a dramatic increase in whooping cough infections, ( kíghósta) including twelve deaths.
The Population Control AgendaPt.2
A History Timeline of Population Control
The Most Powerful Man In The World? The"Black" Pope
Secret Societies
Still Don't Believe In The New World Order?
"We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money."
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in ForeignAffairs (July/August 1995)
Men in Obscene Red Fezzes!
United States Presidents and The Illuminati / Masonic Power Structure.
In one of the Royal Institute of International Affairs top secret papers, the scenario is laid out as follows (in part):
"...having been failed by Christianity, and with unemployment on every hand, those who have been without jobs for five years or more will turn away from the church and seek solace indrugs.
That is when full control of the drugtrade must be completed in order that the governments of all countries who are under our jurisdiction will have a MONOPOLY which we will control through supply....
Drug bars will take care of the unruly and the discontent, would be revolutionaries will be turned into harmless addicts with no will of their own...."
There is ample evidence that the CIA and British intelligence, specially M16, have already spent at least a decade working toward this goal. (John Coleman's Committee of 300)
"No one will enter the New World Order
unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unlesshe will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation." David Spangler, Director of PlanetaryInitiative, United Nations
Who could doubt the validity of the claim that the Government is guilty of poisoning us with today's Chemtrail's after looking at their past offences ofthe same act.
Symptoms from Chemtrail sprayings
It is being reported that people with average or below average immunity are experiencing pneumonia-like respiratory symptoms, while people with stronger immunity are only experiencing slight discomfort for a day or two or no symptoms at all.
Some people have gotten very ill and the symptoms seem to keep returning after a short period of improvement. It's possible that some of these sprayings might contain special bio-engineered pathogens designed to affect only certain racial groups.
Goodbye Chemtrails, Hello Blue Skies! The Do-It-Yourself Kit for Sky Repair
(Jan. 26, 2002)
The most recent articles on Chemtrails are posted at this link
Texas Revenge A possible cure for this flu?
The Chemtrail photos above both were taken in 1999. The upper left was taken in Santa Fe New Mexico Nov. 30th. The upper right was taken in Santa Fe April, 18th.
Reports have been coming in from all across the nation of these chemtrail sightings.
I have seen these myself here in my home state also.
Death and sickness have resulted from these sprayings. We Americans must put a stop to this. Enough is enough.
Airline Manager - Chemtrail's Are Real And Called 'Project Cloverleaf'
Are Chemtrail's the Humane Way?
The following excerpt was taken from an outline of a Government Project:
The Wildlands Project.
...Humanity must drastically scale down its industrial activities on Earth,change its consumption lifestyles, stabilize and then reduce the size of the human population by humane means, and protect and restore wild ecosystems andthe remaining wildlife on the planet." The Wildlands Project
After my article The Timeline of Population Control was posted at Jeff Rense .com, he above quote was removed, and their site has since moved.
However their views remain the same and the article A Wilderness View by Tom Butler editor of Wild Earth from their new site still reflects reduction of human population by so called humane means.
This whole chemtrail issue is related to the plan for decreasing the world population to around 450-500 million --and starting with the US first.
Another dark chemtrail hypothesis 20
I remember Vice President Gore -- he was just elected at that time -- giving a keynote address about reducing population.
And I thought, 'What? Do the American people know what's going on?
The U.N.'s Shocking Agenda
The U.N.'s Shocking Millennium Agenda
Chemtrail's in the Sky While all flights grounded after the World Trade Center Attack
Chemtrail's In The Skies While All Airlines Were Grounded
Chemtrail's over our my house in Mesa Az. 1/21/02
Chemtrail's Through the Ages?
Chemtrail's - Odd 'Cells' ) Found In Fresh Snow Samples
Chemtrail's are the real thing
Chemtrails: The New World Order Flu
Mycoplasma Infection -From GWI To Chemtrail Illness -Extremely Important
Another Dark Chemtrail Hypothesis
Chemtrail Lab Analysis -Virulent Bio-Toxin Soup
Blood Cells And Biological's Found In Chemtrail GroundSample
Chemtrail's Continue To Sicken Many - International UproarBrewing
Warfare Chemicals being Tested
Silent Weapons for a Quiet War
What Is HAARP?
- And the Educational-Research Complex
and Weather Warfare Weapon
Background of the HAARP Project
The Air Force Is Preparing To Militarize the Ionosphere - With Electrifying Results
HAARP Striking a Sour Note
of Destruction
"Irresponsible acts of global vandalism."
Excerpt from 'Youth Action News'
July 1996 Issue
The "Thunderstorm
Solar Power Satellite"
Can be Easily Heard Around the World on Shortwave Radio. Has Space War Begun?
Tesla's True Wireless and HAARP
Everything You Know is Wrong
by Michael Theroux
Advances In Tesla Technology U. S. Government's Ground-Based "Star Wars" Weapon: Frequency Active Auroral Research Program
Author Dr. Nick Begich, M.D. Interviewed By Kenneth Burke
The U.S. Government has a new, ground-based "Star Wars" weapon which is being tested in the remote bush country of Alaska. This new system is intended to heat and lift a portion of the ionosphere above a selected location on the planet in order to make a huge invisible "mirror" for bouncing electromagnetic radiation back to the surface of Earth. Is it wise to poke a hole, as it will do, in Earth's electrical umbrella? Is it wise to prod a dynamic natural system without knowing how it will react? The U.S. Military claims HAARP is designed to communicate with submerged submarines and to penetrate the land with ELF (extremely low frequency) waves to search for hidden tunnels or other sites of military interest. What else can HAARP technology do?
It can, according to author Nick Begich:
- (1) shield a territory from interconnentinental ballistic missiles,
- (2) fry satellites,
- (3) disrupt communications over a large area of the globe,
- (4) change the chemical structure of the upper atmosphere and possibly alter the weather,
- (5) affect human mental functioning, and
- (6) generally impact the health of humans and other biological systems in negative ways.
This system may go fully on-line at any time, perhaps in March (1997), according to some reports.
What is HAARP?
HAARP stands for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program.
Welcome to The Aurora Page
1993-2015: 23rd year on the Web
Originally created 1993 by Michael Dolan
Ionospheric Heating
The HF modification facility and the EISCAT UHF radar
The high power RF modification facility at Ramfjordmoen, near Tromso, in northern Norway (69.6 degrees North, 19.2 degrees East, L= 6.2, magnetic dip angle I= 78 degrees) (Rietveld et al, 1993) was constructed jointly by the Max-Planck-Institut fur Aeronomie, Lindau and the University of Tromso. It was completed in 1980 and became part of the EISCAT association in 1993.
Solar - Terrestrial Physics (STP)
Rocket Into Northern Lights Studies The Invisible Auroras Electric Currents
Go to Chemtrail Central for more updates
Offsite / Online Links
Massive Chemtrail's Over Idaho,Just Dripping Down
Heavy Chemtrail's Over Austin -Strange, Undiagnosed Illnesses Appear
More Chemtrail's Over Michigan
Is There A Relationship BetweenContrails and UFOs?
Chemtrail's Over Brevard, NC
Heavy Chemtrail's Spraying OverSan Francisco
ContrailConnection - Photos, discussion boards, reports ofillness and spraying
Will Thomas - the investigative journalist from Canada who broke the story and its related medical ramifications.
Back grounder and Photos
Will Thomas' Update
Utanríkismál/alþjóðamál | Breytt 17.9.2024 kl. 02:30 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (8)
7.8.2009 | 11:43
SECRET MILITARY CODES DISCOVERED, hidden in road signs! Leynilegir her kóðar faldir í vegamerkingum!
Það sjást ekki allir linkarnir og hér er einn sem virðist ekki virka en kanski kemur hann í ljós þegar ég set færsluna inn.. En þið getið séð á síðunni að allt sem er hvítt eru linkar Ég póstaði þetta hér fyrir 5 árum síðan
As you see I did post this in 2004 and now 5 years later!
SECRET MILITARY CODES DISCOVERED - Stjórnmálaumræða - gamalt - Málefnin (
Tacmars or Tackamarks - coded signs on roads
Started by Agný , 16 Apr 2004 04:26
America wake up! Quadrant sign code!
The truth can now be told.
Embedded in our nation's road sign system is a secret coding designed to target vital sites, facilities, routes, and resources for military confiscation during a National Emergency.
Though, concealed by the lies of the Department of Transportation for many years, "Free Indeed Research" has tapped deeply into one of the most clever, and deceptive cover-up operations to come down the pike in years!
(If you think GPS will be working normally in the scenario described herein, think again.)
The United Nations military has plans to become the cop soldiers of the world. Unknown to the general populace, a
force stands ready to enter U.S. borders at the request of the President of the United States during a national emergency. They will perform "peacekeeping" operations such as evacuations, rounding up dissenters, confiscating firearms and incuring facilities and sites for military use.
´ These forces are laced with foreign troops that do not speak english.
Therefore, as a tactical advance, all nations have been secretly revamping their roads sign systems to conform to an international standard under the guise of the WTO.
It is our belief that these signs and reflective markers "TACMARS" on the backs of many signs are coded to target vital sites, facilities, and resources to be confiscated and used by these troops.
*TACMARS* pointing to a "RITE AID" pharmacy with "ONE HOUR" passport, photo ID; drive-thru window with scanners, inoculation center to vaccinate populace.
Triad (3) markers on the back of blue signs denoting a blue
the route leading to empty housing units at a large ski resort.
Sign cluster at the access road to the gymnasium of Lake City high school, Lake City, MI
Sign cluster with triad "tacmarks" found just prior to Camp Grayling Military Reserve *checkpoint*.
"For many years now, under the guidance of federal and local managers, every city, town and village in the U.S. has been covertly set up by manipulating and using our sign system to target and mark vital sites, facilities and resources for confiscation and seizure by the military.
*TACMARS* pointing to a "RITE AID" pharmacy with "ONE HOUR" passport, photo ID; drive-thru window with scanners, inoculation center to vaccinate populace.
We have hundreds of sign code patterns in photo form that confirm the configurations are not just random positionings but are all together part of a clever directional code system called "TACKAMARKS", or "TACMARS" ("tactical markers") a code system for military use
If nothing else, this proves FEMA has evacuation plans in place to relocate populations, even entire states.
Keep an eye on this one.
"FEMA Preparing for Mass Destruction Attacks on Cities".
"The agency plans to create emergency, makeshift cities that could house hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans who may have to flee their urban homes if their cities are attacked."
-"FEMA is currently seeking bids from major real estate management firms, and plans to name three firms in the near future to handle the logistics and planning for these temporary cities."
-"FEMA officials have told these firms they already have tents and trailers ordered. The tents and trailers would provide shelter for displaced populations." NewsMax
Staging areas for "Temporary City" with semi-trailers, marked by sign code markers.(Complete with water, sewer, and electric)
(The truth is coming out folks--are you prepared to be relocated?
Don't be fooled, these plans have been in the works long before"911".)
Military Enforced Quarantines for U.S. Civilians
"Among the specific proposals are plans to allow soldiers to enforce quarantines in the event of a chemical or biological weapons attack and the creation of "red teams"..." FOX NEWS
"All mass vaccination campaigns result in casualties.."
"There are legitimate concerns about a plan which forces citizens to use vaccines without their voluntary, informed consent." National Vaccine Info Center
Mass graves, cremations and burial sites marked for bio/chem infected dead, the ultimate FEMA relocation plan,
'We will bury you.'
Bioterror confronts us with the unthinkable.
Located at the outskirts of the cities and towns are found TACMARS marking land-fills, pits, cemeteries, and quarries slated for "clean up" operations as mass graves for the perished.
"Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft's announced desire for camps for U.S. citizens he deems to be "enemy combatants" has moved him from merely being a political embarrassment to being a constitutional menace."
(Goodbye GPS satellites!
Those TACMARS and sign codes may just come in handy, especially at night when the power goes off.)
the bomb the government doesn't want to talk about.
-"A megaton-class, thermonuclear explosion about 250 miles over Omaha, Nebraska, would emit an Electromagnetic Pulse large enough and strong enough to collapse information society from coast to coast at the speed of light."
-"The Blackout Bomb means that we are vulnerable to complete information civilization shutdown, and there is nothing we can do about that in a military defensive sense."
-"Satellites are especially vulnerable to the x-rays and gamma rays from a high-altitude nuclear explosion, which is different from atmospheric EMP but radiated spherically around the explosion.
No United States satellites, he added, can be considered reliably protected from space EMP, because EMP testing of protective systems is erratic."
*New Camp Grayling detention photos and report.*
Secretly embedded codes like these are part of "Operation Garden Plot" where U.S. forces/National Guard and *Partnership* NATO/UN military will police and patrol our streets and highways during MARTIAL LAW.
Detention areas, and facilities with massive air-lifts are planned to relocate the populace to "safe zones" during a bio/chem or nuclear attack.
"ARROW-UP" signs with a secondary meaning?
Hmm... our critics say this is "hogwash"!
Sometimes being right is just not enough.
Here's the proof straight from the mouth of the D.O.T.; secret *staging areas*, emergency *landing zones*, operational sites, and routes, all hidden from the public. And you thought we were making this all up!
"Officials released the map after deleting sensitive information about staging areas, emergency landing zones, operations headquarters and internal transportation routes designated for use by federal and local authorities in the event of a biological, chemical or nuclear attack." Washington Post
but with "sensitive areas" deleted.
The above link is for the critic who talks a lot but knows nothing. Tb site reveals that roads were purposely constructed for military rapid d
(Hitler's "AUTOBAHN" Highways) In thiss case, more DOT information about the purpose, design and reasons for our highway system.
"National Highway System" or NHS.
"It is approximately 160,000 miles (256,000 kilometers) of roadway important to the nation's economy, defense, and mobility."
"Other Principal Arterials: These are highways in rural and urban areas which provide access between an arterial and a major port, airport, public transportation facility, or another intermodal transportation facility."
Transportation facility (school bus center)off arterial M-72 marked by
*arrow-up* international/european signcodes.
Sign codes on arterial M-72, marking the turn to above transportation facility.
(click photo to view *tacmars* on the back of this sign array.)
"Al-Qaida training manual shows seaports as top targets."
(Could UN "tacmars" be marking targets for terrorists?)
Here it is...the UN/NATO connection to our highway system! You can follow the TACMAR signcodes to every military base in the state of Michigan on these connector highways which makes easy access for troop movements. It is all a part of the PLAN.
U.S. Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET)
"STRAHNET roadways are those which would be used for the rapid mobilization and deployment of armed forces in the event of war or peacekeeping activity." (Global
"Dangerous goods" routes in Alberta, Canada lead to detention areas with tops-in barbed wire and tacmar codes". (Stephen Volk)
This website is dedicated to late author and research investigator JIM KEITH who first published some of the early stages of our research in his sequel "Black Helicopters II The Endgame Strategy".
(see chapter 12 "Vital Signs-The Quadrant Sign Code")
Thank you Jim for the encouragement to get this site going--we greatly miss you.
Target site on a blue route, DNR "CCC" Conference Center/Campground (temporary tent city) freshwater lake.
Major (STRAHNET) Connectors:
"National Defense Highway System"
"From the outset of construction of the Interstate System, the DOD has monitored its progress closely, ensuring direct military input to all phases of construction.
The National Defense Highway System was responsible for building many of the first freeways.
Its purpose was supposedly to allow for mass evacuation of cities in the event of a nuclear attack.
The Interstate system was designed so that one mile in every five must be straight, usable as airstrips in times of war or other emergencies." (Global
Acres of empty housing units like these at *Camp Grayling Military Reserve* could relocate 25,000 or more displaced Americans during a major catastrophe.
(preparing the masses for what's coming)
Bioterror 'event' checks readiness for high school with real inoculations administered by armed paramedics and firefighters to high school students.
( a major chemical weapons storage facility.) (Unusual Kentucky)
Every true American should read the following:
"Simply put, it is not ethical to give a medicine that will kill and maim persons for no demonstrable benefit.
Assuaging fears about vulnerability to a potential disease is not a benefit any physician should accept." Dr. Jeffrey S. Sartin, MD
What is being planned is a draconian *controlled* response to the unthinkable, purposely hidden from the eyes of the populace.
The abolished "Civil Defense" of the 1950s and 60s and early 70's marked designated buildings and sites with signs and symbols on them identifying shelters in the event of a nuclear strike against the U.S.
There were also "routes" marked through cities as disaster corridors that led to these sites where civil defense officers would shuttle civilians to the safety of these "relocation centers".
A very similar plan is in effect today, *disguised* under "FEMA" but with a new twist.
The following article by Carl Jensen outlines the detention policies of U.S. for citizens during a National Emergency. A reference to "road sign stickers" is made under "Operation Cable Splicer" at a meeting with state officials in reference to emergencies in the new millenium.
Do you really believe they are *dating* road signs with these markers? This sign cluster below was discovered pointing to a large Lutheran Church in Grayling, Michigan on M-93 and Bus. Loop I-75.
Facilities such as these are found targeted by sign codes throughout Northern Michigan. With large parking lots, and buildings to house people, this site could be used by the military as a base of operation during a disaster to airlift victims and dissidents to other facilities.
"Photo Album" for target sites to be confiscated and used for registration,and relocation operations.
These markers and signs are part of a civil disturbance control plan that will implement Emergency Executive Orders #11002 and#11004 to process, control and relocate populations and "dissenters" to detention camps, and prisons during a National Emergency.
"These are highways which provide access between and highways which are part of the Strategic Highway Network."
major military installations.
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