Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, apríl 2010
16.4.2010 | 05:15
Israel did 9/11 CHAPTER 3
Rabbi Dov Zakheim and Systems Planning Corporation
Dov Zakheim's System Planning Corporation– remote airplane control technology
Dov Zakheim's System Planning Corporation – remote airplane control technology
Many have insisted that the planes which struck the twin towers were precision guided by remote control. Although sounding like science fiction when first hearing it, remote control technology of airplanes has been around for decades. SPC Corporation provided the flight termination system and command transmitter system, the technology that allows planes to be remote controlled should the pilots be incapacitated or the plane hijacked.
Rabbi Dov Zakheim was the appointed Undersecretary of Defense and Comptroller from 2001 to 2004 under the George W. Bush administration. Zakheim is the man responsible for the disappearance of $2.6 TRILLION that went missing from the Pentagon books which was announced by Donald Rumsfeld on 10th September, 2001. The story was buried under 9/11's rubble.
Coincidentally, the specific section of the Pentagon that was "hit" or "blown up" contained the years budgetary information, as well as accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts; many of whom died on 9/11. What a coincidence.
In May 2001, when Dov served at the Pentagon, it was an SPS (his firm’s) subsidiary, Tridata Corporation, that oversaw the investigation of the first “terrorist” attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. This would have given them intimate knowledge of the security systems and structural blueprints of the World Trade Center.
According to the SPC website, a recent customer at that time was Eglin AFB, located in Florida. Eglin is very near another Air Force base in Florida-MacDill AFB, where Dov Zakheim contracted to send at least 32 Boeing 767 aircraft, as part of the Boeing /Pentagon tanker lease agreement.
Considering his access to Boeing 767 tankers, remote control flight systems, and his published views in the PNAC document, it seems very likely he is in fact a key figure in the alleged terrorist attacks in New York City on September 11, 2001. (Further Reading)
Cover Up
9/11 Investigation in Zionist Hands
Immediately following the attacks of september 11th, the Jewish criminal network was methodically maneuvering in unison behind the scenes to quash any legitimate investigation that world reveal what really happened that fateful day. They made it their goal to control any and all angles of so called "investigation" so that they could quickly cover up any and all evidence that would unveil the unmistakable fingerprint of the Zionists.
All appointed chief judges were Zionist Jews:
Alvin K. Hellerstein - a judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York and has been involved in several high-profile 9/11 related cases including consolidated master case against three airlines, ICTS International NV and Pinkerton's airport security firms, the World Trade Center owners, and Boeing Co., the aircraft manufacturer. Hellerstein is a dedicated Zionist and Israeli nationalist who has ties to the Jewish mafia dating back to 1956. Hellerstein's wife is a former senior officer & current treasurer of AMIT.
From its website it states: "Founded in 1925, AMIT is the world's leading supporter of religious Zionist education and social services for Israel's children and youth, nurturing and educating Israeli children to become productive, contributing members of society."
Michael B. Mukasey - This Orthodox Jewish judge oversaw the litigation between Larry Silverstein and insurance companies after 9/11. Silverstein was awarded billions. Mukasey prevented full inquiry into the Five Dancing Israelis incident who were arrested in connection with 9/11. He played a role in their release. He was later appointed attorney general by President Bush. He defended the patriot act, and he supports torture policies.
Michael Chertoff - In charge of the Criminal Division in the Justice Department on 9/11. Essentially responsible for the 9/11 NON-investigation. He let hundreds of Israeli spies who were arrested prior to and on 9/11 go back home to Israel. He was also a prosecuting judge in the first terrorist attack on the WTC in 1993. Chertoff purportedly holds dual citizenship with the US and Israel. His family is one of the founding families of the state of Israel and his mother was one of the first ever agents of the Mossad, Israel's spy agency. His father and uncle are ordained rabbis and teachers of the Talmud.
Kenneth Feinberg - set up the victim’s compensation fund ($7 billion); the criminal cabal managed to get 97% of the victims’ families to take the money in exchange for not demanding a legal investigation of 9/11.
Sheila Birnbaum - Another key Jew involved in the cover-up of 9/11 is Sheila Birnbaum of Skaddan, Arps law firm. Birnbaum was appointed 'special mediator' of the legal suits filed by the 3% of families who decided not to be bought off by the Zionists. Nothing happened in these trials though, thanks to her.
Benjamin Chertoff - (cousin of Michael Chertoff) - This Jewish criminal personality wrote the 9/11 hit piece in Popular Mechanics debunking ‘9/11 conspiracies’ using ridiculous strawmen. He claims his relation to Michael Chertoff is "distant" but Chris Bollyn proves otherwise.
Stephen Cauffman - Leader of NIST coverup of WTC 7 destruction.
These lowlifes continued to maintain that fire brought down WTC 7, a physical impossibility.
9/11 Commission Fiction: Zionist Myth-Making At Its Best
Philip Zelikow (Dual Citizen of Israel) - 911's Cover Up Man
Zelikow was appointed the executive director of the 9/11 commission -- the most powerful position of the committee. This criminal Zionist Jew is responsible for concocting the contrived fiction that was presented to us as the 9/11 Commission Report (i.e. official story). This work of fairy-tale fiction speaks of magical explosion-proof paper passports, building collapses violating the laws of physics without explosive assistance, and cave-dwelling, box-cutter wielding Arabs with super-human piloting skills -- all the while completely omitting blatant anomalous events such as the self-demolition of Building 7 at 5:20 pm.
At first Henry Kissenger was appointed as exec director of the 9/11 commission but surrendered the post after enormous protest. This paved the way for Zionist operative Zelikow to take his stead. Zelikow has numerous conflicts of interest that clearly inhibited his ability to tell the truth to the American people about the 9/11 terror attacks.
Zelikow was a Bush Admin insider, having been on the transition team in early 2000. In 1989-91 Zelikow worked with Condaleeza Rice on the National Security Council for the Bush Sr. Administration. In 1995, Zelikow and Rice wrote a book together. From 1996-98 Zelikow is director of the Aspen Strategy Group which also included people such as Condaleeza Rice, Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz as fellow members. After George W.
Bush took office, Zelikow was named to a position on the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board [PFIAB], and worked on other task forces and commissions as well. In 2004 Zelikow skews the investigation into 9/11 by deciding which topics would or would not be investigated. He was also secretly in contact with one of Bush's close advisors -- Karl Rove.
Crime Scene Evidence Quickly Removed and Destroyed
Alan D. Ratner’s Metals Management and the SIMS group is responsible for quickly scooping up the WTC steel rubble and shipping it off to Asian smelters. Alan Ratner is Jewish. Ratner merged with the SIMS group and the Hugo Neu corporation, and they made a handsome profit. Ratner sold over 50,000 tons of crime scene evidence steel to a Chinese company at $120 per ton; Ratner had obtained them for $70 per ton. This criminal bastard not only destroyed the evidence, but made a lucrative profit off of it while he was at it. More research on the criminal destruction of crime scene evidence can be found here.
Criminal Jewish/Zionist Personalities
Jews and Zionists in the Right Positions!
Rabbi Dov Zakheim – Co-author of the PNAC paper on rebuilding America’s defenses advocating the necessity of a Pearl Harbor-like incident to mobilize America. Served as Pentagon comptroller from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004. Two large sums of money disappeared from the Pentagon under him. In the beginning $2.3 trillion was reported missing by Donald Rumsfeld (September 10, 2001) and later Zakheim was unable to account for another trillion dollars. Zakheim also had squads of American F-15s and F-16s sold as surplus to Israel at a fraction of their value.
Michael Chertoff – Assistant attorney general for the criminal division of the Justice Department; later, Director of Homeland Security. His wife, Meryll Chertoff, was a regional director of the ADL. Mother was a flight attendant for El Al thus had involvement with Mossad. Father and uncle are Rabbis.
Richard Perle – Chairman of Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board. He was expelled from Sen. Henry Jackson’s office in the 1970s after the NSA caught him passing highly classified documents to Israel.
Paul Wolfowitz – Was Deputy Defense Secretary and a member of the Defense Policy Board in the Pentagon.
Douglas Feith - Headed reconstruction in Iraq. Effectively in command, with Wolfowitz, of War Department on 9-11; Undersecretary of War for Policy. Fired from National Security Council in 1976 due to suspicion of passing classified documents to Israel. "Dual Citizen" of US-Israel. Douglas Feith created the "Office of Special Plans" shortly after 9/11 which was where all of the fake intelligence accusing Iraq of developing WMD's and having ties to Al Qaida came from.
Eliot Abrams -- Key National Security Council Advisor. Associated with criminal Zionist / Pro-Israel thinktanks: AEI, PNAC, CSP, and JINSA. Closely associated with other criminal Jews Perle, Feith, Wolfowtiz, and Bill Kristol. Convicted of lying to congress in the Iran/Contra Affair but was later given a pardon by Bush.
Marc Grossman -- Under Secretary for Political Affairs on 9-11; met with General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of Pakistan’s ISI and 9-11 financier, on or shortly after 9-11; “dual citizen” of US and Israel
Ari Fleischer — White House spokesman for Bush on 9-11; Harlined Iraq WMD lies to the press; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; connected to the extremist group called the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics
More criminal personalities can be further researched HERE.
Who was on board flight 11?
Daniel Lewin
Lewin, an Israeli Jew, was confirmed to be a member of the special Israeli commando unit, the Sayeret Matkal, which specializes in "anti-hijack" takeovers and assassinations. Supposedly Lewin got involved in a struggle with one of the alleged hijackers and ended up getting shot, which was later revised to being stabbed as a gun on board would not jive with the pre-packaged 9/11 story line.
What are the odds that an Israeli Sayat ends up on a plane hijacked by Arab terrorists? Gotta be a million to one shot. I am not suggesting Lewin was on a suicide mission and flew into the towers, what I suggest is that he landed the plane at Stewart Airport and it was swapped for a remote control drone. Stewart Airport was the "privatized" airport where the flightpaths of the alleged planes that hit the twin towers, oddly converged over.
Bush Speech Writers Grossly Inflate Number of Israeli Casualties
On 20 September, 2001, in his address to the Joint Session of Congress following the 9/11 attacks, Bush grossly inflated the number of Israeli casualties in the attacks from 5 to 130.
Does Bush write his own speeches?
Of course not, so one cannot simply blame Bush for this blatant lie -- whoever was his speechwriter is the criminal culprit.
Who was Bush's Speechwriter?
David Frum
This Jewish criminal personality was Bush's Speechwriter at the time and is the one responsible for inflating the number of Israeli dead 26x the actual amount. Why did he do this? Because he's a Zionist of course and was attempting to garner sympathy for Israel and project them as the 'great ally' of the United States who are now 'partners' in this global fight against "terrorism".
Frum was the man behind the "Axis Of Evil" label.
He also co-authored a book with Zionist warmonger Richard Perle, entitled An End To Evil: How To Win The War On Terror, which was about the "Global War On Terror"; it defended the illegal and fraudulent invasion of Iraq -- as well as called for regime change in Iran & Syria among other hideous things.
Mohammed Atta Leads Us Directly To Jewish Crime
Network Doorstep
Less than one week before 9/11 several of the hijacker 'patsies', including Atta,
boarded a Sun Cruz Casino Boat in Florida. Nobody knows why, and it has never been investigated.
Who owned these casino boats?
Jack Abramoff- This Zionist Jewish criminal asset was the one who entertained the Arab patsies aboard his yacht. Abramoff is a Bush Admin insider having been on the Transition Advisory Team assigned to the Department of the Interior in 2001.
Abramoff is a convicted criminal lobbyist who is a central figure in a plethora of political scandals, fraud, and other scams. He is currently serving a five year prison term for fraud, conspiracy, and tax evasion.
He also had foreknowledge of the Zionist engineered War In Iraq.
Al Qaida = Mossad Playing Dress Up
Firstly the well known translation of 'Al-Qaeda' is ‘The Base,’ which is actually not the the only translation of the ominous term. Al-Qaeda also translates to ‘The Toilet.’ The Arabic word ‘Qa’ada’ means ‘to sit’ {on the toilet bowl}. Arab homes have three kinds of toilets: ‘Hamam Franji’ or ‘Al-Qaeda’ or foreign toilet, ‘Hamam Arabi’ or Arab toilet, and a potty used for children called ‘Ma Qa’adia’ or ‘Little Qaeda.’ ‘Ana raicha Al Qaeda’ is a colloquial expression for ‘I’m going to the toilet.’ Why would a terrorist group call itself ‘The Toilet’?
Al-Qaeda is Zionist fiction.
Adam Yahiye Gadahn also known as Azzam the American is the so called Al Qaida spokesperson who releases videos tormenting the world with his anti-American rants. The FBI even have him on their most wanted terrorists list.
It turns out he is a Jew named Adam Pearlman, from California. Adam's grandfather, Carl Pearlman, was a prominent surgeon and on the Board of Directors of the Anti-Defamation League!
This is a script fit for a Hollywood movie. Spielberg to direct?
Fact: Dirty Barbel fish are clearly Mossad agents. These decepticons have infested our territorial waters.
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 05:29 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
16.4.2010 | 04:49
Israel did 9/11 CHAPTER 2
More Israelis caught after 9/11 -- 90 of them!
After 9/11 – More detentions of Israelis
Following 9/11, over 60 Israelis were detained either under the Patriot anti-Terrorism Act or for immigrations violations. Some of them were active Israeli military personnel. A number of them failed polygraph examinations when questioned for surveillance activities against the U.S. Some of them were found to have been spying on Arabs.
Five Dancing Israelis
Of the 90 or so detained Israelis there was a group of five Israelis, now widely known as the "dancing Israelis", who were spotted in multiple locations filming, and celebrating the attacks.
The men were detained by NYPD. The police and FBI field agents became very suspicious when they found maps of the city with certain places highlighted, box cutters (the same items that the hijackers supposedly used), $4700 cash stuffed in a sock, and foreign passports. Police also told the Bergen Record that bomb sniffing dogs were brought to the van and that they reacted as if they had smelled explosives. (#)
Their names were Sivan & Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Schmuel, Oded Ellner & Omer Marmari.
"We are not your problem"?
According to ABC News 20/20, after the group of Israelis were detained, the driver of the van -- Sivan Kurzberg -- told the officers:
"We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem."
They later appeared on an Israeli talk show and claimed to be "documenting the event". Witnesses reported they were set up PRIOR to the first plane strike, and were seen congratulating one another afterward. The five jubilant Israelis were also seen photographing one another. The FBI seized and developed their photos, one of which shows Sivan Kurzberg flicking a cigarette lighter in front of the smoldering ruins in an apparently celebratory gesture.
Truck Bomb Destined for George Washington Bridge
The Jerusalem Post later reported that a white van with a bomb was stopped as it approached the George Washington Bridge, but the ethnicity of the suspects was not revealed. Here's what the Jerusalem Post reported on September 12, 2001:
American security services overnight stopped a car bomb on the George Washington Bridge. The van, packed with explosives, was stopped on an approach ramp to the bridge. Authorities suspect the terrorists intended to blow up the main crossing between New Jersey and New York, Army Radio reported.
Imagine the surprise of the officers when these terror suspects turned out to be Israelis!
Mural Van
One of the more bizarre events of the day came in the form of a mysterious white van parked a few blocks away from the twin towers on 6th and King Street., that had a mural painted on the side that literally depicted a jetliner crashing into the twin towers and exploding.
(Artist's rendition)
This police audio transmission indicates that the two suspects in the van started to run away when the van was stopped and were apprehended shortly thereafter in some sort of struggle. The police recording also indicates that the mural van subsequently exploded following the detainment of the two suspects.
Further corroboration of this incident came in the form of a reference in the February 2006 Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies (MTI) report entitled: “Saving City Lifelines: Lessons Learned in the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks”.
The relevant quote is as follows:
“There were continuing moments of alarm. A panel truck with a painting of a plane flying into the World Trade Center was stopped near the temporary command post. It proved to be rented to a group of ethnic Middle Eastern people who did not speak English. Fearing that it might be a truck bomb, the NYPD immediately evacuated the area, called out the bomb squad, and detained the occupants until a thorough search was made. The vehicle was found to be an innocent delivery truck.”
As you can see the cover-up of the incident clearly ensues in this document. Apparently the people who wrote this didn't find it odd that a delivery truck rented to "ethnic middle easterners" was painted up with a mural depicting the very events of the day! The idiocy of their conclusion that this van was an "innocent delivery truck" is beyond words.
Also notice no mention of it exploding as the police transmission confirms. The "ethnic middle easterners" referenced in this quote were certainly not Arabic individuals as there is not a single mention of this incident in the 9/11 commission report. If they were Arabs there would be no reason to cover this up. The fact that this incident was covered up is a strong indication that these "ethnic middle easterners" were in fact Israelis.
Urban Moving Systems
All of the white vans were working for the ostensible moving company Urban Moving Systems under direction of Dominic Suter, an Israeli Spy who immediately fled to Israel after the attacks. It was confirmed by two former CIA officers that this Israeli moving company was a front operation for the Mossad. The two CIA sources noted that movers vans are a common intelligence cover. The Israelis were held in custody for 71 days before being quietly released.
Israeli Intelligence and P-tech
Ptech Software systems – computer control backdoor
Most national security computerized systems that would have scrambled jets in the event of national emergencies such as multiple hijackings were running on Ptech software. A list of Ptech clients includes the FAA, N.A.T.O, United States Armed Forces, Congress, Dept. Of Energy, Dept. of Justice, FBI, Customs, the IRS, teh Secret Service, and even the White House.
Zionist Jew Michael S. Goff (pictured right) was marketing manager at Ptech and also worked for Israeli database company Guardium (Director Amit Yoran); Guardium has been funded by Cedar Fund, Veritas Venture Partners, and StageOne, all Mossad funding outfits. So, with Ptech, what we had was an American "sayan" [i.e. Jewish agent who works with the Mossad when necessary], Michael S. Goff, who had Mossad agents feeding him information and directing him while he worked with his Lebanese Muslim "partners" in Ptech.
Now why would a young American lawyer working with a good law firm (Sedar & Chandler) in his home town suddenly leave the practice of law and work with a dodgy start-up software company owned and financed by a Lebanese and a Saudi? Goff's family is a well-respected an well-known family in Worcester, Mass. He had it made at a good law firm after leaving law school. Why the sudden career change? Mossad asked him to do it. For the good of the Jewish people, etc, etc.
Under Goff, Ptech software loaded with trapdoors and Trojan Horses was sold and loaded onto the MOST sensitive computer systems that failed miserably, or performed well (depending on your view), on September 11, 2001.
Goff's father and grandfather, Samuel, were accountants who belonged to Worcester's "Commonwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai B'rith". They were both 32nd Degree Masons. Does an apple fall far from the tree?
MITRE corporation (computer software)MITRE – major defense contracting organization headed by former Director of Central Intelligence James Schlesinger. It has been said that Schlesinger is a devout Lutheran, but his Wikipedia profile states he was born to Russian/Austrian Jewish parents. He is undoubtedly a Zionist.
Ptech was with the MITRE corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11. Their specific job was to look at inter-operability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency.
Precision guided plane anyone?
The plane hitting WTC North Tower
The first plane to hit the WTC (North Tower) hit the computer room of Marsh & McClennan, which had recently acquired Kroll Associates, which was owned by son of AIG CEO Maurice Greenberg & Jules Kroll. Precision guidance equipment in offices?
Bloggar | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
16.4.2010 | 04:31
Israel did 9/11
Israel did 9/11 . PART I
Figuring out exactly how 9/11 was done is the work of crime investigators or conspiracy hobbyists who will endlessly go on discussing and debating every minuscule and intricate detail of the event to no avail. It doesn't take a structural engineer to tell you that two 110 story buildings and a 47 story steel skyscraper plummeting to the ground at nearly free-fall speed requires the assistance of explosives. All you need is two eyes that can see and a brain that thinks to come to that sound conclusion. This is why it is of my opinion that more emphasis should be placed on the "who" instead of the "how". It should be obvious to anyone that discovering 'who did 9/11' is infinitely more important than discovering how they did it.
An Uncanny Prediction Comes True
First we start off with an unusual and eerie prediction that was made by a most suspicious individual. This prediction, in unison with the status of the person of who made it, is extremely indicative and foretelling of who planned and executed 9/11.
Isser Harel - Spymaster of the Israeli Intelligence Services. Director of Mossad and Shin Bet from 1952-1963.
In 1979, twenty-one years before September 11, 2001, Isser Harel predicted with uncanny accuracy the events of 9-11 to Michael D. Evans, an American supporter of Zionist extremists of the Jabotinsky sort.
On September 23, 1979, Evans visited Harel at his home in Israel and had dinner with him and Dr. Reuven Hecht, a senior adviser to then prime minister Menachem Begin.
In an editorial entitled "America the Target", published in the Jerusalem Post of September 30, 2001 Evans -- a Khazar Jew masquerading as a Christian -- asked Harel about Arab terrorism and if it would come to America. Harel told Evans that Arab terrorists would likely strike the "tallest building in New York City" because it was a "phallic symbol". The fact that 9/11 was planned by the Mossad through the admittance of Isser Harel is well documented and appears in a book written by Michael Evans. (See Article 7th Paragraph).
Securing Control of World Trade Center Complex
The first step in the preparation of the 9/11 attacks was to secure the control of the WTC into private hands. This was crucial to the success of 9/11 because without complete control over this complex there would be no opportunity or possibility of setting explosive charges in place as the coup de gras in bringing the towers to the ground.
In steps four key Jewish Crime Network assets:
1) Larry Silverstein -- Larry is a Jewish American businessman from New York. Larry obtained a 99 year lease on the entire world trade center complex on 24 July, 2001. The nearly worthless trade towers I should point out due to them being filled with asbestos that needed removal; a process that would have produced a cost that would have rivaled the cost of the lease itself. Larry explains his reason for purchasing the towers as "I felt a compelling urge to own them." Is this a believable reason coming from a supposed successful businessman?
Larry had breakfast in "Windows on the World" restaurant (located in North Tower 107th Floor) every single morning. Larry was absent from this routine meeting on the morning of September the 11th. Larry's two offspring, who also worked in the WTC, also conveniently decided to take the day off. Either the Silverstein family is clairvoyant, or then knew exactly what was going down that day. Take your pick. Larry Silverstein scored more than $4.5 Billion in insurance money as a result of the destruction of his complex. Silverstein was personal friends with key player in Zionist controlled media Rupert Murdoch, former Israeli president & infamous Zionist war criminal Ariel Sharon, as well as Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Silverstein was such good friends with Benjamin Netanyahu that he would receive a phone call from him every single sunday.
2) Frank Lowy-- Lowy, a Czechoslovakia born Jew, was the owner of Westfield America, one of the biggest shopping mall conglomerates in the world. Lowy leased the shopping concourse area called the Mall at the World Trade Center, made up of approximately 427,000 square feet of retail floor space. Frank Lowy has quite an interesting history. He was a member of the Golani Brigade, and fought in the Israeli war of independence. Before this he was a member of Hagganah, a Jewish terrorist organization. Frank Lowy spends three months of the year at his home in Israel and has been described by the Sydney Morning Herald as "a self-made man with a strong interest in the Holocaust and Israeli politics." He funded and launched the Israeli Institute for National Strategy and Policy, which will "operate within the framework of Tel Aviv University" in Israel. He is also close friends with many top Israeli officials such as Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, Bibi Netanyahu, and Ehud Barak. He was also implicated in an Israeli Bank Scandal with Olmert. Frank Lowy steered clear of the WTC on 9/11. More information about Lowy can be further researched here.
Lease Transfer Authorization
3) Lewis Eisenberg -- This Jewish criminal personality was the head of the Port Authority of New York and authorized the lease transfer to his Zionist brethren Larry and Lowy. Eisenberg was a large contributor to the Bush-Cheney presidential campaign, as well as a partner in the Jewish bank Goldman-Sachs. Eisenberg has been both a member of the Planning Board of the United Jewish Appeal/United Jewish Federation pro-Israeli government pressure group in the U.S.
WTC Privatization
4) Ronald Lauder - Billionaire Estee Lauder Cosmetics magnate. He was the chairman of NY Governor George Pataki's commission on privatization. He is the key individual who lobbied for the privatization of the WTC (Source, 9th pp) -- but he also got the former Stewart Air Force Base to become privatized. Oddly, the flight paths of flight 175 and flight 11 converged directly over this airport.
Lauder is active in the following organizations: Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Jewish National Fund, World Jewish Congress, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Anti-Defamation League, Jewish Theological Seminary. Ronald Lauder was elected president of the World Jewish Congress on 10 June, 2007.
Lauder founded a school for the Mossad in Herzliya, Israel called the Lauder School of Government Diplomacy and Strategy. He is the key Sayan involved in the preparation of 9/11.
WTC Security In Zionist Hands
The second crucial aspect of control that needed to be established in order to pull off 9/11 was to gain control of security of the WTC complex. This way, Mossad explosive experts -- that just so happened to be in town just prior to and on 9/11 -- could be readily allowed access to strategic areas of the buildings in order to prep for the demolitions.
The contract to run security at the WTC was designated to Kroll Associates after the 1993 wtc bombing. Kroll is otherwise known as a "Wallstreets CIA".
Who gave them the contract?
The Port Authority of New York paid them $2.5 million to revamp security at the complex. The owners of Kroll was two Zionist Jews named Jules & Jeremy Kroll.
The managing director of Kroll at the time was Jerome M. Hauer.
Hauer was also the guy chosen to run Mayor Rudy Guiliani's office of emergency management( OEM) from 1996 to 2000. He is the key individual that pushed for this office to be placed in Silverstein's building 7.
Jerome Hauer is also Jewish and a staunch Zionist. Hauer's mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement that is one of the central Zionist organizations involved in the creation and maintenance of the State of Israel.
Pre-Knowledge of Anthrax Mailings
A hardly known fact is that Jerome Hauer is the one who advised the WhiteHouse to go on the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax -- Cipro -- a week prior to the mailings. How convenient.
How did he know?
Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were 'very slow' to say the least, and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in his rhetoric.
Who Killed John O'neil?
Former special agent FBI, John O'neil, who was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was Former special agent FBI, John O'neil, who was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was hired as head of security at the WTC by Jerome Hauer. Amazingly, O'neil was killed on his FIRST day of work -- 9/11.
It is important to note that O'neil had quit his job at the FBI after his investigation into the U.S.S. Cole attack in Yemen was obstructed & sabotaged by U.S ambassador to Yemen, Zionist Barbara Bodine. This is because the U.S.S. Cole was NOT done by Al Qaeda. The USS Cole was hit by an Israeli cruise missile(Source, 39th pp) to sway public opinion against Arabs (Al Qaeda), as well as demonize the democrats (didn't take terror threat seriously) -- so that their puppet George Bush Jr. could be hurled into office in time for 9/11. This was of course completely covered up.
Airport Security
The third crucial aspect of control that needed to be established was to gain control of airport security at all of the airports that the hijackings would originate from. Passenger screening needed to be handled by their operatives in order to allow certain people & certain items (i.e. weapons) onto the planes.
Who ran airport secuirty at all three ports of alleged hijackings?
That would be ICTS International / Huntsleigh USA (wholly owned subsidiary)
Owned by Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon. Both Israeli Jews.
It is run by "experts" in the security and intelligence field. Israeli intelligence that is. Most employees were ex- Shin Bet agents.
Is this airport security company, who ran the security at Boston's Logan Airport, as well as Newark, really that shotty to allow 19 arabs on board 4 different planes with boxcutters, mace, and even a gun, or is there something else going on here?
Menachem Atzmon, former Likud treasurer in the 80's, was involved in an Israeli political scandal involving Ehud Olmert and other Likudnits in Israel. He was cirminally convicted of fraud, falsifying documents, as well as breaching Party Funding Law.
ICTS was also in charge of airport security when the shoe bomber, Richard Reid, allegedly boarded a plane with a shoe bomb. If Reid is really a terrorist and not just an innocent man being used by the Mossad to incite more fear of terrorism, then why did ICTS let him board the plane knowing he could be dangerous?
Another point indicating ICTS's complicity is that a few hours before the Patriot Act was voted on, it was edited to make foreign companies in charge of security on 9/11 immune to lawsuits. This would prevent American courts from demanding that ICTS provide testimony or hand over the missing surveillance videos from the airports.
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (also referred to as "Underwear Bomber) is a Muslim Nigerian citizen and alleged terrorist who attempted to detonate plastic explosives hidden in his underwear on board of Northwest Airlines Flight 253, en route from Amsterdam to Detroit, Michigan, on Christmas Day December 25, 2009. Abdulmutallab boarded the US bound plane from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam. Kurt Haskell, an attorney from Michigan, also boarded the same flight and he recalls seeing Abdulmutallab and another "sharp dressed" Indian looking man who helped Abdulmutallab board the flight. Haskell claims that Abdulmutallab boarded the flight without a passport. The security at the Schiphol Airport is also handled by the Israeli-owned company: ICTS International.
Prior Knowledge
Gomel Chesed Cemetary Incident
In October 2000, approximately 11 months before 9/11, a retired Israeli Defense Forces(IDF) officer, and veteran of the Yom Kippur War(1973), was collecting English Ivy Cuttings at the Gomel Chesed Cemetery located at Mccellan and 245 Mount Olive Avenue, which is near the city lines of Elizabeth and Newark, New Jersey. The Gomel Chesed Cemetary is a Jewish cemetary.
The man overheard a couple of people having what he believed to be a conversation spoken in Hebrew, which drew his attention. He hid behind an 8-foot tall retaining wall and listened in to their conversation as they stood below. Shortly after a Lincoln town car approached the two people -- presumably Israelis -- and the man in the backseat got out to greet them. After normal niceties were exchanged the third man said:
“The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September.”
One of the men that had been leaning against the retaining wall expressed concerns regarding whether the upcoming presidential election (November 2000) could impact the plans. The man that arrived in the Town Car pacified the doubts by saying:
“Don’t worry, we have people in high places and no matter who gets elected, they will take care of everything.”
The observer who overheard this conversation related it to the FBI on numerous occasions only to be ignored each time. Nothing was done about it, and no investigation into the incident has ever took place.
Israeli Citizens Get Tipped Off
Israeli instant messaging company, Odigo, admitted that two of its employees received instant messages warning of an impeding attack 2 hours prior to the first plane hitting.
This warning was not passed on to authorities, which could have saved thousands of lives.
Odigo has a feature on its service that allows the passing on of messages through a search feature based on nationality, such as Israeli. Knowing these two particular Israelis were forewanred, it is very likely they passed the message on to other Israelis considering that out of the 4000 Israelis believed to be in and around the WTC and the Pentagon only FIVE died. 5/4000 Israelis.
Mathematically (if Israelis were not forewarned) about 10% (400/4000) would have died; even as low as 200-300/4000 would not really indicate foreknowledge. Yet only FIVE Israelis died and two of the five were actually aboard the supposedly hijacked flights; therefore only three Israelis died at the WTC on 9/11. An astonishing feat. We're talking about 'Israelis' here, not 'American Jews'. Many Jews died in the wtc on 9/11.
Odigo has offices in New York, and in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya happens to be the Head Quarters of Mossad.
Do the math.
Odigo was later bought up by another Israeli company called Comverse. The CEO of Comverse was Kobi Alexander, "dual" Israeli-US citizen, with connections to Mossad. He has been charged on several counts of fraud.
Goldman Sachs Forewarned
– On Sep 10, 2001, the Tokyo branch of Goldman Sachs warned its American employees to steer clear of American buildings.
Israeli ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Forewarned
- ZIM, an Israeli company, vacated its office(10,000 square feet) in the North WTC tower a week before 9/11, breaking its lease. 49% of this company is owned by the Israeli government. The lease ran till the end of 2001, and the company lost $50,000 by breaking the lease. Later, FBI agent Michael Dick, [url= was investigating Israeli spying before and after 9/11[/url] and looking into the suspicious move, was removed from his duties by the head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, Michael Chertoff.
According to a non-official cover or N.O.C. CIA source who worked closely with Dick, the Israeli movers moved in explosives when ZIM moved out.
With ZIM Israel bailing out just in time, this left one Israeli company, Clearforest, with 19 employees, in the WTC on 9/11. Of the five employees in the building all managed to escape.
Mossad Is Guilty
U.S. Army Study: On Mossad
An elite U.S. Army study center had devised a plan for enforcing a major Israeli-Palestinian peace accord that would require about 20,000 well-armed troops stationed throughout Israel and a newly created Palestinian state.
The SAMS paper attempts to predict events in the first year of a peace-enforcement operation, and sees possible dangers for U.S. troops from both sides.
Of the MOSSAD, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say:
"Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."
The amazing thing about this is that this story was reported in the Washington Post on September 10, 2001.
Israeli espionage around 9/11
– Shortly before 9/11, over 140 Israelis had been arrested for suspected espionage. Some of them were posing as Art students. These suspects targeted or penetrated Military bases, DEA, FBI, Secret Service, ATF, U.S. Customs, IRS, INS, EPA, Interior Dept., U.S. Marshal’s Service, various U.S. Attorneys Offices, Secret government offices Unlisted private homes of law enforcement/intelligence officers. Most of the suspects served in military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units.
Dozens of Israelis were arrested in American malls kiosks selling toys, acting as a front for a spying operation.
60 detained suspects worked for the Israeli company AMDOCS which provides most directory assistance calls and almost call records and billings services for the U.S. by virtue of its contracts with the 25 largest telephone companies in the U.S.
All alleged 9/11 hijackers had fake IDs. During a joint FBI-CIA operation against the lead patsy hijacker Mohammad Atta in Fort Lee, NJ in 2001, the operation was photographed by Israeli agents and thereby compromised. These Jews were providing cover for the future patsy hijacker teams.
Israel did 9/11 CHAPTER 2
Israel did 9/11 CHAPTER 3
Bloggar | Breytt 18.4.2016 kl. 04:10 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
14.4.2010 | 05:11
WEATHER MODIFICATION. - When most people look up they see clouds. WE SEE POTENTIAL-VEÐURFARSSTJÓRNUN.. Sagt frá hvernig og með hverju.Photos!
When most people look up they see clouds.
Weather Modification, Inc., has a wide range of services to provide knowledge, data, equipment and capability at any phase in your project. We can also tailor a program to meet your specific objectives and manage it from beginning to end.
Our talented scientists, researchers, project managers, technicians, and pilots have the expertise you need to carry out an efficient, effective weather program.
Feasibility Studies
Weather Modification, Inc., has been involved in multiple programs with the goal of identifying the potential benefits derived from the application of cloud seeding techniques. Our feasibility studies focus on the cloud structures and patterns in the project area. Gathered information assists in identifying the cloud seeding technology that's best suited for the project.
Systems Integration
Critical to the success of any major project is the integration of numerous, sometimes disparate, subsystems into a single, highly functional system. Weather Modification, Inc., excels at bringing these elements - radar, aircraft, scientific instrumentation, personnel and more - into a cohesive service offering.
Program Design
Based on a project assessment and/or previous work experiences, Weather Modification, Inc., can design a service offering that meets your objectives.
Program Management
Weather Modification, Inc., offers both on-site and remote program management for part or all of the services we provide. Examples range from overall program supervision to provision of radar systems, data observers, aircraft, pilots, mechanics and scientific analysis.
Technology Transfer
The technology transfer training program offered by Weather Modification, Inc., is helpful when starting a new program - or when upgrading an existing program. We are flexible, tailoring the training to fit the specific objectives of your program. Lectures are complemented with numerous hands-on examples to ensure maximum familiarity with equipment and procedures.
Our qualified, expert instructors usually conduct technology transfer training at the Weather Modification, Inc., corporate facilities. This allows optimum use of our facilities, aircraft, equipment and personnel, and provides a more cost-effective solution. We can also make accommodations to conduct training in remote locations
We work with many clients whether it is on a long-term basis or a short-term contract. Client requests are almost never the same - and we take pride in customizing our services to meet your specific needs.
Capturing the Skys Knowledge
Our atmosphere supports virtually all life on the planet. Its gases allow respiration; its precipitation provides fresh water. Weather Modification, Inc., provides the tools to accurately and efficiently observe, measure, and monitor the atmospheric properties that govern how safely and efficiently these life-sustaining functions occur - we can apply these tools throughout the troposphere.
Our atmospheric assessment services provide a more complete understanding of local and regional atmospheric processes, a solid scientific basis, and a higher probability of success, for any cloud modification projects designed to increase precipitation, reduce hail or disperse fog.

Atmospheric Assessment & Evaluation Services:
We've developed an array of effective meteorological support services and a powerful selection of supplementary instrumentation. Our services are essential to climatology studies, precipitation enhancement and storm damage mitigation, fog dissipation, weather forecasting, and many other meteorological projects.
Weather Forecasting
Our meteorologists regularly prepare project-specific weather forecasts for clients around the world. We structure our forecasts to your needs, which can be ready for your review at the same time each day, week, month or year. We specialize in forecasting for water resource management goals, but also support construction projects, industry, agriculture, environmental quality, and any specialized needs you may have.
Climate Study and Data Analysis
We can analyze your existing meteorological data set - no matter what your requirements. Our team is experienced with all data from first-order weather stations: temperature, pressure, humidity, winds and precipitation. We can even take raw, third-party data and create a final report with valuable insight from our team of experts.
Numerical Modeling
We can simulate atmospheric processes for a variety of purposes: to predict an occurrence beforehand or to replicate a past storm. Both can be very useful, and contribute to a more complete understanding of an atmospheric event.
More about Numerical Weather Modeling
Special Purpose Data Collection
Our weather stations and instrumentation can observe and record whatever data you need at your construction, industrial and agricultural sites. Our precipitation measurement instrumentation includes simple, accurate, manually read gauges to sophisticated, automated recording sensors.
More about instrumentation for special purpose weather data collection
Fresh water from rain or snow provides almost all water for human and animal consumption, including irrigation. While the formation of precipitation is reasonably well understood, the variations in the processes from cloud-to-cloud and locale-to-locale can be very significant.
The specialized airborne instrumentation for in situ cloud measurement makes it possible to directly observe precipitation development:
For general atmospheric measurement and characterization:
- Total temperature
- Dew point
- Pressure / pressure altitude
- 3D winds
- GPS position
- Vertical acceleration
For the measurement of cloud hydrometeors:
- Cloud liquid water content
- Cloud droplets (sizes and numbers)
- Cloud images (sizes, shapes, and numbers;
small particles) - Precipitation images (sizes, shapes, and
numbers, precipitation-sized particles) In the Clouds
The transformation of invisible atmospheric water vapor to visible water droplets and ice crystals is ,CCN) or the development of ice within a water cloud by ice-forming nuclei, IN)The most common forms of nuclei:Soils
(wind-borne dust)Oceans
(sea spray)Volcanism
(ash, dust)Transportation
(combustion of fossil fuels, dust)Wildfires
(smoke and ash)General pollution
(from industry)These aerosols provide the various nuclei that govern cloud and precipitation development.
The effects of human-made aerosols on natural precipitation and the potential for certain other human-made aerosols (cloud seeding) to favorably influence cloud processes.Aerosol measurements reveals information critical to cloud and precipitation processes, including the quantification of cloud condensation nuclei, and ice nuclei.For the measurement of aerosols that function specifically as nuclei that affect cloud and precipitation processes, Weather Modification, Inc., recommends:
Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counter
Acoustic Ice Nucleus Counter (AINC)
Weather Modification, Inc., offers a variety of remote sensing solutions to measure various atmospheric parameters from afar.

We offer C-band Doppler and polarimetric Doppler weather radar systems. View the specifications and capabilities of our state-of-the-scienceWeather Radar Systems for more information.
Atmospheric water, in vapor and liquid forms, can be readily measured by dual-channel microwave radiometers. Atmospheric sounding systems for the measurement of upper atmosphere temperature, humidity, and winds are also available. Learn more about either of these monitoring and sensing technologies in ourMeteorological Services section.
Aerial cloud seeding is the process of delivering a seeding agent by aircraft - either at the cloud base or cloud top. Top seeding allows for direct injection of the seeding agent into the supercooled cloud top. Base seeding is the release of the seeding agent in the updraft of a cloud base.
Typically, aerial cloud seeding is the most effective way to accurately target a particular cloud because it allows for close proximity to the potential cloud candidates.
Available Cloud Seeding Equipment
Weather Modification, Inc. manufactures a variety of cloud seeding equipment. We complete FAA-approved installations of seeding equipment, emphasizing functionality, safety, reliability, and ease of use. Aerial cloud seeding equipment includes:

Selecting Aircraft for Aerial Cloud Seeding
The type of seeding method, whether it's cloud top seeding or cloud base seeding, and the type of measurements required often determine the model of aircraft used for the mission. Weather Modification, Inc. has several types of aircraft available with a wide range of capabilities and cabin capacities. We can also provide operation and maintenance expertise.
Introduction of Seeding Agents
Water resources are increasingly taxed by exploding demand and continued population growth. The world's population is projected to grow over 40% in the next 45 years.
Weather modification, commonly known as cloud seeding, is the application of scientific technology that can enhance a cloud's ability to produce precipitation. Weather Modification, Inc., is on the forefront of scientific technology to maximize water availability worldwide. Application of scientific concepts and extensive scientific experimentation has proven that cloud seeding increases the amount of precipitation.
Cloud seeding useful in the following applications:
Enlist our team of cloud seeding experts.
Whether you are looking for a small operation or a full program, Weather Modification, Inc. can ensure your cloud seeding project runs smoothly. From Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved aircraft installations, configured for aerial cloud seeding and cloud physics, to ground-based seeding equipment and training, Weather Modification, Inc., has the equipment, experience and knowledge you need.
Weather Modification, Inc., has been modifying and operating aircraft for cloud seeding and atmospheric research operations since 1961. We maintain and operate a fleet of more than 35 twin-engine aircraft in various configurations that meet the needs of every client.
Weather Modification, Inc., uses several models of aircraft in our own operations, although we can adapt our equipment to virtually any type of aircraft for specific custome
Aircraft Modification
If you operate your own aviation fleet, we can provide custom-modified aircraft to match your specific mission requirements - or we can modify your existing aircraft to perform the operations required.
Our talented team of experienced technicians facilitates the entire process - from design to modification to US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards certification. Weather Modification, Inc., can also perform any necessary maintenance required or upgrades requested by the client during the modification process.
Some of the modifications that we currently perform are:
- VIP Transport
- Photographic Equipment
- Remote Sensing
- Environmental Monitoring
- Telemetry
- Atmospheric Chemistry
- Cloud Physics Measurements
- Air Ambulance
- Cloud Seeding
Weather Modification, Inc. has acquired US FAA Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for select seeding equipment on the following aircraft:
- Hawker 400
- King Air 350, 200, and C90
The STC ensures that equipment is built and installed to the highest aviation standard for safety and performance.
Aircraft Sales and Leasing.
We can provide air and ground staff for a turnkey program
Unparalleled support from our maintenance and flight department assures smooth operation for your project
Support is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, around the globe
Let us locate, evaluate, and facilitate the purchase of a suitable aircraft for your needs.
Solutions for the Ground

There are times when it's beneficial to seed from the ground. For example, ground seeding is an excellent option for the treatment of low-level clouds over complex terrain.
In some cases, seeding from fixed locations is acceptable; in others, mobility is needed.
Exclusive Ground Seeding Solutions from Weather Modification, Inc.
Weather Modification, Inc., offers specially designed and manufactured solutions to meet the specific challenges of ground-based cloud seeding. Both incorporate the latest in ground-based pyrotechnic applications, and are self-contained. When controlled via satellite, they can be sited virtually anywhere. When weather at the seeding location is critical, complete meteorological stations can be co-located with both fixed and mobile ground-based units:
Ground-Based Seeding Generator
There are two types of ground-based generators:
Remote Controlled Ground-Based Generators and Manual Ground-Based Generators. These solution-burning ice nuclei generators are most often used to seed orographic clouds in areas of rugged topography.
Ground-Based Flare Tree
Cost-effective, simple to maintain and easy to install, the ground-based flare tree, or GBFT, comes in two versions to accommodate different flare types: glaciogenic (108 flares) and hygroscopic (60 flares). All designs offer remote, real-time control of the system, utilizing cellular/satellite technology in conjunction with microprocessor technology.
A single, user-friendly graphical user interface enables communication with all of your GBFTs � and provides additional useful features:
- Locally save detailed logs
- Receive and monitor real-time status
- Gain fully automated system control of the system
- On the Radar
Weather Modification, Inc. not only sells and services C-band,X-band, and S-band weather radar systems to clients around the world; we incorporate them into our own cloud seeding projects. Ranging from smaller mobile radar systems, to polarimetric Doppler research quality systems, we can meet radar needs for a wide range of customers.
Weather Radar Systems are a versatile tool for atmospheric assessment, with uses that include:
- Rainfall estimates
- Real-time cloud detection
- Speed and direction of cell motion
- Identifying precipitation location and intensity
New Single and Dual Polarized Radar Systems
Weather Modification, Inc., owns, operates, and sells new single pol and dual pol radar systems that utilize a solid state transmitters, digital receivers and antenna control systems. Configurable display software allows a wide variety of user-defined product display and analysis features.
Available antenna diameters include 3.5 meters, 4.2 meters, and 4.5 meters. Also available are new fiberglass radomes.
Refurbished Radar Systems
C-band weather radar systems with state of the art transmitter and receiver upgrades. TITAN display and analysis software are available for sale or lease. These systems come with an 8-foot antenna dish and a 12-foot fiberglass radome, and can be installed with a tower, or as a mobile unit.
Upgrade Services
We provide transmitter, receiver and antenna upgrades to nearly any type of C-band weather radar. After an assessment of your existing radar, we can recommend upgrades that allow the most modern equipment for reliability and superior data quality.
Unmatched Expertise, Exceptional Equipment

Whether you need to document the character of clouds or variations in visibility, we have the knowledge you require, the instrumentation you need and the means to deploy it.
Weather Modification, Inc., conducts atmospheric environmental monitoring programs of any scale. We are well-known for airborne measurements but we offer ground-based systems as well.
Measuring aerosols, visibility and
cloud formation
For the measurement of aerosols, visibility and cloud formation, we have:
- Passive Cavity Aerosol Spectrometer Probes
- Condensation and Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counters
- Ice Nucleus Counters
Trace gas detection
We also provide sensors to detect a variety of atmospheric trace gases important to environmental quality, including ozone (O3), carbon dioxide CO2, carbon monoxide (CO), and sulfurous and nitrous oxides (SOx, NOx).
Transportation and dispersion of
To document the movement and dispersion of aerosols in the atmosphere, we offer tracer technologies that enable you to release and track a variety of materials to considerable distances downwind. If the terrain is complex, we can provide numerical models to gain understanding of locally specific transport and dispersion.
Worldwide Success
The proven success of Weather Modification, Inc., in atmospheric and weather operations is evident by our lengthy and impressive client listing speaks for itself. Our reputation for successful cloud seeding and meteorological services leads our veteran pilots, experienced meteorologists and radar engineers around the world. Our valued clients include private and public insurance companies, water resource management organizations, as well as federal and state government research organizations.
Explore the map below to view projects
Learn More
Learn more about new developments, the science behind weather modification, and related issues.
- American Meteorological Society
- Weather Modification Association
- North American Weather Modification Council
- NCAR Real-Time Weather
- NOAA Storm Prediction Center
- NOAA National Hurricane Center
- University of Wyoming Weather Web
- College of DuPage Weather Lab
- MesoWest Weather Network
- NOAA Aviation Weather Center
- NOAA Climate Prediction Center
Who We Are
Weather Modification, Inc., is a global atmospheric sciences company committed to continued advances in the field of weather modification. Whether it’s identifying the potential benefits of cloud seeding or monitoring air quality, we are dedicated to providing sound, scientific atmospheric solutions.
Nearly 50 Years of Expertise in Atmospheric Sciences
Weather Modification Inc., was founded in 1961, in the small town of Bowman, ND. Bowman is located in an area of the state where the average rainfall is near desert amounts and hail is common. In order to preserve the livelihood of the agricultural community, two pilots/farmers decided to enter the forefront of weather modification.
Our tradition of leadership and innovation continues to direct our future. What started as two aircraft and two pilots has grown to nearly 40 aircraft and more than 80 team members. We continue to expand our services and products to meet emerging client needs. Over the last fifteen years, WMI has broadened its service offerings to include environmental monitoring and expanded atmospheric assessment and evaluation.
Core values of quality, reliability, and innovation provide the framework for Weather Modification, Inc., These values, and our ever-changing planet, will continue to direct our team of scientists, meteorologists, electronics technicians, pilots, and maintenance engineers.
We believe that the professionals at Weather Modification, Inc., are the most experienced, most professional experts in the fields of atmospheric sciences and weather modification. Take a moment to learn more about the dedicated people behind the leaders in atmospheric research and evaluation.
Bloggar | Breytt 5.5.2024 kl. 16:25 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
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