Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, desember 2009
28.12.2009 | 15:24
Polio Vaccine Blamed for Outbreaks in Nigeria
Posted by: Dr. Mercola
December 01 2009 |
Lömunarveiki er að dreifast í Nígeríu---og heilbrigðisyfirvöld segja að í sumum tilfellum sé orsökin bóluefnið sem er notað í baráttunni við hinn lamandi sjúkdóm. Alþjóðlega heilbrigðismála stofnunin (WHO) hefur sent út viðvörun um að þessi tiltekni virus gæti breiðst út fyrir Afríku.
Meira en 120 Nígerísk börn hafa lamast á þessu ári tvisvar sinnum fleiri bæklaðir en árið 2008.
Nígería og margar aðrar þjóðir nota lömunarveiki bóluefni sem gefið er í gegnum munn, (oral) vegna þess að það er ódýrara, einfaldara, og ver allt samfélagið..
(Innskot Agný..Hvað er að verja, ef að x aðgerð sem á að verja þig veldur því að þú smitar aðra og sjúkdómurinn dreyfist út og jafnvel stökkbreytist..?
Þetta er það rökhyggjulausasta lið sem til er! Eða "þeir" halda að okkur hinum almenna borgara verði ekki fótaskortur í vitglórunni, sem ég vona nú reyndar að við flest höfum smá af enn...þó svo við séum nú kanski að fara að verða "mutaded beast " miðað við allt DNA frá dýrum sem er í bóluefnum...)
( AGNY-What are they protecting if x procedure who is made to protect you cause you to shed the diseace and the diseace even mutate? This people has no bone in their argument -so much is for sure! Or "they" think we the public have become so stupid that we can not even make 2+2 become 4- still I hope we have not all become like a walking dead- though it is very likely we have self become mutated "beast" from all the animal DNA in the vaccines - after all -vaccines are brewed on both animal tissue and plant proteins...never wondered why all these allergie comes from? Peanut allergy- milk allergy- antibiotic allergy- this is all in the vaccine brew!)
En það er búið til úr lifandi lömunarveiki virus, sem hefur þá hættu í för með sér að valda lömunarveiki.
Í einstaka tilfellum getur virusinn í bóluefninu stökkbreyst í banvænni útgáfu sem eru kveikjan að nýjum faröldrum.
Erfðafræðilegar greiningar hafa sannað það að þannig stökkbreyttur virus hafi valdið að minnsta kosti sjö aðgreindum faröldrum í Nígeríu.
Sources: MSNBC August 14, 2009
Lömunarveiki bóluefni kennt um faraldra í Nígeríu.
Stökkbreyting af lifandi virus í munntöku (oral) skömmtum tengt 124 tilfellum á þessu ári, segja sérfræðingar.
Lömunarveiki, smitandi sjúkdómur sem orsakast af virus í þörmunum, getur valdið lömun, öndunarerfiðleikum og dauðsföllum í sinni verstu mynd.
Hvað sem því líður, þá er það SJALDNAST upplýst að í flestum tilfellum er lömunarveiki vægur sjúkdómur, veldur flensu líkum einkennum og hverfur á 2-10 dögum..
Oft á lömunarveiki sér stað og sýnir alls engin
Mayo Clinicstates: segir jafnvel. Meiri hluti fólks sem smitast af lömunarveiki virusnum verða ekki veikir, og verða þess aldrei áskynja að þeir hafi sýkst af lömunarveiki.
Annað sem gæti valdið þér undrun, er að öll lömunarveiki (polio) tilfellin, sem hafa orðið eftir að lömunarveiki bóluefnið kom til sögunnar í þróunarlöndunum, voru af völdum bóluefnisins. the vaccineitself
Mayo Clinic heldur áfram:
Í Bandaríkjunum var síðasta tilfellið af villtri lömunarveiki- lömunarveiki af náttúrulegum orsökumárið 1979, en ekki af völdum bóluefnisins sem inniheldur lifandi virus.
Nígería hefur líka þurft að takast á við lömunarveiki faraldra sem hafa orsakast af sjálfu lömunarveiki bóluefninu!
Þjóðin hefur þurft að takast á við að minnsta kosti sjö einstök tilfelli lömunarveiki faraldra sem orsökuðust vegna stökkbreysts lömunarveiki viruss, frá lömunarveiki bóluefninu sjálfu, samkvæmt því sem sjúkdómsvarnareftirlit (CDC) Bandaríkjanna skýrir frá.
according to the U.S. Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention..
Nígería og margar aðrar fátækari þjóðir nota munntöku (oral) bóluefni sem inniheldur lifandi lömunarveiki virus.
Lifandi virusinn getur ekki bara valdið lömunarveiki hjá bólusettum einstaklingum, hann getur stökkbreyst í jafnvel enn hættulegra afbrigði og kveikt nýjafaraldra.
Til dæmis átti sér stað faraldur á Haiti og Dóminiska lýðveldinu (DominicanRepublic) árið 2002 sem rakinn var til afbrigðis af munntöku lömunarveiki bóluefnis (OPV) sem stökkbreyttist í skætt afbrigði. a strain of oralpolio vaccine (OPV) that mutated
Öll tilfelli af lömunarveiki sem hafa átt sér stað í Bandaríkjunnum eftir 1979 hafa orsakst af bóluefninu sjálfu sem inniheldur lifandi virusa.
Samkvæmt skýrslum frá Neil Z. Miller hjá Alþjóðlegu bólusetningarstofnuninni, þá getur lifandi lömunarveiki virusinn frá bóluefninu, verið til staðar í hálsi þínum í 1-2 vikur og í hægðunum getur hann verið allt að 2 mán..
Þannig..það er ekki einungis bóluefnis þeginn sem verður í hættu,
heldur getur hann/hún hugsanlega smitað sjúkdómnum svo lengi sem
virusinn er í hægðunum.
Árið 1999 fyrirskipaði Ráðgjafa nefnd ónæmisaðgerða (ACIP) að Bandaríkin skiftu út því sem eftir er til af lifandi virus bóluefninu með ´´dauðu óvirku virus bóluefni.
Hvað sem því líður, þá hefur óvirka lömunarveiki virus bóluefnið heldur ekki verið án fjölda alvarlegra aukaverkana.
Tengsl á milli lömunarveiki bóluefnisins og krabbameins.
Á árunum 1950 -1960, var lömunarveiki bóluefnið sem enn er gefið i Bandaríkjunum, venjulega 4 sinnum á 16 fyrstu mánuðum barnsins, mjög mengað af SV40, apa virus, sem hafði komist í bóluefnið á meðan á framleiðslu ferlinu stóð. ( Frumur úr nýrum apa, þar sem SV40 þreifst, var notað til að þróa lömunarveiki bóluefni.)
Í tilraunastofu prófunum uppgötvaðist það, að virusinn olli fjölda ólíkra tegunda krabbameins, þar á meðal krabbameini í heila, og núna er SV40 að koma fram hjá fjölda fólks, sem eru með lungnakrabbamein, heilakrabbamein, beinkrabba og sogæðaeitla krabbamein.
Samkvæmt höfundum bókarinnar The Virus and the Vaccine: The True Story of a Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus,Contaminated Polio Vaccine, and the Millions of Americans Exposed
Virusinn og bóluefnið:
Sönn saga af Krabbameins-valdandi Apa Virus, Menguðu Lömunarveiki Bóluefni, og Miljónir Berskjaldaðra Bandaríkjamann, þá neituðu leiðandi vísindamenn og yfirmenn stjórnvalda því að endurtaka rannsóknina sem sýndi að SV40 væri í bóluefninu, og jafnvel enn í dag eru vel þekktar umboðsskrifstofur sem vísa rannsóknar niðurstöðunum á bug.
Virusinn er jafnvel að koma fram hjá börnum sem voru of ung til að hafa fengið mengaða bóluefnið, og sumir sérfræðingar eru núna að gefa það í skyn að mengandi virusinn hafi verið í lömunarveiki bóluefninu allt til síðla árs 1999.
Það vegna slíkrar áhættu sem að Barbara Loe Fisher, stofnandi NationalVaccine Information Center, sagði:
"Með vaxandi sönnunargögnum um að kross-tegunda flutningur virusa geti átt sér stað, þá ættu Bandaríkin að hætta að nota dýravefi við bóluefna framleiðslu.
Þetta er einnig sama ástæða fyrir því að Donald Miller, hjartaskurðlæknir og professor í skurðlækningum við Washington Háskóla, stingur upp á hér
User-Friendly Vaccination Schedule, það..að ef þú velur að láta bólusetja barnið þitt gegn lömunarveiki, að þú biðjir um óvirkt /dautt virus bóluefni, sem ræktað er í manns frumum, ekki í nýrnafrumum úr öpum.
Hvernig þú minnkar áhættuna á lömunarveiki með því að forðast sykur.
Lömunarveiki er ekki algeng í Bandaríkjunum, en er vandamál í mörgum löndum.
Jæja...vissir þú að þú getur minnkað hættuna á að fá þennan sjúkdóm bara með því að minnka sykurneyslu þína?
Það er til fjöldinn allur af rannsóknum sem sýna fram á það, við það að neyta unnins sykurs þá eykur þú hættunaá að fá lömunarveiki... refined sugar increases your risk of contracting polio.
Samkvæmt einni slíkri rannsókn er efni sem myndast við hreinsunarferlið á sykrinum, svo sem eins og deoxsykur, er talið að það geti verið orsakavaldur að lömunarveiki.....
Jafnvel þó að lömunarveiki virusinn sé til staðar á meðal íbúanna, þá er samt ekki líklegt að þú fáir hana nema þú neytir unnins sykurs í mjög miklu óhófi.
Ein af stærstu og áhrifaríkustu rannsóknar dæmunum sem ég get deilt með ykkur sem styðja þessa óvæntu niðurstöðu, kemur frá dýra tilraunum sem var gerð fyrir 50 árum síðan..
Rannsóknaraðilarnir reyndu ítrekað að sýkja kanínur með lömunarveiki, en það bar ekki árangur fyrr en þeir lækkuðu blóðsykurs magnið hjá kanínunum með því að sprauta þær með insulin, lowered the rabbits' blood sugarlevels with insulin injections,, sem trúlega bæklaði ónæmiskerfi kanínanna og olli því að þær sýktust af lömunarveiki..
Lömunarveiki og aðrir smitsjúkdómar, virðast aðeins valda aukaverkunum þegar ónæmiskerfi okkar er veiklað, sem getur auðveldlega skeð vegna lélegrar næringrar, stress og ónógs svefn.
Lömunarveiki bóluefnið er ekki aðal lausnin til þess að koma í veg fyrir þennan sjúkdóm..
Á móti því að hlaða þig upp af bóluefnum, þá gæti það að takmarka sykur notkun þína, verið áhrifaríkasta aðgerðin sem þú gerir til þess að bæta heilsu þína almennt, þar sem það hjálpar til þess að halda ónæmiskerfi þínu sterku, sem mun skila sér í því að minnka hættuna á því að þú fáir fjöldann allan af sjúkdómum, þar á meðal lömunarveiki..
Læt hér slóðir inn á aðrar þýðingar mínar um samskonar málefni.
More post´s about same object on the links there.
Bólusetningar orsök og aukaverkanir.
SV40, Polio Vaccine, and Cancer: NowBeyond Coincidence?
Simian Virus 40 DNA Found In US Children
Fructose: This Addictive Commonly Used Food Feeds Cancer Cells, Triggers Weight Gain, and Promotes Premature Aging
Polio Linked to Sugar Consumption
Vaccine Confirmed as Source of PolioOutbreak
Vísindi og fræði | Breytt 31.3.2016 kl. 00:18 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (4)
3.12.2009 | 16:14
Why Is The Anti -Defamation League (ADL) Promoting Alex Jones?
Commentary By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Real Zionist News, 12-1-09/Copyright 2009
Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner & Link To Real Zionist News (SM)
For The Best Alternative News CLICK: Here
THE ANTI DEFAMATION LEAGUES RECENT BLAST at radio conspiracy patriot maven, Alex Jones, appears to be more - AND less - than it seems upon closer examination and rational consideration.
That world Zionism is the center of evil on the planet is beyond any rational dispute. From AIPAC and the ADL to the bogus Southern Poverty Law Center to Bnai Brith, Zionism is the most ruthless geopolitical (thermonuclear Israel), financial and political force in the United States and much of the world.
Even a rudimentary understanding of the Wall Street bankster machine, and the beyond corrupt Federal Reserve, reveals the overwhelming power of Zionism which ultimately traces back to the City of London banking center, and the Rothschilds. As David Icke succinctly puts it, Zionism is the Elephant in the Controllers Board Room that only Zionist deniers, de facto agents and Zionist apologists pretend isnt there and wont mention.
The premiere Zionist enforcement agency in America, the ADL, often runs hit pieces on people it tries to smear as anti-semites or anti-Israel and so forth. These pieces are usually vicious in tone and replete with baseless slanders and smears of the targeted individual/s. (Brother Nathanael is described by the ADL as a rabid anti-Semite.) However, when was the last time you saw an ADL Zionist hit piece targeting someone who virtually never even mentions Zionism or makes anti-Zionist statements? That question is vital as you consider the following material.
A recent investigative piece by Lorie Kramer uncovered an apparent clear link between Zionism and the Zionist Bronfman family of North America, and alternative talk show host Alex Jones. Kramers research showed that Holly Bronfmans attorney just happens to be Jones personal attorney. Coincidence? From that discovery it is not hard to project why Mr. Jones avoids even the mention of Zionism unless put into a corner. Read Entire Kramer Story Here, Here & Here.
In one of his most infamous Zionist coverup statements, Jones stated: Hollywood Is Owned By The Arabs - The Arabs Own Everything! That stunning statement simply shattered the credibility meter. Its simply a matter of connecting the dots.
Many have noticed - and even die-hard fans have been perplexed for years - over Jones refusing to discuss the elephant in the board room on his radio show. He simply will not criticize or even mention World Zionism except in passing and very infrequently at that. Facts are facts. Therefore, when the ADL blasts someone in the media who does not mention Zionism, or the Israel Lobby, or Zionist Jews, one has to start digging a little deeper and thinking of who ultimately benefits from such an ADL attack.
Jones, jumping on the opportunity (as planned at some level?) pointed to the ADL hit piece story on one of his sites and masterfully presented an editorial rebuttal to it, which was about how the ADL had ruthlessly attacked Americas most highly-visible patriot talk show host. In a deft attempt to underscore the ADL piece as a personal attack on Jones - as if he were a true enemy of Zionism - the Jones sites responsive editorial blasted back at the ADL piece as if it had damaged him severely.
However, once again, the term Zionism never appeared. Connect the dots again. Jones is, in reality, anything but a patriot martyr out to expose the Zionist Jewish agenda and its malignant hold on our Republic. The ADL article actually reads more like a promo for Jones than a personal attack as evidenced by even just two excerpts:
Jones runs a syndicated radio show, The Alex Jones Show, which is broadcast on AM and FM stations. Jones also operates two popular Web sites, Infowars and Prison Planet, and appears on a cable access television show. (Remember, this is supposed to be a savage hit piece on Jones )
After the election of Obama, Jones developed ties to mainstream media outlets such as the FOX News Network. In March 2009, Jones appeared on the FOX News programFreedom Watch which allowed him to simulcast the show over his radio program. (Reads like a publicity release which is really, essentially, exactly what the ADL piece is.) Read The Entire ADL Story Here.
EVERY SUNDAY AFTERNOON when most Christians are in Church - but when Jews are working - Alex Jones does a syndicated and internet-based show from his home studio for KLBJ 590 AM (Alex Jones brings his unique perspective to the KLBJ team) from 4:00-6:00pm. Who, exactly, is the KLBJ teams owner?
In fact, KLBJ AM is owned by Emmis Communications, (Emmis is the Hebrew word for truth), which operates radio stations in the nations largest markets, including New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago. The Founder and CEO of Emmis Communications just happens to be a well-connected Jewish American broadcast mini-mogul named Jeffrey H. Smulyan the kind of Jewish American who would doubtless have strong allegiance to Zionist Jewish organizations like the ADL and whom the ADL likes to support in return.
With a Doctorate Law degree from the University of Southern California School of Law and a subsequent Tree of Life Award from the Jewish National Fund, Smulyan has just the right credentials to rub shoulders with one of the JNFs financial recipients, the ADL.
In 1994, Smulyan was tabbed by The White House to head the U.S. Delegation to the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunications Union. As a U.S. ambassador, Smulyan negotiated an agreement between Israel and the PLO which has since hit the trash bin due to Zionist Israels ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
In 2005, (boasts Smulyan on his Website), Emmis Communications was named one ofFortune magazines 100 Best Companies to Work For. (Smulyan does not mention thatFortune is owned by the Canadian Jew, Edgar Bronfman Jr. of Time Warner, who has aprofessional alliance with Emmis Communications.)
Apparently, Alex Jones ALSO LIKES to work for Emmis and KNOWS very well, indeed, how to keep his mouth shut when it comes to singling out Zionists and Jewish lobbyists when broadcasting for Smulyans KBLJ radio. View Entire Story Here & Here
EVERY SATURDAY EVENING when Jews are feasting on their Erev Shabbat Sabbath meal, Jewish-owned satellite radio Sirius Network, beams out Jones muddled message on its XM radio station from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
The Sirius XM Radio Network is owned by the American Jew, Mel Karmazin, CEO; andmanaged by the Jews, Scott Greenstein, President; David Frear, Chief Financial Officer; and Eddy Hartenstein, Chairman of the Board. Connect the dots. Zionism is king.
Before his July 2009 stint with Sirius, Jones was railing against Sirius XM radio for featuringno planner Paula Gloria on Sirius Howard Stern slot. Why did Jones suddenly change his mind? Could it be money, lots of Zionist money? - a big motivator even for conspiracy theorists like ADL-promoted radio talk show hosts.
Jones Called Jewish Medias Rebbe By Jerusalem Post
VETERAN JERUSALEM POST REPORTER, David Shamah, (a vehement Zionist Jew), admits, or to be more accurate, exposed Alex Jones for being on the Jews payroll. Yes, that is a direct quote from the article.
On Shamahs Website, Digital Newzgeek, where he archives his Jerusalem Post articles, Shaman posted a piece which he penned for the Jerusalem Post on April 14 2009, titled,What Creeps Under Internet Rocks. In the article, Shaman exposes Jones as a rebbe whose fans fear his Jewish ties will make him look bad: Wrote Shamah:
Jones believes that the world is run by the Rockefellers, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group. But I never heard him utter the word Jew in connection with any of these conspiracies. According to Jones Wikipedia biography page: The Alex Jones Show radio program is broadcast live from Emmis Communications KLBJ Radio in Austin, Texas.
The CEO of Emmis? Jeff Smulyan, winner of the Jewish National Funds Tree of Life Award. Interestingly, I have never seen Smulyans name on the lists of Jews who run the media on the Anti-Semitic sites. Could it be they dont want to make their rebbe, Jones, look bad? After all, his salary is being paid by Jew media! Read Entire Shamah Story Here.
So, its not hard to see that even Zionist Jews know what Jones and his flappery about the Arabs owning Hollywood and virtually never touching the subject of the elephant in the boardroom are all about and on which side his kosher bread is buttered.
BACK TO THE FARCE ADL ARTICLE which supposedly blasts Jones, but is, in reality, running interference for him a clever psy op to make it look like the ADL hates him. Nothing could be much farther from reality.
No sooner did the ADL publish what amounts to this thinly-veiled PR piece for him, than Jones largely Zionist staff cranked out its painfully contrived story about how poor Jones was being savaged by the ADL.
Nowhere in the ADL article do the words anti-semite or anti-semitic appear terms of standard operating bedrock for virtually ALL ADL attacks on those who oppose Zionism and its death grip on America.
So, again, if you havent connected the right dots, it is patently obvious that the ADL moved to give Jones and his agenda of not mentioning the elephant in the board room a near-perfect shield to protect him. The Jones site editorial reply to theADL hit piece is simply the sequel to the binary ADL psy op. Read both and decide for yourself.
Jones runs, according to many, a de facto ZIONIST OPERATION, and he ONLY mentions Zionism in passing when he absolutely must. His historic effort to cover for his Zionist Jewish Hollywood friends by saying, on a YouTube clip, The Arabs own Hollywood and everyone knows it is truly a classic faux pas. The Arabs? He might as well have tried to deny the existence of the sun.
Jones, his program, his sites (at least five of them), and through his documentaries are essentially the core of a mass desensitizing operation. When viewing his films, most come away feeling as if theyve been bludgeoned and beaten to near hopelessness. And that, of course, is the very idea. All the talk about taking the country back basically runs most people into the ground and many of them become moribund, disheartened or just quit.
When Jones keeps pounding home the theme about the ALL-powerful Global Elite - but not mentioning that Zionist Jews ARE the great majority of the elite - the message of who is really running the West and America is lost. Zionism would seem to have a truly great, loyal and steadfast friend in Mr. Jones.
JONES IS BASICALLY, (as one of the most visible public figures in the alternative media), not much more than a showman or razzle-dazzle carny type. He could have earned millions as a teevee evangelist.
Does anyone really think that Jones got into Bohemian Grove and did all that videotaping without the Elite knowing about it? That DVD was, of course, the perfect entre into the larger world of alternative media for him as the ultimate patriot super hero. And with thepassing of William Cooper (who exposed Jones as a liar), the path was clear for the Jones machine to make its move. View Cooper YouTube Video Here.
Jones strange connections to the uber Zionist Bronfman family via his personal attorney, and toZionist Hollywood; the fact that he has a ticket to ride on his flagship radio station with Emmis Communications and a slot on XM/Sirius; that his top staff is dominated by Zionist Jewish Americans (also see his protege Jason Bermas hateful YouTube Video Here); and that many of hissponsors are Jewish-owned businesses should be highly instructive to those seeking to understand why he gives Zionism a clean pass by rarely, if ever, mentioning it.
Jones has a specific agenda that unquestionably covers for Zionism. Sure, he wears the cloak of the Patriot hes a master at it. Remember the BEST disinformation is at least 90% truth. And Alex Bullhorn Jones appears to be the best friend world Zionism has in the often murky milieu of patriot radio and the alternative media. Remember connect the dots and the true picture eventually congeals in front of ones eyes truly a stark and painful image in this case.
For Further Listening - Alex Jones Master Of Deception Here___________________________________
For More See: Is Alex Jones A Zionist Shill?..Controversy Swirls Click Here
And: Is Alex Jones Linked To Zionist-Jew Bronfman? Click Here
And: Entire RZN ADL Hate Articles Click Here
Mannréttindi | Breytt 23.8.2010 kl. 11:46 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (5)
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337 dagar til jóla
Um bloggið
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Eldri færslur
Nýjustu albúmin
Uppáhalds síður
Margvísleg málefni.
Ýmsir vefir.
- Velvirk börn Félag hæfileikaríkra og skapandi einstaklinga
- Heilsubankinn Meðferðar og þjónustuaðilar
- Sannleikurinn minn Fróðleikur um ýmis heilsumál
- Heimasíðan mín Ýmislegt efni.
- Gagnauga Gagnauga er upplýsingavefur um alþjóðamál
- MSSPJALLIÐ Opið Spjallborð um MS
- Parents for Label and Drug Free Education
- ASPARTAME KILLS Rumsfeld og Aspartame
- Óvenjuleg og umdeild mál 9/11, samsæriskenningar...
- The National Foundation for Gifted and Creative Children Samtök hæfileikaríkra og skapandi barna
- Upplýsingasíða um MSG If MSG isn´t harmful, why is it hidden?
- Spjallborð um 911 og ýmislegt plott
- Þessi síða er alveg must read ýmislegt sem þú sérð bara hér
- The SPECTRUM Ýmsar greinar
- Label Me Sane Fjallað um ofnotkun lyfja.
- Alliance for Human Research Protection Samtök gegn tilraunum á fólki
- Organic Consumers Association Neytendasamtök fyrir lífrænt
- Freedom Or Facism ? Frelsi eða Facismi?
- Health Truth Revealed Hulunni svipt af heilsu málefnum
- Quackpot Watch "The last days of the Quackbusters "
- True Torah Jews/Jews Against Zionism Traditional Jews Are Not Zionists
- Question Free DVD download / frítt niðurhal
Talnaspeki / Numerology
Fróðleikur um þessa speki
- Sun - Angel Numerology Frítt dæmi þarna
- Free Numerology Reading Meira en bara talnaspeki..
- Your Reading / Agny Lýsingin á mér...
- INDIGO intentions Tarot, numerology, Indigo children, Reiki, Angels reading
Fyndið stuff.
Myndir, brandarar og glens.
- Cartoons Teiknimyndir
Andleg málefni
Allt sem tengist þeim málum.
- Crystalinks Þessi síða er hreinlega með allt.
- Tarot Cards & Free Readings Frí Tarot spá
- Mind Power News Kraftur hugans.
- Progressive Awareness Research Allt mögulegt andans stuff.
- Tilvitnanir / quotes Ýmsar tilvitnanir
- New Jersey ghost hunter center Drauga "veiðar"
- The Tree of the Golden Light Ýmis andleg mál
- Mayan Calendar Articles Tímatal Mayanna
Stjörnuspeki / Astrology
Fróðleikur um þessa speki.
- The Future Minders Frítt dæmi þarna
Síður um ADD / ADHD
Upplýsingar um athyglisbrest / ofvirkni.
- Dr. Mary Ann Block ,, Find the course, fix the problem".
- A Multisensory Learning Program Kennslugögn fyrir ADD / Autism / Dyslexia
- Exposing the Fraud of ADD and ADHD Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD Neurologist, Pediatric Neurology
- Stimulant Drugs for ADHD and ADD Örvandi lyf við ADHD og ADD
- "Are Psychiatrists Betraying Their Patients?" Eru geðlæknar að svíkja sjúklingana sína?
- "Our Toxic World" " Okkar eitraði heimur"
- No proof mental illness rooted in biology Engin líffræðileg sönnun fyrir geðsjúkdómum
- Death From Ritalin Snannleikurinn á bak við ADHD
- Methylphenidate ( virka efnið í Ritalin) Drug and Chemical Evaluation Section
- What Drugmakers of ADD & ADHD Drugs vilja ekki að þú vitir
- Answers for ADHD Questions Svör við ADHD spurningum.
SSRI lyf og önnur þunglyndislyf
Ýmsar síður um hugarfars breytandi lyf.
- Dangerous Medicine forum Spjallborð
- Antidepressants Facts Staðreyndir um þunglyndislyf.
- SSRI Stories Ekki er sannleikurinn fallegur...
- International Coalition For Drug Awareness Verum meðvituð ...
- PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN NOW Verndum börnin okkar!!
- THE DARK SIDE OF PSYCHIATRY Dökka hlið geðlækninganna
- How psychiatry is making drug addicts out of America´s shool children Amerísk skólabörn gerð að læknadóps fíklum.
- Psyhchiatric Drug Side Effects Search Engine.
- Psyhchiatric Drug Side Effects Search Engine. SEARCH ENGINE
Asperger syndrome og Autism
Síður sem fjalla um Asperger og einhverfu
- Aspergers Syndrome in Children Góð síða (mín skoðun)
Blogg úr ýmsum áttum..
Vinir / áhugaverðir einstaklingar.
- Sigurjón Þórðar.
- Nornin
- Tigra
- Anna panna
- Þarfagreinir
- Katrín ódæla
- Klisja
- Olasteina "Fjarskyld frænka"
- Nornin Vinkona af Baggalút.
- Geiri 3d.
- Laramin
- Sigunzo
- Ditto bloggar Yndisleg og spes manneskja.
- AGLOCO Borgað fyrir að browsa..
- Microchip Implants News Articles MIND CONTROL; ÖRFLÖGUMERKINGAR; RFID
- WIDE EYE CINEMA WIDE EYE CINEMA is dedicated to showcasing the very best alternative truth-related documentaries & cinema uploaded onto the World-Wide Web.
- This site is number 1 on 10 black list sites of US gov. Here you find it all.Specially what the elite do not want you to find
- Alvaran Forum about what some call conspiracy
- Prophecies of Sollog Sollog is a POLITICAL PRISONER of the USA!
- Ingaoramas video VIDEOS
- So you wanna talk conspiracies? try this on for size. JUST GO THERE...
- ConCen An eye openinger
- What you should not here.. Knowing litle about lot is better than know lot about a little...
- Chemtrails Data Page Chemtrails - Frequently Asked Questions
- CHEMTRAIL CENTRAL Þetta er forum um Chemtrails og málefni tengd efna úðun úr lofti..
- Chemtrails news, articles and information Cemtrails=Efnarákir
- CHEMTRAILS -HAARP-GEOENGIERING-DEPOPULATION AT WORK CHEMTRAILS síða- fyrrverandi FBI starfsmaður leysir t.d. frá skjóðunni- núna látinn..
- Efnaúðun -veðurfarsstjórnun í gegnum chemtrails Cemtrails=Efnarákir- Ísland er ekki undanskilið þessu ógeði!
- Chemtrails = Aerosol spraying to change the atmosphere. Chemtrails = Aerosol spraying of barium, "fibers", pathogens.
- Efnaúðun -veðurfarsstjórnun í gegnum chemtrails Cemtrails=Efnarákir
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